Monday, January 31, 2011

Dear Ma. Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 109

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene ORE

Letter No. 109
Rec'd 166

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Boy this term is certainly passing by. It's the beginning of the 8th week already. Only 5 more till the end of the term.
There were rumors a while ago that they were going to liquidate the A.S.T.P., and just recently there were plans to reduce the program. So I don't know what they are going to do about it. I just hope we are not dropped out. I really would like to complete this program.
I got my eye glasses Sat. and they feel pretty good. They rest my eyes better than the others do. Sat. night Tiny and I went up to the Oregon State College campus to see the basketball game between the U. of O. and O.S.C. It was a swell game. They had to play overtime and U. of O. won by 43-38. Right after the
[game] they had a dance which was pretty good only I think our orchestra is much better. Sunday afternoon we went to the show and saw "Destination Tokyo." It was a very good picture and enjoyed it very much. We [bought] film and we are going to take pictures whenever we get a chance. Probably next Sunday. We couldn't take them yesterday because the weather wasn't so good.
Gosh Ele in the seventh term already. It hardly seems believable. As long as she continues her studies it doesn't make any difference how young she is. Right?
As soon as you find the negatives you can get two sets made and send me a set. OK?
It's starting rain a bit again. I caught myself a slight cold. But I'll get rid of it like I do all the rest.
I hope everybody is OK and I'm glad grandma is OK. I'll close now wishing I hear from you more often ma. I don't get much mail now.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 108

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene ORE

Letter No. 108
Rec'd 164-165

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It's Monday night and it's my turn on charge of quarters. Each one gets his change according to alphabetical order. Tony, my roommate, had it yesterday (Sunday). I was lucky to get it on a weekday. We just have to stay in the orderly room from 6 PM o'clock instead of studying at the study hall.
Sat. afternoon after our 3 o'clock class we had a medical inspection and then Tiny & I went down town. I went to an optician to get my eyes examined because they would tire every once in awhile. He said my left eye was alright but my right eye wasn't too good. He prescribed something different than my G.I. glasses He is going to put them in my civilian frames. He is going to charge me ten dollars. I will let you know how they feel after I wear them for awhile.
Sat. night Tiny and I went to canteen at Gerlinger Hall. We had a nice time there. My shirt got a bit sweated up and was quite wrinkled so Tiny offered to iron it for me. Wasn't that sweet of her. Boy did the house mother laugh when she heard it. I thought it was awful cute tho. And after Tiny did iron it she said she could have made a better job of it if she had sprinkled it first. She's really a swell kid ma.
Sunday morning we went to Church (9:30 mass). We ate down town and then went to the show and saw "Thousands Cheer." It was really swell. Did you see it? I don't remember whether you told me or not. If you did, remember Hose Iterbia, he was the great piano player and conductor? Well that wasn't spelled right. He judged Tiny in a national piano playing tournament and gave her first in it. She also was sitting at the same piano with him when he played already. Her music teacher and Iturbia are the best of friends. Isn't that swell! She felt so good when she saw him. She thinks he's just about tops.
Joe D'Angelo likes candy as far as I can remember ma. Maybe you can pick him up some sort of candy.
That's certainly great news about Frank. About him coming home and also about him meeting his cousin. I was thinking that if and when he does come home he could stop a day at the university here. It's such a short way from San Francisco. What do you say about the idea. I also think it's a great idea about Ann & Frank to get married. Only I'll be disappointed if I can't be an usher.
I am so glad Grandma is up and around again. You give her my love and kisses, OK, ma? I received a swell card from Grandma with the air mail stamps. Always in time. Thank Grandma for me. The weather here is snapping up a little just now but still isn't too cold. I'll close now hoping everybody is in the best of health and very happy.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Tell Ele not to worry so much about her exams.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 107

