Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dear Ma & Pa & Barb & Ann & Ele


Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

I was all set to write a nice long letter today because there is so much to tell you all. But yesterday we moved into tents and ever since then we have been G.I. the tents & the barracks we moved out of. And we have to be ready for inspection at 3 o'clock. And tonight the fellows are going into town. So I'll write tomorrow night. Boy I'll write you a book because there is plenty to tell you.
I feel fine, still have plenty to eat & I believe still picking up weight.
I hope you all feel fine and are in the best of health.
So until tomorrow night.

I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. I hope you liked the flowers Ma.

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