Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 89

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O.

Date 9/29/43
Letter No. 89
Rec'd 126

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I hope you all don't mind if I cut this letter a little short. We certainly are cramped for time. All week we have been taking tests and my head is just going around with figures. Tomorrow is math and friday is physics and Sat. I have to give a speech. I couldn't even sleep last night. I was so restless with so much in my head but -- I'm not complaining. I'll get used to it after awhile. I got about 20 letters to answer but I only wrote two all week. This one and one to Anita to let her know where to meet me etc. I told you she's coming Sat.
Sunday for chow we each had a half a chicken. I never had such a meal in the army before. Chicken, potatoes, string beans, bread, butter, salad, coffee, milk, ice cream. Boy it was swell. And plenty of it too.
I received your letter with Fluffy in it. He's so cute. I always did like cats. Maybe we will get one some day, huh, ma?
I received a letter from Ann & Pop. Thanks a lot. I also received a V. letter from Frank today and a V. letter from Howard Barber, one of the boys from N.Y. that I was separated from. He is in England now.
I'll have to close now ma. So until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Please excuse the writing and I am so sorry I have to cut it so short, but I am sure you will understand.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 88

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O., Eugene, Ore.

Date 9/26/43
Letter no. 88
Rec'd 122, 134, 125

Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Today is Sunday and it's very gloomy. Drizzling now and then. It's good for writing letters and a bit of studying. I'm going to have tests next week. History tomorrow. I hope I make out all right.
Yesterday I went to the show & saw "Slightly Dangerous." Which I enjoyed very much. It sure was funny. And "The Falcon's Brother" which also was pretty good. I got to bed pretty early. About 11:30.
Last week some of the fellows made noise after taps were blown (10:30) so the 1st Sgt. said taps will be at 10 o'clock until they can keep quiet. So that cut down our time another half hour. So we have to rush from study (9:30) and be in bed by 10 o'clock. I don't know how long it will last.
I didn't see any plums out here, although we have them quite a few times and they taste very good.
Anita is coming down to see me Oct. 2 that's next Sat. Gosh she's a swell girl.
I am so glad sis likes her lessons so well. You never can tell. She may out play Bob & Ele.
I received a very nice letter from Frank. It took over a month to get here. Boy he writes a swell letter, so much morale and so cheerful. He's a real guy. I meant it from the bottom of my heart.
I'm glad Pop is OK. Did he receive my letter?
How are you feeling ma? You never say much about yourself?
I'm glad Ele is making out so well in school. It's good to hear she is doing all the extra work. That's the only way to get ahead & it shows here intelligence.
I received your card and it's real swell ma. Love & Kisses
I hope Grandma is in the best of health and I hope her garden is coming along OK.
I guess that's all ma. I may go bowling a little later but I don't know yet. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Love & Kisses

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 87

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O, Eugene

Date 9/22/43
Letter No. 87
Rec'd 122

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I received your letter telling me Pa was in the hospital and I got such a funny feeling I couldn't do anything last night. I hate to hear of anyone being in the hospital. But if you say he is alright ma, I guess it's alright. I wrote Dad a letter last night and sent it right away.
I received the envelope containing the pictures and the writing paper. Boy Boby and Ann certainly look swell. They look so healthy. Boby looks a bit thinner around her face, or is it just that I haven't seen her for a while. Ann looks like she picked up a little weight. Let me know if I am right in my assumption.
You wrote on one of the pictures "It looks very much like they are stealing your stuff." What do you mean by that ma. I didn't quite understand it.
I didn't hear from Joe D'Angelo. I certainly would like to hear from him. I'll drop a line to his father and find out what his address is. I didn't get those pictures from Idaho. DiFranza didn't get them developed yet.
My subjects are coming along pretty good. My math & physics are fine but I have the same trouble with English & History as I had in high school but I am trying to bear down on them.
In military P.E. we are getting experience in how to drill a platoon and giving commands. Compared to the rest I am doing fine. There are more officers around this place. We are being worked on R.O.T.C. training. So they want things just right.
The weather here is quite hot in the afternoon but very cool in the morning. It's not bad tho.
I'll sign off now. I'll have to fall out in a few minutes as per usual. So until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

P.S. I got a heel put on my civilian shoes. 55 cents. That's pretty good isn't it?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dear Pop

Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O.

