Monday, September 13, 2010

From Howard Barber to Tony

PFC. Howard A. Barber
Co. A - 843rd Eng. Am. Bn.
APO 644 c/o Postmaster
New York, New York


Hi Tony!

You lucky guy--going to A.S.T.P.! Boy I sure did miss going with you by a hair breath. I mighta known you would fall in love with someone in Washington just like at J.B. How about Idaho--any developments?
I got a four day furlough and went to London with Joe Garbowsky of B'k'l'n. Did you know him? We met a couple of swell gals and they are writing us now. Don Carter also wanted to be remembered to you. He took the A.S.T.P. test with us at Hammer Field. I told Walt Sexton to write to Delaney and he said he would. He didn't have his address. Tell Delany Sexton's address is the same as mine except he is in H & S company. It's swell you're still with the bunch that had basic together. I had to make all new friends in this outfit--however there are quite a few from New York and B'k'l'n.
PFC. Buckbee just made corporal but he has a big reputation as a "brown nose." I'm an assistant squad leader and am entitled to corporal's stripes but I'll be satisfied to get them when I've earned them.
So long--take care of yourself

P.S. Have you heard anything from Joe?

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