Monday, December 13, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 102

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene ORE

Letter No. 102
Rec'd 152, 153, 154, 155

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Here it is Monday the 13th of Dec. and we start our second term. It certainly was hard getting up this morning. We got new rooms assigned to us and I got a pretty good one again.
During the week I wrote Christmas cards to just about everybody I could think of. I hope I didn't miss anybody. I caught up on a few letters also.
I didn't do too much during the week. I was in practically every night by 10:30 as Tiny has to be in the sorority house by 10:30. Those are campus rules for the civilian students. One of the fellows and myself took a little trip out to the coast. It's only 60
[sic] to the pacific ocean so we thought we might as well see it. We hitch hiked to a small town on the coast named Florence. The town is about a block long. There was a coast guard station there so we went in & they showed us around and we went up into the tower and looked off into the ocean. It's a bit rough compared to the Atlantic. I threw a penny into the ocean for all of you so I guess you can make a wish. I also picked up some post cards which you can put in your scrapbook.
The next interesting thing that happened was--I was invited to a Christmas party Friday night. Tiny and her 3 roommates and the house mother and myself were the ones present. They had a little Christmas tree and all presents under it. And they all bought me something. I got two cartons of cigarettes, tobacco, aftershave lotion, and aftershave powder. I certainly was surprised. Tiny warned me ahead of time and I picked up a little gift at the co-op store. Tiny gave me her picture and I gave her a pair of rosary beads. We had cake & cokes. We had a swell time. Don't you think that was awful nice of them?
We got a new patch to put on our arm. Up until now they didn't have any insignia for the A.S.T.P. but they finally got one and it certainly is nice. It is blue and yellow and it has the cup of knowledge on it with a sword running through it. So soon as I get a hold of a couple more I'll send them home.
This term our subjects are Analytic Geometry, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, English, Mil. P.E. It's going to be a little tougher this term!
I received a money order and a Christmas card from Mr. Egerly. It was for $3.50. Who should I write to to thank. I don't believe he had his address on the envelope? It is I just looked.
I sent the package to you for Aunt Anna. It's bath salts and perfume. So will you please wrap it and give it to her? O.K.
I received my first Christmas Card from Grandma and Aunt Anna. I will thank Grandma & A.A. when I write.
Ma did you copy Joe D'Angelo's address down right? Being he is overseas I think there should be an A.P.O. No. Send it to me again O.K.?
Thank Boby for her letter. It certainly is good to hear from her.
I am glad you heard from Frank. I was getting worried. It's too bad everybody has colds. I got a touch of one myself but it doesn't amount even to talk about it. I hope you all get rid of them soon.
Oregon State College sent for the beaver R.R. express. It wasn't exciting as everybody thought it would turn out.
I do hope you get a tree this year ma. It wouldn't be Christmas ma without a tree. Would it?
I'll close now hoping everybody is in better health when you get this letter & I hope everybody is very happy.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Letter No. are OK.

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