Dear Pop,

I just received word from ma that you were in the hospital. Ma says you are O.K. and I sure hope that you recover quickly. Dad you are forever having something the matter with you but that's the least worry as long as you are O.K.
I hope you have a room where you can see Brooklyn Technical H.S. And as you look at that building say to yourself, "That's the place where my son got his start and now he's continuing in the same form of education, doing his part in the war." And then if I can continue thru the course I may get a chance to become an officer. I'll bet you'll be proud of me then won't you.
We are certainly learning an awful lot here. I guess anyone would by studying 10 hrs. a day at a University. It's certainly a break for us fellows that we got the opportunity.
Now Pa, I want you to bear down and get well in a real hurry and when ma sends me a report I want them to be increasingly better each time.
I have to fall out now for classes & I want to get this off as quick as possible so here wishing you a quick recovery.
Your Loving Son,

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 86

Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O.
Letter 86
Rec'd ----

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It's Monday again and another report from your soldier boy.
Sat. morning we had inspection and we certainly had to have things on the ball. Anyway we passed. So we
[were] supposed to have from 3 o'clock Sat. off but they decided to have a medical inspection so we got off at 4 instead.
During P.E. on Sat. we were given tests in chins, [?], 300 yrd. run & piggyback for a hundred yards. By the end of the term we are supposed to do better. I did 7 chins, 10 3/4
[?] in 20 sec., 300 yd. run in 42.3 sec., piggyback in 24.8 sec. Boy was we tired and they aren't finished. We get a few more. I like it a lot. It's puts a lot of morale into things.
Sat. when we finally got into town we went to a show & saw "Reap the Wild Wind." I enjoyed it an awful lot. Also "Border Patrol." After that we went bowling again. This time I got 95-135-108. So now my high score is 135. I'm improving anyway.
Sunday morning I went to 9:30 mass. It seems like whenever I got to church someone picks me up in a car & takes me right in front of the church. This time it was a soldier in a 1942 Packard.
After chow we went to the show again & saw "The Constant Nymph" with Charles Boyer & Joan Fontaine. Boy I like that an awful lot. I also saw "Report from the Aleutians" which I enjoyed very much also.
Last night we had our regular study classes.
I received a package with shaving cream, cigarettes & candy and a picture of Bob & the girls in the jeep. Thanks a lot ma. But I didn't receive any pictures you mention in one of the letters. Which ones did you send if you did send them? Boy the shaving cream just came in time. I had one more shave in the old tube.
I hope you are going to send the books & slide rule. But don't send too many. I am sending a box tomorrow with a little book from the U. of O., a banner for Ele, & some letters.
Chow call so I'll say so long for a while. My subjects are coming along OK but the day is so long. But I'm not complaining. The weather is pretty nice too. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Please excuse the blots. I had a little difficulty.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 85

Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O.
Eugene, Ore.
Letter 85
Rec'd (2) 121 9/9-9/10

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Thursday night and I'll start a letter. Although I won't be able to finish it all at once. I guess I will have to write like that from now on unless I cut them short, and I don't want to do that.
Four day and I'm still alive. I feel sorry for the boys who didn't have a knowledge of some of the subjects. They certainly are feeding us plenty. So far I am making out OK.
I am always talking about the good system they have here for everything. Well today we went to P.E. and got a full set of clean gym clothes and they will be ours until the end of the term. We just have to pay for their cleaning at the end of each month. They are cleaned each time we go there & that's 3 times a week. We got a sweatshirt, pants, athletic support, socks, & sneakers (I think we will have to pay). And a towel. Boy what a swell system. I really like it.
Davidson is here also. And I just got a letter from Borella and he said he made it home. He was home 24 hrs. He said it was worth it. He said he wrote you a letter. Did you receive it?
DiFranza went to Salt Lake City, Utah. And while on the subject of DiFranza, There is no reason why you should be peeved. The nurse was the girl I met. All you have to do is ask me ma. I can't remember whether I wrote nurse or girl in the letter before. And I wish you wouldn't get peeved anymore about things like that because it isn't worth it ma. Ain't that right?
Aunt Anna told me Clifford's address & guess where he is? In this big country he is about 25 miles from me. He's at Camp Adair and we drew rations from that camp. What a coincidence. I just wrote him a card tonight.
I am still fussy about fat ma, but not as much. I still take it all off.
Anita may come down Oct. 2. I hope she does. She's a swell girl.
I'll close now. I didn't think I would finish but I just made it by 3 minutes. So long until my next letter
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Love & Kisses

