Sunday, June 7, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 51

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 6/7/43
Letter No. 51
Rec'd 79-80-81

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Hello everybody. Well here it is Monday nite and once again I have a pile of mail to answer. I'll name some I have to answer - Sonny, Helen, Marnie, Miss Anderson, Bruno Borella, Joe D'Angelo - quite a few huh!
To start off I must tell you what I did yesterday. You remember I told you I went to the U.S.O. dance last week. Well I met a girl up there and we got to talking, and she told me about one of the beautiful parks they have here. So I said how would you like to go Sunday and show it to me. She said O.K. and so we went. And believe me mom, the park is beautiful. They have a small zoo (nothing like Central or Prospect) but it was nice. And they have rides (nothing like Coney Island) but it's nice. But the scenery and flowers and views far surpass that of any park I have ever seen. It over looks the water (Puget Sound) and it's beautiful. The park's name is Pt. Defiance. The girl's name is Peggy Johnson. She is a very nice girl and can dance swell.
If I can get a pass this Wed. we will go to the U.S.O. dance. I got some postcards of the park and street. I will send them soon.
Janet Blair is the one that played in "My Sister Eileen") was at the Recreation hall last week. But I didn't go because I wanted to write letters.
One of the lieutenents is going to try to get me into the drafting dept. for awhile if there is an opening, but I have still better news. We got a new company commander (1st Lieutenant with 15 years service) and he said that anybody who thought he was not fit for the outfit or felt he was misplaced should see him and he would try to get him a transfer. So I went up to see him. So I did. I told him I would like to go to topographical drafting school as I was classified to go and he said that he would try to get me transferred. He was swell. So maybe I'll be transferred. Who knows.
I have been surveying on a new job now & it's not so bad. We get another job as soon as one is done.
Ma everybody admires the bracelet so much. Boy I'm proud to wear it. They also like the ring too. And Ma the cake was so delicious it went so fast. The fellows went nuts over it. But don't ever do anything like that again because the people at home feel the food ration [?] us. But mom it was swell. And the cherries. Oh Boy.
We are all on field rations ma (all camps) but we still get plenty to eat.
Elfrieda got a sprained wrist and she writes short letters but it is getting better and she is writing long letters again.
I just got a letter from Helen and she is O.K. She tells me quite a lot about the flood but it is not near her home. I will enclose a clipping she sent me.
I certainly would like to hear that new piano piece Ele's got. let me know how she makes out with it.
The weather here is getting nicer, not so much rain anymore. Did I ever tell you when the sun sets here? Well it sets about 9 o'clock here. They say in the middle of summer there is only about 5 hrs of darkness. Some differences from N.Y. huh.
Well I shall close now & hoping everybody is in the best of health. So until I write again I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

P.S. I have a surprise for you ma. It will be on its way soon.

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