Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 16

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio Date 2-12-43
Flight "F" 360 T. S.S. Letter No. 16
Jefferson Barracks, MO. Rec'd 18 & 19

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Thurs. we drilled in the usual routine. I always like to start off with what I did since I last wrote & then answer your letters. Thurs. afternoon 24 of us were called out for special drill for a guard duty. The
[y] called the just 24 in alphabetical order. We were given rifles and were taught how to present arms, etc. We all had to serve two hrs. of guard duty. I got from 4 am to 6 am (Fri. morn.). I ordinarily get up at 5 so I only missed one hr. sleep. The other fellows had to get up an[d] serve two hrs. early in the morning such as 12 to 1 etc. We had to sleep with our clothes on & at 5 min. to 4 the corp. of the guard would wake us up. When I got finished at 6 I went to chow. After chow we had to go out on the drill field & practice. The past few days it's really been cold here. After drill we had chow & then in the afternoon we had a parade at retreat for the General. The band was playing & we had to march past the General. It went pretty good. The only thing was my feet really hurt a bit today - after all I have been on them from 4 this morning. Tonight I'm going to bed early and catch up on some sleep. Well I think that's all for the present.

Today I also got a letter I mean a card from Frank. I'm glad I wrote him, so that he probably will get it.
You say Cliff squawks about the amount of food he gets
. Well he can always go up for seconds. That's what they do here. I didn't go up for seconds because one fills me up but I'm always eating crackers or something after chow.
Say before I forget it, I just went down to get one of the packages. It was from Barb. Well as soon as I opened it I knew what it was & then I polished my 3 pairs of shoes. I'm so glad I got it because we have to polish our shoes every day & I hated to borrow it all the time.
Your letters get here in two days ma. That's plenty fast enough. You sent this letter on the 10th & I got it on the twelfth.
I haven't smoked very much. I smoke my pipe once in awhile. At my permanent camp you can send me some tobacco. I could use a little wrist broom for my clothes (small one) & some handkerchiefs. Whenever you get to the ave. will be all right. It's really no rush.
I'll try to write Grandma as often as I can ma. You know I'll try to make her as happy as I can.
Well I think that's all for now. I'm going to take a shower & then hop in bed. So with my next letter,
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

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