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 84

Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of ORE.
Eugene, Ore.
Letter 84
Rec'd 120

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I got a few minutes so I thought I would write a few lines until I fall out.
Well we got some workout in P.E. today and boy they really went to town on us and I believe that's the best workout since I'm in the army. And then we took a swell shower and I weighed myself strip. I weigh 156 - not bad for strip.
Your letter 120 made me feel more
[?] than happy ma. About Aunt Anna's letters. But we will forget it and let it go at that?
And I'm almost positive I told you about the two girls we met on the bus when we went to Spokane. I wish you would look that up.
I got a letter from Anita today & she thanks you an awful lot for the hankie. I think she wrote you a letter.
She also said she may come down to see me being Tacoma is so close. I hope she does come down.
Times just about up so I'll close remaining
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Love & Kisses,

P.S. Thanks for your card ma. It was very sweet.

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 83

Co. "A" ASTU 3920
U. of O.
Letter 83
Rec'd --

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Just now I have about 15 minutes to spare so I'll start a letter. I just finished chow. Boy they certainly tossing the books at us. I hope I can catch it as fast as they throw it. I'll list the program we have to follow:
10:00 to 10:50 MATH S.S. P.E. ENG. S.S. P.E. PHYS LAB P.E.
11:00 to 11:50 PHYS. S.S. P.E. GEOG. P.E. PHYS LAB P.E.
12 Noon

14:00 to 14:50 HIST. ENG. HIST ENG. HIST ENG.
17:00 to 17:50 MAIL CALL
18:00 DINNER
19:00 to 20:20 STUDY
20:30 to 21:30 STUDY

Tues. morning. I just got up. We just cleared up our room and I will go down and eat breakfast in about 15 minutes.
Well I had one day...and it's not bad but there is an awful lot of studying to do. We march to and from all classes and it looks swell seeing all the groups move around in formation. The teachers seem to be pretty good also. One teacher (history) is Colonel Robert M. Lyons (retired). He has 43 years in the army. He went thru West Point with Gen. Douglas MacArthur. And he taught Gen. Dwight Eisenhower & Gen. Bradley. History at West Point. He had a very interesting background.
You certainly get tired walking around the campus from class to class and I certainly slept last night.
I have a little booklet to tell you about the campus. I will send it along when I have a chance.
They certainly keep us on the ball here. Everything has to be just right & everything has a good system. And there is plenty of Majors, Lt. Colonels & Lieutenants to see that things are done right. You see there are R.O.T.C. Boys here and we more or less have to compete with them. But the more on the ball they get us the better I'll like it.
I hope everybody is in the best of health. And give my love & kisses to Grandma for me ma. I'll close now & try to get as much writing to you as possible. It took me two days to write this one. But there isn't too much to tell around here anyway (just study). So until my next letter I remain,
Your loving Soldier Boy,

Monday, September 13, 2010

From Bruno

September 13, 1943
"Duncan Dunn Hall"