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene ORE

Letter No. 107
Rec'd 162

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well here it is another week. Boy is this term going fast. It's just about half over already. And as per usual I had another good weekend. They had a swell set up here on Sat. From 5:45 to 2:45 they had a dance called the nickel hop and it was held in all the sorority houses. 3 dances for 5 cents. They wanted to raise money for a plaque to be erected for the boy in the service from the University. I believe they made out quite successful. Right after the nickel hop they had a basketball game which was pretty good. We won 52-33. And right after the basketball game they had a dance & the band from our company played and boy they were good. I'm making a jitterbug out of Tiny. I guess you've heard that before. We had a swell time.
Sunday morning we went to 9:00 mass and in the afternoon we went to the show and saw "Salute to the Marines." It was very good and I think I saw Frank. What part of the picture was he in? I want to see if I am right. We also saw "Redhead from Manhattan." It was pretty good also.
I got another letter from Frank and one from D'Angelo. They were both swell letters. Frank & Joe seem to be OK. Joe said he received your letters. He is in the Hawaii Islands and couldn't write any sooner.
I just found out that the old outfit I came from (the 1875 Eng.) is overseas.
I am glad Grandma is feeling better. I hope she takes it easy for awhile. But if I know Grandma I don't think she will.
So the dog is giving you a little trouble huh. Well ma, be patient. As soon as he gets used to things he'll be more friendly etc.
The weather out here is just like spring. I can't get over it. We didn't even have to wear our overcoats yet.
Say ma in my bottom drawer you'll find a "tech" handbook of 1937. The little blue book with all the pictures of Brooklyn Technical High School. Will you please send it to me. OK. And in my album there are negatives of the house my boss designed with the circular staircase. You know. Well I should like to show them to Tiny so will you please send me a set of them. OK.
I am in the best of health and I hope you all are too. I will close now so until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 106

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene ORE

Letter No. 106
Rec'd 160, 161, 161

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I had another successful weekend. They had a formal dance in the gym (MacArthur Court) and I took Tiny and we had a swell time. She wore a rose colored formal this time. I think the looks good in just about everything she wears. Everything went swell during the evening but just before the night was over we had a little accident. We were walking home and we just got up to the sorority house when Tiny slipped on a piece of ice. (It frosts pretty easy around here there is so much humidity in the air). And she hurt her backside. All day Sunday she was limping around but it's getting better. As long as it isn't serious.
Sunday morning we went to church. In the afternoon we went to Gerlinger Hall and she played for me again.
I got a letter from Sonny (Fio) and he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant. Boy was I happy to
[hear] that. He won't get his wings until he completes his flying hours but he's got his rating. It certainly made me feel happy.
I also received a letter from Frank and he said he received my V. letter on Christmas Day. I was glad to hear that. Everything seems to be going all right with him.
I was inducted into the army a year ago yesterday. Gosh it seems like ages.
I got pretty good marks in my tests in the first marking period. I got 80 in math, 84 in chem., 90 in physics, B in Geog., 90 in hist. and the rest I didn't find out yet.
I certainly got a laugh when you explain how you tried to give the dog a pill. Gosh it was funny.
I got a letter from Elfrieda today. She doesn't say too much as she is busy getting ready to move when her husband goes into service.
I got two letters from Sister. I am glad everybody liked all their presents so much. It really made me feel good.
I don't think I mentioned it but I got the card from Mrs. Hall telling me she was going to make the Novena for me. I want you to thank her ever so much.
I am glad Grandma is better only she shouldn't work so hard. You are right. She should take a rest until she is stronger. Send Grandma my love & kisses.
So you all had snow in N.Y. huh! We still didn't get any here. I am in the best of health and hope you all are also. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 105

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene ORE

Letter No. 105
Rec'd 158

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well I started the New Year off right. Friday I went to confession (the priest came up to Gerlinger Hall) and Sat. morning before classes they had a mass at Gerlinger Hall and this morning I went to church again and received Holy Communion. We had to go to classes on Friday and Sat. as usual so Friday night (New Years Eve) I was in bed by 10:30. I'm glad though because I don't like New Years anyway. I didn't mind it but some of the others fellows didn't like is so much.
They had a wonderful meal over here on New Years Day. They put white table cloths on the tables with candles on each table and put out all the lights and only the candles were lit and the Christmas tree and boy it looked nice. They also had a swell meal. Chicken, peas, filling, sweet potatoes, pie, ice cream, milk & coffee, bread & butter. It was really very good.
I received Ele's picture and boy was I surprised. She looks so much older and beautiful. I just kept staring at the picture. Boy it's swell. Thanks a lot Ele.
And I received a letter from Boby with the money order. Thanks a lot Bob it always comes in handy.
I'm glad you all liked the presents. I thought you all would. And what is this about a dog. After all these years you all get a dog. Well I want to know one thing are you going to keep him? And what is his name?
I hope Grandma is over her cold. Send Grandma my best love & kisses. And I'm glad Grandma liked the present.
I have a few post cards of the State Capitol building at Salem and will put them in a separate envelope. I also have a patch that I told you about. I will include that with the post cards.
I forgot to tell you about those pictures we took that time. They didn't turn out good at all and it wouldn't be worth sending them home. Only two came out and they were awful.
You say I received a card from Ann. If you send me her address I will drop her a line OK.
We still don't wear our overcoats. The weather is still mild. We had a little rain over the weekend.
I'll close now hoping you are all in the best of health and very happy in the New Year. Until then I remain,
Your Loving Soldier Boy,