Friday, July 26, 2013

Letter from Pvt. Fortunato C. Testa to Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Curcio

Somewhere in France

Hello Uncle, Aunt & Gang,

Hello Gang.  Here I am in France, and all is going along OK.  Here's hoping this letter finds you all in good health.  I arrived here ten days after the invasion.  How is Tony doing?  I hope he is still in the States, by this time he should have a few stripes, is he a Sgt. yet.  How is your stomach Uncle since you had your teeth yanked.  Well as long as you're feeling good, that's all that matters.  And Angie & Bobby, I suppose they are still single or have they got themselves married.  Eleanore must be a big girl now, and like her sisters & brother must be doing very well in school.  I'll close now.  God Bless you all.  'Til we meet again, Your 
Nephew & Cousin

--Sent by V-Mail Service--

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