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Curcio,

Rather reluctantly, I find myself once again back here in the State of Washington. You see, I have just returned from a 7 day furlough and it certainly was a dash across the states to get home and back here again without being A.W.O.L. Old New York and especially home hasn't changed much since I've been away. The villages on Long Island seem rather "dead" as most of the fellows are in the services. I had a total of 24 hrs. home and I certainly was on the go during that time. I wish that Tony had been with me to see New York loom up in the distance. It was a grand and appreciable sight to see again, but none I can't wait for my next furlough and it is rather "tough" knowing that you just have to wait and like it.
While I was away, 23 more fellows from the Univ. of Idaho were transferred here. I looked in vain for Tony and Ray and from what I heard, I believe that they have been sent to Oregon. I can well imagine how they must feel, especially knowing that there are numbers of colleges back home where we could have been sent. It seems that the West Coast has a grasp on all of us fellows from the East. However, we can all thank our lucky stars that we aren't overseas yet.
Yes folks, Tony was quite right when he wrote that I have to "keep an eye on the beam" all the time. The course that I am taking now is mostly mathematics and my high school days were seemingly wasted on bookkeeping and art. Although I have my doubts as to my success here, I intend to do my best regardless.
Perhaps in the future, when I get more than a 7 days furlough, I can pay you folks a visit. However, if you ever go out on Long Island, stop at Coram at ask for Borella's place. Everyone there knows us and I don't imagine that you'll have much trouble finding it. Just tell my folks that I've been with your son. They have the same enlarged snapshot of us there and I've often mentioned Tony in my letters. Tell my father that I recommend white wine served to you folks.
I'll surely see all of you after this war is over. Regards to the rest of the family.

From Howard Barber to Tony

PFC. Howard A. Barber
Co. A - 843rd Eng. Am. Bn.
APO 644 c/o Postmaster
New York, New York


Hi Tony!

You lucky guy--going to A.S.T.P.! Boy I sure did miss going with you by a hair breath. I mighta known you would fall in love with someone in Washington just like at J.B. How about Idaho--any developments?
I got a four day furlough and went to London with Joe Garbowsky of B'k'l'n. Did you know him? We met a couple of swell gals and they are writing us now. Don Carter also wanted to be remembered to you. He took the A.S.T.P. test with us at Hammer Field. I told Walt Sexton to write to Delaney and he said he would. He didn't have his address. Tell Delany Sexton's address is the same as mine except he is in H & S company. It's swell you're still with the bunch that had basic together. I had to make all new friends in this outfit--however there are quite a few from New York and B'k'l'n.
PFC. Buckbee just made corporal but he has a big reputation as a "brown nose." I'm an assistant squad leader and am entitled to corporal's stripes but I'll be satisfied to get them when I've earned them.
So long--take care of yourself

P.S. Have you heard anything from Joe?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 82

Co. "A" ASTU 3920
U. of O.
Letter 82

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Sunday afternoon and I am just about caught up with my mail. I want to write everybody before the term starts because I probably won't be able to answer them after.
Yesterday morning we had study classes and a refresher in Trig. And in the afternoon we were assigned to sections & platoons. We have to march from class to class in those platoons. So therefore we got rooms close together in the building so we all were assigned different rooms. And I got one which is just as nice as the other one.
Last night we went into town, it's about a half hour walk and there wasn't any dances that we liked so we bowled a few games. It's the first time I bowled. I guess Bob or Ann or Ele could beat me by a long shot. We bowled 3 games and I got 74, 82 & 117 in that order. They aren't any good I must admit but I gained each time so I felt OK. And it was a lot of fun. I don't know why I didn't go before.
This morning they had an army show at the Stadium (University Ball Park). So we went over and it was a swell show. They did some drill and demonstrated tanks, and jeeps etc. And some chemical warfare. It was a swell show.
All this afternoon I wrote letters. I wrote 10 in all. Boy I'm getting writers cramps.
I got a letter from Bobby and I certainly get a kick out of receiving her letters. She says an awful lot in a short space.
I looked around for postcards of the campus but I could only find two. I'll enclose them in this letter.
I hope everybody is in the best of health and very happy and I will write whenever I can. It won't be as much as I would like to but I'll try to write as much as I can. You know that better than I do. I'll close now. So until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 81

Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O.
Letter 81
Rec'd 119

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is the nite and I am sitting in my bunk and the dusk is starting to settle over the city of Eugene. I am completely contented except that I am so far from home. I hope I can get home after the first 3 months but it's hard to say right now. We'll just pray for the best.
Yesterday morning we got our clothes checked to see if we were short any. I am OK as usual. Then we were given the rest of the day for ourselves. So Hemenway & I went to town & got a hair cut & then went to a show & saw "Stage Door Canteen." Boy it was a good picture. I actually got tears in my eyes when the Marines got their call to leave & they all sang the "Marine's Hymn." Gosh what a chill I got thru my spine. I thought of sister & Frank.
Today we were given a test in the morning in mathematics & I think I made out OK. Then we went for a class in Trigonometry. And refreshed my memory a little. Boy the campus is certainly big. It seems to get bigger all the time. And the buildings are new & really beautiful. I am looking for some postcards but as yet didn't see any.
This afternoon we were issued our books. I got 12 of them. Boy what a load. And then we were given the rest of the day off.
I went to town and bought Anita a little cross like I got for Eleanor. Her birthday is the 21st of this month. As I go to town the more beautiful it gets. The houses are nice and the lawns are so pretty & green. It's really swell.
Boy they certainly have a system for everything. When we were issued our books, every book had the same no. in it. So you just have to remember one no. and it's the same in all the books issued. Isn't that smart. That's what I call a system.
The food is certainly swell. You couldn't ask for anything better.
I received a couple of letters today. I was certainly surprised to hear Ann is starting to take lessons, but more than surprised I'm glad she is taking them. And I sincerely hope she like them.
I am glad everything went OK with the wedding. I do not know whether he was Catholic or not. I didn't know him. I am glad Ele congratulated her. She should have gotten the bouquet. What do you say ma?
How about some pictures of everybody?
I am fine ma & I hope everybody is OK too. And how are you feeling ma? You didn't tell me in a while but I assume you are in the best of conditions. Give loads of kisses to Grandma for me ma. Your the only one I would ask if you know what I mean.
I'll close now remaining
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Excuse the writing ma. I'm not used to writing in a bunk.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Dear Helen

Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O.

Dear Helen,

Well I finally was shipped and now I am still further away from home, but aside from that I can't complain just a wee bit. I told you how nice the U. of Idaho was, well this is far superior. The campus is larger & more beautiful. We live in dormitories two in a room. I have a suite, two closets, 5 drawers, 3 mirrors & a bed that actually has springs in it. In fact I think it's too soft. The mess hall is immaculate and we eat out of plates. Can you imagine a soldier eating out of plates. It's all like a dream. Everything here so far has been run with perfect organization, something that makes my heart happy. You very seldom hear of that in the army. But I guess you really can't call this the army. I think I'll write & tell my mother to take down the service flag...her son is in the A.S.T.P.
We start classes on Monday & it will be plenty tough and we will be studying from morning till night. I hope I can get thru, and if I don't I'll say well I tried my best. But I hope and say I made it.
I will write whenever I can. I'm afraid it won't be as much as I would like to but I want you to know the reason why, rather than let you think I am neglecting my friends. And you would be the last one I would neglect. I mean that with all sincerity because I know the kind of person you are and I just love to read your letters. I hope you will answer soon, like you always do & I hope you are in the best of health & please send my regards to your family. So until then I remain
Sincerely as ever

P.S. Today I am 8 months in the army. It just came to me.
P.S. #2 After reading over the letter I forgot to tell you I left Moscow (?) Tues. nite about 5:30 and arrived here yesterday at about 1:30 P.M. First we traveled to Spokane & then headed south to Walla Walla, along the Columbia River to Portland and then to Eugene. I though you would like to know. T

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 80

Co. "A" ASTU 3920
U. of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon
Letter 80

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It doesn't seem like I'll ever get away from the West coast. I'm about 30 miles from the West coast between the Coastal Range Mts. & the Cascade Mountains & about in the middle of the state. But I don't think anybody could ask for anything better than what we have right here. I'll tell you about it in a minute. We left Moscow at 5:30 last night and arrived here about 1:30 PM today. First we went to Spokane, from Spokane we headed southwest to Wallula on the Wash. border and traveled along the border next to the Columbia River to Portland & from Portland down to Eugene. Eugene has a population of about 20 thousand and is a beautiful clean place. I raved about the conditions we had at the University of Idaho, but believe me when I say that the conditions and the campus are far superior than those of Idaho. It's a much larger campus and it holds a lot more students. We live in a men's dormitory, and the place is wonderful. I am with a friend of mine (Ronald Hemenway) (Kansas). There are two in each room. We have double beds, a sink, two closets, 6 large drawers & 4 small drawers, medicine cabinet & 3 mirrors. It looks like this:

