Friday, May 22, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 48

Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date May 22, 1943
Letter No. 48
Rec'd 72 & 73

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, & Ele,

How is everybody? I feel pretty good.
Nothing too much has happened this week. It's just a regular routine. We got to the R.R. everyday and work until 5 o'clock. We eat out there at noon time. It's really turning out swell and everything is in control. There wasn't much work on the R.R. for the surveyors today so we got another job, surveying a baseball field. It's pretty interesting.
In the night we got to bed early or go to the show or clean up our tent or G.I. our shoes & equipment.
Last night we went to the show and saw "Dark Command." It was good. I didn't see a western picture for a long time.
We are on the alert. In fact the whole post is and nobody can get passes until the alert is over. So this weekend I guess we'll just have to stay here.
I turn my laundry in each week now. They do it pretty good. It certainly is a relief not doing it anymore.
Yesterday I received two packages. A swell picture frame from Ann. It really is sweet & has a swell saying on it. Thanks, Ann.
Ma, when I opened the other package I didn't know what to say. I really don't know how you got all those things in that small box. I tried to put them back in but I'll be darned, I couldn't get it back in again. Everything is certainly useful. I can use handkerchiefs, socks I certainly can use, especially the kind you sent me. And they are plenty big enough around the top. The candy is always useful. The razor blades I certainly did need. I was on my last one. As for the shaving cream, I got a couple more shaves in it. I forgot to say. I like those handkerchiefs an awful lot. The writing paper I needed badly. The tobacco I always can use & cigarettes. In other words you hit the nail on the head. Boy our minds run along together, don't they ma? Telepathy again.
We have a little day room for ourselves now. It hasn't much in it yet. But they fix it up a little more each day.
I am going to enclose a couple of dollars to buy some flowers for Aunt Jo's grave. And please say a prayer for Aunt Jo for me. O.K. Ma?
Well I shall close now hoping you are all healthy & happy & hope Ann feels better. I hope the doctor can do something. And please send my love to Grandma.
So until my next letter
I remain Your Loving Soldier

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