U. of Idaho
Letter 79
Rec'd (two) 116
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
It is Monday morning & I believe things are starting to happen around here. DiFranza was shipped out yesterday. He's a language student.
Well DiFranza & I had another nice weekend. We went to Lewiston and almost didn't get there. Being DiFranza was shipping he had to be back at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. But we went anyway. Gerry Taplin (nurse) came down to meet us at the bus stop and we went to her house & had something to eat. Wall I certainly glad we went. Aside from having a good time, I saw the most beautiful sights I ever saw. There is a mountain right next to Lewiston and in order to get to Lewiston you have to go over the mt. It's about 6 thousand feet high and as you come down the side, the road makes hairpin curves all the way down. It took us about 30 minutes to get down. And from the top you can see Lewiston & Clarkston and Clearwater River & Snake River separating the two towns (HISTORICAL: that's where the Lewis & Clark expedition was ended. I believe they started from St. Louis). and you could see the mts. in the background and it looked simply beautiful. It was really something to see.
The four of us went to a little club they belonged to and we danced and had a couple drinks and then we went to another dance where they had a band. She's a nice dancer too. Her mother was planning on giving us a nice big meal at noon time Sun. but we had to leave at 7 in the morning so DiFranza could get back in time. We had a real nice time.
I got a letter from Pop. Thanks a lot. And I sent Aunt Margaret a letter last week. I hope she is better.
Bruno has Eng. Cadet before his name and it stands for Engineering Cadet because we are taking engineering.
I didn't get any letter from Frank recently. But I sent a V letter to him about a week ago. I hope he gets it.
I am fine and I probably am picking up some more weight although I didn't weigh myself. And my eyes seem to feel better.
The weather is pretty nice today. I hope you are all feeling well & happy. I will write soon again. Until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Love & Kisses
Love & Kisses
P.S. I also received the pictures. Thanks.
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