Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 25

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio 23


Jefferson Barracks, MO.

Date 3-3-43
Letter No. 25
Rec'd 32-33

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

Boy it was cold here the past few days. We had snow up here on Tues. I guess I was pretty lucky. The past two days, yesterday & today we were indoors getting instructions on the rifle & sub-machine gun. How to take them apart, etc. It's pretty interesting, Tomorrow we go on the range and have some fun. Last night I had guard duty again. This time it was in one of the latrines. I had it from 8 to 11. It wasn't bad because it was inside. After I finish this letter I will go and wash my clothes. Oh yes, this morning I went to get a pair of G.I. glasses. The other day they said whoever wants a pair of G.I. glasses should sign up. So I did. Why not huh. So we went this morning & guess what. They are 20/20. I asked him about the glasses I have & he said I was far-sighted & these were rest glasses when I did close work. So I guess Dr. Klevir (?) was O.K. So I'm getting a pair of G.I. glasses of the same strength. I figure G.I. glasses would be less apt to break.
Tonight before chow we signed the payroll. I didn't think we would get anything until we get to a permanent camp. But as far as I gather we will get a small sum to keep us going.
In your letter today I received the 2 dollars. Thanks Ma. It really came in handy. If you can't send any next week I don't want you to, but maybe Dad can send some. I don't know when we will get paid. It will probably take several weeks if we are still here. If we should get shipped before we are paid that means we would probably have to wait until it catches up with us & that would take some time. I just want to be on the safe side. You know me. I got a couple of more souvenirs. I will wait until I get everybody something & then send them all together.
How is Boby? I hope it's nothing serious. Please write soon & let me know.
I give sister all the luck in the world. I hope she gets in Sperrys. It will do her a lot of good.
Boy when you mentioned sour meat & potato balls. Boy my mouth just started to water. I better just drop the subject right here before I start to get hungry again.
I hope dad makes out O.K. on his new job. I wish him a lot of luck. Why did he take that job. Tell me more about it.
I didn't go to any more dances or shows. I write everything as it happens so I don't miss telling you anything.
I didn't get my teeth examined yet but I don't think I have any holes because I don't feel anything. I will go at my first opportunity.
Thanks for your letter Bob. I don't think I can answer all your ques. but the one I must answer is the one about G.I. coffee. You tell Lil that I would travel from here to N.Y. for a cup of her coffee. The G.I. coffee is (?) Her coffee is worth something compared to this stuff. I'm not kidding either. By the way how is she making out? & how is Mr. Fletcher?
And thanks for your letter Ele. It was an excellent report. I hope I get many more like that. The poems I read already & it was a pleasure to read them over again.
You ask me about the socks Ma. I like both kind. They are much better than the G.I. socks. I also could use some blades and a shaving brush. (the one that Dad bought before I left). You could also send me crackers & candy if you like. And please try to get that stuff I asked in the last letter for Helen. O.K.
Well I should close now hoping you are all O.K. & How are those pills working Ma?
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. The address has just been changed, but I'm still in the same place.

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