Monday, September 20, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 86

Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O.
Letter 86
Rec'd ----

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It's Monday again and another report from your soldier boy.
Sat. morning we had inspection and we certainly had to have things on the ball. Anyway we passed. So we
[were] supposed to have from 3 o'clock Sat. off but they decided to have a medical inspection so we got off at 4 instead.
During P.E. on Sat. we were given tests in chins, [?], 300 yrd. run & piggyback for a hundred yards. By the end of the term we are supposed to do better. I did 7 chins, 10 3/4
[?] in 20 sec., 300 yd. run in 42.3 sec., piggyback in 24.8 sec. Boy was we tired and they aren't finished. We get a few more. I like it a lot. It's puts a lot of morale into things.
Sat. when we finally got into town we went to a show & saw "Reap the Wild Wind." I enjoyed it an awful lot. Also "Border Patrol." After that we went bowling again. This time I got 95-135-108. So now my high score is 135. I'm improving anyway.
Sunday morning I went to 9:30 mass. It seems like whenever I got to church someone picks me up in a car & takes me right in front of the church. This time it was a soldier in a 1942 Packard.
After chow we went to the show again & saw "The Constant Nymph" with Charles Boyer & Joan Fontaine. Boy I like that an awful lot. I also saw "Report from the Aleutians" which I enjoyed very much also.
Last night we had our regular study classes.
I received a package with shaving cream, cigarettes & candy and a picture of Bob & the girls in the jeep. Thanks a lot ma. But I didn't receive any pictures you mention in one of the letters. Which ones did you send if you did send them? Boy the shaving cream just came in time. I had one more shave in the old tube.
I hope you are going to send the books & slide rule. But don't send too many. I am sending a box tomorrow with a little book from the U. of O., a banner for Ele, & some letters.
Chow call so I'll say so long for a while. My subjects are coming along OK but the day is so long. But I'm not complaining. The weather is pretty nice too. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Please excuse the blots. I had a little difficulty.

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