Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 54

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 6/18/43
Letter No. 54
Rec'd 84 & 85

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

Here it is Fri. nite and for the 5th time this week it has been raining. We had very little sunshine this week.
Well my transfer didn't go thru as I expected it to. So I guess I have to stick to this outfit. I found out there were to be no transfers. Why I don't know. I guess I'll click in here sooner or later.
Remember in my last letter I said I was going to the show to see "Five Graves to Cairo." Well I did go and I enjoyed the picture an awful lot. Franchot Tone played an excellent part.
On Monday (14) there was a show in camp. It was "Camel Caravan" and boy was that a swell show. They had professional singers, comedians & dancers. Boy they certainly made us laugh. The master of ceremonies was a dead picture of James Cagney and boy did he act like him. I think the show was better than some I saw over in the N.Y. Paramount.
Wed. nite I went to the U.S.O. dance with Peggy Johnson. We had a swell time again. You ask me what she looks like. Well she has light brown hair, bluish gray eyes (I think), and I believe she is slightly overweight, although she doesn't look it. I have her picture, if you would like to see it, let me know.
We are still surveying on the road job, and things are progressing O.K. In fact I should say quite well.
I just got an idea. I am thinking of joining up with the aviation cadets. I am writing with a buddy of mine right now and was talking to him about it. He passed his test and waiting for his call to go to school. What do you think of the idea ma?
I sent a birthday card to Grandma. I would have liked to get something a little better but I didn't have any choice at the PX. But it's still pretty cute.
I don't know how Ele hurt her wrist she wrote me but I forgot. But it's all better now anyway.
I certainly appreciate Eleanor sending the clippings. I sure like to read them over. I will try to write to here when I get a chance. And that certainly was cute with all the jokes on the outside of the envelope.
Well I shall close now. I feel fine & hope everybody is the same. So long for a while
Love & Kisses
Your Loving Soldier Boy

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