Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 63

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "H" Star Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow Idaho

Date 7/29/43
Letter No. 63

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Boy I guess you were al surprised when you received the telegram. But gosh it all happened so fast.
We found out Wed. that we were going to be shipped to University of Idaho and we packed an off we went! There were only 10 fellows from the whole company so I guess I am pretty lucky. Davidson came along with me. And Borella came from his outfit so we are all together for awhile again. I never thought that anything would come up again about an army college. But you can't tell what's going to happen from one day till the next.
We left at 5 o'clock Wed. night & went to the Union depot in Tacoma. And caught the 8:40 train. We arrived here at 12 noon today just in time for chow. We had pullman cars only I didn't get much sleep because it was so hot. Moscow is right on the border line between Wash. & Idaho. This university is certainly a swell one. It's really beautiful. We have rooms in the dormitory that the girls used to sleep in. They say there are some girls on the grounds but they are probably some place on the other side of the campus. In my room there are 6 other fellows & a suite & a bath tub. Boy I hope to tell you this doesn't feel much like the army.
When we came into the mess hall they had girls & civilians dishing out the food and civilians for K.P.s and the food is swell here. With milk standing on the table. It almost knocked me over.
We were given a little speech by the officer and he told us that this is a replacement [?]. We will be given tests and interviews and if we pass we will leave for one of the colleges. Which one I don't know. But they do send quite a few back east so keep your fingers crossed.
In this course we will have very little time for ourselves. I'll tell you about the schedule when I find out more about it.
That means ma that I won't get my furlough for awhile although if I don't make the grade here they would send me back to my old outfit and things would be the same as before, but I'll try my best because I know you want me to go to college. I asked you in the telegram to wire me the money just in case I should get to a college and if the course didn't start I may have a chance to get a furlough before I did start. That's a long chance but I heard of it happening already.
That's all I can say about what's taken place now but I will write again and let you know as things take place.
Last week when I went to the U.S.O. dance I met a girl named Anita Becker. And so I had a date with her Sunday. You all must think I'm quite a casanova but I am really not. It's just that when I find a nice girl I like to take her out.
Well anyway she took me over to meet her parents and we had a swell time. Peggy was the kind of girl you could have a swell time with, but Anita seemed so different especially when I met her parents and out what a good bringing up she had. And when we sat down to eat Sunday nite her father said a prayer before and after meals. I[t] made me feel so good.
And guess what she can play the piano. And boy can she play. Her hands just glide over the keys. I hope Barb & Ele get to play like that.
Oh. Yes. When we left 5 o'clock Wed. it took us a half hour to get to the Union depot. So we had from that time till 8:30 for ourselves. So I called up Anita as soon as we reached the station and she came down within 30 minutes. She made me feel so good. Like if she cared and when the train pulled out of the station she walked along the station until the train went to[o] fast and the only thing she could do was wave goodbye.
I am sorry I couldn't stay at McChord Field for awhile because I know she would be only to[o] perfect. I hope I get to meet her again sometime. And I know you would like her an awful lot ma. I think she gave me that extra punch before I left and [I] think I will need it as this course isn't going to be any snap as we will be working from morning till night.
I shall close now ma and will write real soon as things progress. Please say a pray[er] that I will pass & that I be sent to a college near home. I will write Grandma tomorrow so tell Grandma all about it until her letter comes, o.k. So until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Love & Kisses.

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