Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dear Helen


Dear Helen,

Here it is Wed. night & the sun is setting beyond the horizon. I really should say it is finally setting. It must have rained & sun shined about 50 times today. Off & on, but I'm getting kind of use to it now.
It's been a very busy week up here, so far away from it all. Last Mon. (12) I got 24 hr. guard duty. Two hrs. on & four hours off. Guard duty isn't so bad, but it gets kind of lonely walking around in the dark. I always start to think of different things & about back home etc., and gosh it makes me feel awful homesick.
During the week we had calisthenics and lectures on different topics and a few hikes thrown in. It may seem like a simple routine but from the time we get up in the morning (6 am) till 6 pm we are on the go all the time, with a few ten minute breaks thrown in here & there. In other words we don't have any time for ourselves during the day. So in the night we have to take care of all our personal needs & still try to have a good time. Well if you think we don't have a good time, you're mistaken. We have a good time by kidding around in a decent way or go to the post theatre or go to any dance on the post.
Well Thurs. night I went to a dance at the post recreation hall. Boy was it lousy. They had about 6 soldiers to every girl & the girls dancing wasn't anything to talk about. Oh why couldn't they leave me at J.B. for a few more months. I don't think I'll ever stop feeling sorry for myself.
Friday night I went to the post theatre and saw "Forest Rangers" with Fred Macunny (sp?) & Paulette Godard. It was a very good picture.
Sat. is our regular day for inspection. We all passed believe it or not.
This past Tuesday I got K.P. again. It wasn't so bad. I'm getting quite a knack for it now. Pretty soon I'll be an expert.
You know whenever I receive a letter from you, I just (?) away into the corner & read it and I'll be gosh darn if there isn't a perpetual smile on my face. Even my buddies say "It must be a letter from Helen." Even he knows you now.
Before I forget it, thanks for your Easter card. I must say it was very appropriate, symbolic & colorful. (I also like cards an awful lot). By the way, my sister works for Hall Bros. Inc., the maker of Hallmark cards. I noticed the card you sent me was a Hallmark card. They do turn out some beautiful cards. What do you say on the subject being you associate with it at your time of pleasure.
My sister (youngest) was in N.Y. the other day and sent me some post cards which will also help you obtain a picture of N.Y.C. And while on the subject I want to thank you immensely for postcards etc. on St. Louis. I found it very interesting & will send it home to show my family with your compliments.
This afternoon I was interviewed & classified for the fourth time since I'm in the army. I was again classified as a topographic draftsman. I will not go to actual school. I guess they figure I have enough background to carry out my task & to do a well enough job without further schooling. It's O.K. with me as I probably will still get my rating in due time.
I will enclose my picture.
I'm glad to hear you are going to play tennis. I think everybody that has an office job should get plenty of exercise during the summer & even after working hrs. if possible. Being you go to dances, you get exercise. When I was home that's the only way I got exercise, just by dancing. Sometimes I got an awful workout too.
As it stands, I think it's fairly complete, but not as complete as I could like to write, but I will try to write more next time. O.K.
So until I hear from you I will be waiting filled with anxiety. Hoping you & your family are in the best of health.
Remaining As Ever

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