Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 26

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
U.S. Army
23 TNG. GRD.
SQD. "A"
Jefferson Barracks, MO.

Date 3-5-43
Letter No. 26
Rec'd 34 & 35

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

Well today we had some snow again. It was pretty cold, but we had colder days than this already & it wasn't so bad.
Today was our 25th day of drill (our last) and tomorrow we are supposed to march before the colonel. If we pass we will get 24 hrs. guard duty, 2 hours on & 4 hrs. off. They used to give a long pass but now they have a new system. Ain't that nice of them. If we don't pass we will get our drill days extended to 36 days. But we seem pretty good, unless some guys aren't on the beam. (I can see now where Henry Massy get's that expression "on the beam." Everything here is "get on the beam.") Although tomorrow we may not go before the colonel because of the snow. Or maybe there will be too many & we will have to wait our turn.
Yesterday we went to rifle range. It was very interesting but very noisy. We got 30 shots with the machine gun & 25 shots with the rifle. Believe it or not I got a couple of bulls eyes with the rifle. They have instructors there to tell you what's what. They say that in the Air Corps you may never have to use any piece of armaments but they give it to you just in case you do have to protect yourself. I think this is the safest branch of the service because the Air Corps is so important that they have the best equipment. The only ones that really see battle are the airplane crew. If I get a drafting job maybe I'll never see battle but I sure would like to get my piece of this war like all the rest of the fellows. But we shall soon see & there is nothing to worry about now or then. Right?
Last night I took a shower. We also had personal inspection last night & I had to get another hair cut. If you really want to laugh, I was out of that chair in about 3 minutes. But just the same it cost 35 cents.
They say your supposed to get a hair cut every 2 weeks & shave every day. But I usually shave every 2 or 3 days & get a hair cut when they tell me. Some joke huh. But really I like it with my hair short & it really is neat & keeps clean. Maybe I'll always keep it like this, who knows.
Last night when I was in the latrine I found a beautiful ring from the University of Notre Dame. So this morning I turned it in to Sqd. headquarters. Later on in the morning before we went out to drill the fellow who owned it came in and thanked me & gave me a dollar. I didn't want to take it & walked quite a ways down the road trying to make him take it back but I couldn't give it to him, so I have a greenback which I can use. I have two dollars now which will last me until I get paid, I hope. Little things that turn up now & then add up. Like that hair cut & 25 cents to put a band (orange & blue) on my flight cap. But once things start to roll the money will flow in the opposite direction.
Joe Cohn is in the same basic training as I am & will be sent to school the same as I am.
Boy Ma I'm positive you are feeling O.K. now, for the simple reason that you are starting to clean & wash again. But don't do it all Ma. Take it easy & let the girls do their own clothes. One thing I found out being here & that is you can find plenty of time if you want to, regardless of what you have to do. With a little pressure, one can do anything. Right Ma. Give me an answer on that.
Good for Eleanor on the swimming problem, but she can learn to swim no matter what conditions are. Now I want to hear in a couple more weeks that she can swim. Now Ele get out there and learn I know you can do it.
Well we are on field ration now. But there is still plenty to eat. The only thing is we don't get so much ice cream & pie etc. But you can always go for double if you like. I've enclosed a clipping from a St. Louis paper about it.
Well the W.A.A.C.s have landed. 62 of them came into our camp yesterday. They will take over jobs in the offices. I didn't see any yet I guess there in a different part of camp.
That was my mistake about your misunderstanding. It was a mistake in writing. The word letter was supposed to be paper, after all I wanted to see when the paper was postmarked. I am sorry I made that mistake. I'll try to be more careful. If anything comes up again don't hesitate to ask me like you did this time.
Boy it must have been thrilling to see Frank in those pictures. Boy I bet you got a thrill right down your spine. Right?
My feet are holding out O.K. and I think I march pretty good now. (I hope) Joke.
Well I think that's all for now hoping you are all O.K. & in the best of health. Let me know how you are & how your conditions are changing. Have you done to the doctor yet? & Please let me know from time to time how Grandma is. Nobody tells me. (You know what I mean). Only you can tell me Ma. Then I will know Grandma is O.K. Has Grandma had anymore trouble with the house?
So until I write again, I remain,
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

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