Monday, August 23, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 74

Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho
Letter #74
Rec'd 110 & 111

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Monday and here we start another week. I guess we'll ship out this week. I hope.
Well this weekend was pretty good compared to last weekend. They had a camp U.S.O. show at the auditorium last nite. It was a crazy show, just as the name applied "Crazy Show." They certainly made us laugh. The master of ceremonies was the best. He was the craziest. We all liked it an awful lot.
On Sat. nite it also rained cats & dogs for the first time. But I didn't mind it. I am quite used to it after Tacoma.
Sunday morning we went to ten o'clock mass. This time I sat up in front so I could hear him. Last week I didn't hear a word he said.
Sunday afternoon I went to the show & saw Noel Coward's "
In Which We Serve." It was very good. It was an excellent production.
As soon as I get to a permanent college, I would like you to send me my slide rule, the book on logarithms, structural handbook and any books you think I can use. I believe they are all in the bottom drawer. I guess Boby can pick out the books ma, if she has the time. But don't send them until I get to my college.
Boy the scrapbook certainly is a good idea. After it's all over we can go over it and look at all the little odds & ends. That will be swell. I will include a pair of stripes in this envelope.
You said in your letter (110) how were you to address the envelope? I assume you meant Elfrieda? If so I guess you send it to Elfrieda's house and put Mr. & Mrs. Kopetz. Or to Elfrieda & Eddie. I guess you can ask Boby about that. Elfrieda's address:
93-32 123rd St.
Richmond Hill, NY
I am so glad the doctor said you're OK. I guess you are too healthy ma, that you are picking up so much weight. It is a good idea to keep in touch with him and as long as it is once every 2 months there is no set back and as it is once every two months. There is only one thing sure & that is -- you're all right.
I wish you would write to Joe again and tell him I passed etc.
The star on the envelope means Specialized Training and Reassignment Unit.
I am getting along pretty good with my studies and the quizzes they give are Ok and I passed all of them so I feel I'm doing Ok.
You can send the stamps if you wish ma, because they will be forwarded. Thank Grandma & give her a big kiss for me. The stamps certainly come in handy all the time.
I ran across a letter today which I don't believe I answered. I must have gotten it right before I left McChord. It's letter #102. You asked me about the watch I was wearing. It was a friend of mine. He just lent it to me & I gave it back to him when I left for this place.
I shall close now hoping Bob & Ann had a swell time & you are all in the best of health.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

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