Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 77

Letter 77
Rec'd 114-115

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I think things are going to happen around here pretty soon as there are a lot of rumors flowing around here. Of course you can't believe the rumors but something is bound to happen.
We are pretty happy today as one of our buddies was accepted today in the advanced group. You see you have to under 22 to get into basic and he is 27 so he had to make the advanced. So they came to a conclusion. His marks weren't as high as they should be so they let him take the tests over & he just got word today that he made out better than they expected him to do. His name is Delaney. He is married and lives in St. Louis. When we were back at McChord Field his wife had a baby and he got an emergency furlough. He's a swell guy.
You probably have received a letter from Borella. He told me he wrote to you. He is at Washington State College. I told you about him being sent there. Well he feels pretty disgusted & I don't blame him. They are giving him an 8 day furlough and they want to give him an extra 3 day pass to get home. So he doesn't know what he is going to do. I told you that I was getting a furlough after my first term.
I hope they give us more than 8 days if we are out here some place. We'll just have to wait & see & hope for the best.
I got a letter from Elfrieda and she said she couldn't write a lot because she was all choked up. She was so happy that you sent her the present. She said she'll never forget what you all have done for her. And if I know Ele, she means it.
It's been damp and and cool all week already. I have my woolen O.P.s on and my flight jacket.
I'll write again shortly. I am fine & in the best of health. Hope you are all O.K. too. Until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. I forgot to answer the letters. I thought there was something missing. I received the card from Grandma with the stamps and they just came in time. Thank Grandma again for me. Between you and I mom I don't read half of her letters. I just look & see if there is anything about Grandma in them or anything that's important. It's strictly off the record. As long as we both feel the same way about it I thought I would mention it. But don't say anything to her.
You can still address the letters P.F.C. until I'm shipped. Maybe you can pick up a tube of shaving cream & send it along with the rest of the stuff. I won't need it for a while yet but by the time I'm shipped I will need it. Good bye now. Love,

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