U. of O.
Dear Helen,
Well I finally was shipped and now I am still further away from home, but aside from that I can't complain just a wee bit. I told you how nice the U. of Idaho was, well this is far superior. The campus is larger & more beautiful. We live in dormitories two in a room. I have a suite, two closets, 5 drawers, 3 mirrors & a bed that actually has springs in it. In fact I think it's too soft. The mess hall is immaculate and we eat out of plates. Can you imagine a soldier eating out of plates. It's all like a dream. Everything here so far has been run with perfect organization, something that makes my heart happy. You very seldom hear of that in the army. But I guess you really can't call this the army. I think I'll write & tell my mother to take down the service flag...her son is in the A.S.T.P.
We start classes on Monday & it will be plenty tough and we will be studying from morning till night. I hope I can get thru, and if I don't I'll say well I tried my best. But I hope and say I made it.
I will write whenever I can. I'm afraid it won't be as much as I would like to but I want you to know the reason why, rather than let you think I am neglecting my friends. And you would be the last one I would neglect. I mean that with all sincerity because I know the kind of person you are and I just love to read your letters. I hope you will answer soon, like you always do & I hope you are in the best of health & please send my regards to your family. So until then I remain
Sincerely as ever
P.S. Today I am 8 months in the army. It just came to me.
P.S. #2 After reading over the letter I forgot to tell you I left Moscow (?) Tues. nite about 5:30 and arrived here yesterday at about 1:30 P.M. First we traveled to Spokane & then headed south to Walla Walla, along the Columbia River to Portland and then to Eugene. I though you would like to know. T
P.S. #2 After reading over the letter I forgot to tell you I left Moscow (?) Tues. nite about 5:30 and arrived here yesterday at about 1:30 P.M. First we traveled to Spokane & then headed south to Walla Walla, along the Columbia River to Portland and then to Eugene. I though you would like to know. T
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