Friday, August 20, 2010

Dear Mom, Pa, Ele Letter No. 73

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/20/43
Letter No. 73
Rec'd --

Dear Mom, Pa, Ele,

Before I start you'll have to excuse this sheet of paper. The last minute I found out that I ran out of this type of paper and this sheet isn't to
[o] clean. Ma[y]be you can get me some more?
Well it's Friday nite & I'm still here. Gosh I wish I ship out & get started on the course. I just found out today that after the first term we can get furloughs providing we pass. After that between terms we'll just get 7 days off. That will make me work all the harder. That's good news huh?
I received my daily letter today from Anita. I can almost count on it being here every nite. Gosh she's swell. How did you like her picture?
I got a swell letter from Ed tonight (my boss). He told me all about his job and it seems he's got a swell position, and he really likes it & he's making out swell.
While on that subject did I ask you to send me the pictures of the house that Ed designed? The one for Mr. Schultz from Mill Neck, Long Island? If not will you send them to me ma. I want to show Anita them. I sent the stuff back to you when I sent the stuff I showed to Helen Riley from St. Louis. Remember?
I got a card from Borella tonight also. He's at the State College of Washington & he feels pretty lonely being he was sent there and none of us was sent with him. He is a swell guy.
During calisthenics today we were lifting weights in the gym. I felt pretty good after that too. I never did that before.
I'm still studying and am refreshing pretty well.
I am so glad Grandma got her flat rented. I bet that's a relief off her mind. How is Grandma, ma?
And how is everything with you. Do you have to visit the doctor any more? Gosh I wish I could see you ma.
How big is Eleanor? I think I asked you that in my last letter.
I'll close now hoping this letter finds you all in the best of health.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Love & Kisses,

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