Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 23

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
Flight "A" 31 T.S.S.
U.S. Army
Jefferson Barracks, MO

Date 2-26-43
Letter No. 23
Rec'd 28-29-30

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I can't write much tonight because it is 8:30, lights out at 9 & I got K.P. tomorrow.
Yesterday I went thru regular routine & in the night I wrote a letter to Ele & then fell asleep.
Today we had a very interesting lecture & exhibition on camouflage. It was really very informational & I enjoyed it very much. I have pictures I clipped out of the paper about it & I will send them to you later.
Tonight my name was called out to get a shot. So I had to march over to the other side of the camp for a shot. My arm doesn't hurt anymore when I get the shots.
I just got back so I thought I better write tonight because I got K.P. We have to get up at 3:30.
I will answer your letters in my next letter.
There is just one thing that you said that made me feel a bit depressed. In fact I was worried about it ever since I got your letter (#30). You said that I said that I threw all your letters away. Well ma I don't recall writing anything like that at all. I couldn't say that because I have every letter you sent me. In fact I have every letter anybody sent me. I intended to send them home when I get a big batch. I wish you would look at that letter again. In fact I wish you would send it to me. I would like to look at it. If there is anything which you misunderstood I would like to know about it so I can be more careful of what I write. You know ma your letters mean so much to me & that I wouldn't throw them away. I always kept little things that meant something to me & I always will.
I think that's all I can say right now.
I received Bobby's letter & will answer that one when I answer yours.
So until you hear from me I hope you all are in the best of health & hoping the letter makes you very happy because of the misunderstanding. Give my love to Grandma I don't think I'll have time to write.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

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