Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 107

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene ORE

Letter No. 107
Rec'd 162

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well here it is another week. Boy is this term going fast. It's just about half over already. And as per usual I had another good weekend. They had a swell set up here on Sat. From 5:45 to 2:45 they had a dance called the nickel hop and it was held in all the sorority houses. 3 dances for 5 cents. They wanted to raise money for a plaque to be erected for the boy in the service from the University. I believe they made out quite successful. Right after the nickel hop they had a basketball game which was pretty good. We won 52-33. And right after the basketball game they had a dance & the band from our company played and boy they were good. I'm making a jitterbug out of Tiny. I guess you've heard that before. We had a swell time.
Sunday morning we went to 9:00 mass and in the afternoon we went to the show and saw "Salute to the Marines." It was very good and I think I saw Frank. What part of the picture was he in? I want to see if I am right. We also saw "Redhead from Manhattan." It was pretty good also.
I got another letter from Frank and one from D'Angelo. They were both swell letters. Frank & Joe seem to be OK. Joe said he received your letters. He is in the Hawaii Islands and couldn't write any sooner.
I just found out that the old outfit I came from (the 1875 Eng.) is overseas.
I am glad Grandma is feeling better. I hope she takes it easy for awhile. But if I know Grandma I don't think she will.
So the dog is giving you a little trouble huh. Well ma, be patient. As soon as he gets used to things he'll be more friendly etc.
The weather out here is just like spring. I can't get over it. We didn't even have to wear our overcoats yet.
Say ma in my bottom drawer you'll find a "tech" handbook of 1937. The little blue book with all the pictures of Brooklyn Technical High School. Will you please send it to me. OK. And in my album there are negatives of the house my boss designed with the circular staircase. You know. Well I should like to show them to Tiny so will you please send me a set of them. OK.
I am in the best of health and I hope you all are too. I will close now so until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

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