Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 40

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
U.S. Army

Date 4-14-43
Letter No. 40
Rec'd 55 & 56

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

How is everybody? Still all O.K. Right? I feel fine.
Since Monday nothing too much has happened. On Monday we had calisthenics & lectures. Most of the lectures we had all ready.
One of the lieutenants gave us a speech on army organization. He also told us how we stand. We are attached to the air corps. And Ma I'm pretty lucky I think. As you remember I wanted to join the Sea Bees, and their job was to build the air fields for the navy and defend what the they build. Well the Engineer Aviation Battalion has the same function. They build the air bases for the army. Pretty good huh. If the navy don't want me, I'll do it for the army. O.K. huh.
I asked the lieutenant what were my chances of a draftsman or a surveyor. He said if you have past experience in it they will give you one of those jobs if possible. They will call us when they need us. But between you and I ma, my chances are pretty good I think. I'll just have to see how things run.
Monday night at 5 o'clock I had to go on guard for 24 hrs. 2 on 4 off. It was pretty easy. So I got off guard last night at 5 o'clock. My buddy got it tonight.
So today we had calisthenics as usual & a couple more lectures & this afternoon we had a hike (6 miles) and for the last half mile we had to double time (run). Boy I'm a bit tired but it's not so bad. As long as I get my regular sleep it's O.K. And I have been going to bed at 9 o'clock.
I got a letter from Joe Cohn. He is being shipped again. He tried for meteorology & made it, but it seems like there is no room for him as the W.A.A.C.'s are taking over. So he is going to radio school instead. He said he would write as soon as he reaches his new camp.
On Grandma's pillow case there is a little air corps pin like the one I sent to you. Make sure Grandma gets it.
I sent Aunt Anna's handkerchief separate.
As for Aunt Tennie you are perfectly right ma. The heck with her. You know ma, when I was back home we always agreed on everything. I always saw your side so clearly. I miss you so much ma. Your little pat on the back made me feel so good. And when you're home all alone just write me a nice long letter. It doesn't matter too much what it is even if it's about those little plants in my room. I know you can't write too much especially when you write me so often but no matter what it is I enjoy it because it's from you ma. If you only could send a word everyday that everybody was alright that's all I want to hear. That's all I need to keep me feeling like a million. But always let me know everything that happens like you always have been doing.
Tomorrow night there is a dance in the recreation hall. So my buddy & I are going. We had to get the tickets (free) from the orderly room & the lieutenant was there. He asked me whether I was going to the dances that are going to be held by the 1875th in the near future. I told him I wouldn't miss them. I told him I was one of those Jitterbugs from N.Y. He said he knew that when he looked at me. Boy it makes it a lot nicer when the lieutenants talk to you & kid around with you. They are all pretty young & are all swell.
Thanks for filling my request ma, by having that little party for just you & I. I guess we both couldn't be so happy so far apart but the spirit was there wasn't it ma. We just had to have a party together, right?
Thanks for making the corsage for Elfrieda. I'm positive she will like them. I got a letter from her today. I also got a card from the girl in St. Louis & she says she is writing me a letter. She is a very nice girl ma. And I also got a letter from Dot & Dave. She said Ann was in the store. She said what a nice girl Ann was. And by gosh she's right. We all know that.
I will enclose the little clipping I left out of the other letter.
So I will close now for awhile. Give my love to Grandma. Please ma and my love to all.

Your Loving Son
& Soldier Boy,

P.S. Din't get the package yet.

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