Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 32

Anthony J. Curcio
4th A.F.R.D. SQD. "A"
Hammer Field, Fresno, Calf.

Date 3-21-43
Letter No. 32

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I'm here in California and it's pretty nice here, but I'm glad I am not going to stay here. Because I wouldn't want to have a permanent camp so far away from home. So I just have to pray that when I go to school it will be much closer to home. The weather here, when the sun is out is just like a summer day. Some of the fellows that were here awhile already lay out on the grass in the sun & get a tan. I heard we just missed a period of rain. I'm glad we did. Fri. & Sat. the sun was really hot. Today it's been a bit cool because the sun hasn't been out all day.
The food here is pretty good. I think so far it's been better than J.B. The system is a heck of a lot better here also. We don't have the cadet style when we go to the mess hall. We get up when we are finished. The bread & butter is on the table, also the coffee, and you can eat as much as you want. At J.B. the most butter you could get was a little slice. We get plenty of fruit here also. (You know Calf.) Sometimes we get lemon & orange-ade instead of coffee. Oranges & bananas with our meals, pineapple & peach pie, apricots. Sometimes we get cocoa also or tea.
They have a good system here I like it very much. We use our own canteen to eat with. It's pretty large enough to hold all the food, we have our own cup, fork, knife & spoon. It eliminates the work for K.P.s After we eat we put the excess food in a barrel & then pass on to 3 more barrels. The first is boiling hot soapy water where we wash our stuff with a brush & then pass on to the other two to rinse them. They have fires under the barrels to keep the water boiling. Then it's up to each individual to keep his own equipment clean. Which is a smart idea. Right?
The streets here are paved & the barracks are set just like houses on a street. Each barrack has a latrine & shower to you don't have to run a mile to go to the bathroom or wash your clothes. We were lucky to get into a barrack, some of the fellows were put in tents. Not many though.
It's very easy here, no discipline here at all. I mean to clothing & marching, etc. You can wear what you want when you want to. At J.B. you always had to conform to standards. Everybody had to wear the same thing at J.B.
We can't get any passes for awhile & if we do it will only be for 6 hours.
Wel on Fri. When we came in we ate & then got our barracks & then got a physical check up. That took all morning. In the afternoon after chow we got our bedding. Then after chow I sent the telegram. Then I took a shower, shaved & washed my hair & then wrote the letter.
Sat. We had to G.I. our hut & be ready for inspection. A lieutenant & captain came around & inspected the barracks, us & our mess kits to see that they were clean.
In the afternoon we went to the classifying office. They told me I would be sent to a drafting school but I can take a test & if I pass the test I can go to one of the colleges and learn drafting. I have to take the test this coming Friday, March 26 - that means I will not get my new address until I get classified. It feels awful funny not hearing from home. I hope everything is all right and everybody is in the best of health.
Today I went to church. It's right around the corner. After church I sewed the insignia on my arm. You know like the one I sent you with the the wings & the star. The sewing kit comes in very handy. Then I went to the P.X. to make out a money order. I'll be sending you $10.00. I'll send whenever I can & you can do whatever you want with it. In fact I will say instead, use it to buy yourself something. All the money I send you buy things for yourself. That's between you & I ma. You know what I mean. This is NOT a birthday present.
I'll tell you more about the camp in my next letter. So goodnight & please read this letter to Grandma.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. I washed my clothes last night. We have plenty of hot water here. That's one thing we didn't have at J.B.

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