We have a latrine & two showers on each floor. The mess hall (or shall I say dining room) is immaculate. In fact the whole place is immaculate. We eat from plates & have cups & saucers for our coffee. Tonight for chow we had ham, potatoes, & cabbage on a plate, coffee, bottle of milk & a glass, [?] on a small plate, butter & bread on a small plate & a piece of pie. And boy it's good. The lounging room is like an old fashioned place with big heavy furniture. It's really swell.
Everything done so far has been done with perfect organization. And the way they talk it's really going to be swell. But we will have to work real hard.
We start classes on Monday. We will find more about the campus tomorrow.
I'll tell you more tomorrow. And I'll write when I can because we won't have too much time for ourselves. Until then I remain,
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Love & Kisses

P.S. Please tell Grandma & Aunt Anna. I'll write to Grandma tom.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 79

Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho
Letter 79
Rec'd (two) 116

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Monday morning & I believe things are starting to happen around here. DiFranza was shipped out yesterday. He's a language student.
Well DiFranza & I had another nice weekend. We went to Lewiston and almost didn't get there. Being DiFranza was shipping he had to be back at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. But we went anyway. Gerry Taplin (nurse) came down to meet us at the bus stop and we went to her house & had something to eat. Wall I certainly glad we went. Aside from having a good time, I saw the most beautiful sights I ever saw. There is a mountain right next to Lewiston and in order to get to Lewiston you have to go over the mt. It's about 6 thousand feet high and as you come down the side, the road makes hairpin curves all the way down. It took us about 30 minutes to get down. And from the top you can see Lewiston & Clarkston and Clearwater River & Snake River separating the two towns (HISTORICAL: that's where the Lewis & Clark expedition was ended. I believe they started from St. Louis). and you could see the mts. in the background and it looked simply beautiful. It was really something to see.
The four of us went to a little club they belonged to and we danced and had a couple drinks and then we went to another dance where they had a band. She's a nice dancer too. Her mother was planning on giving us a nice big meal at noon time Sun. but we had to leave at 7 in the morning so DiFranza could get back in time. We had a real nice time.
I got a letter from Pop. Thanks a lot. And I sent Aunt Margaret a letter last week. I hope she is better.
Bruno has Eng. Cadet before his name and it stands for Engineering Cadet because we are taking engineering.
I didn't get any letter from Frank recently. But I sent a V letter to him about a week ago. I hope he gets it.
I am fine and I probably am picking up some more weight although I didn't weigh myself. And my eyes seem to feel better.
The weather is pretty nice today. I hope you are all feeling well & happy. I will write soon again. Until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Love & Kisses

P.S. I also received the pictures. Thanks.

Monday, September 6, 2010

From Frank Voigt

Sept. 6, 1943

Dear Mom,

I have made three attempts (in as many days) to answer your letter. I was very happy to hear from you as usual but even more so this time since your last letter was last. By now you will have received the letter I wrote to you in August. If I am not mistaking, I wrote it about the same time as you wrote yours.
I also want to thank you for the cards you sent me. I made mention of them in my letters to Ann. She has no doubt told you.
I too will be looking forward to hear your two daughters play the Merry Widow Waltz & The Blue Danube. Right now I'll put my hopes with Eleanore. She is not as busy as my pal Bob.
The news about Tony was swell. I do hope he gets into a college on the east coast. No doubt if he does he will get that leave he has been waiting for.
I don't want to forget to thank you for the "Dear Buddy" strip. I do enjoy them & it seems that everyone else does too.
Did Grandma get the letter I sent her? I hope so.
I had every intention of writing quite a few letters today but such is not the case. It is almost 5 PM now & it's quite hard to write here at night.
Everything is well down here. I am as ever in very good health and higher in spirits than ever before. Hoping this letter finds you all the same.
I will try to write at least a v-mail to Eleanor right now before I don't get a chance for a long time.
Regards & Love to all.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 78

Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho
Sept. 3, 1943
Letter 78
Rec'd --

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It's Friday morning (during study period) and I can't say that anything new has happened.
I washed quite a few pieces of clothes last nite after study. It's pretty easy washing in a place like this because your clothes don't get so dirty like they do at a regular army camp. But the water is hard here. It's the hardest I ever saw. And it even smells half of the time. But we are getting use to it so it's not so bad although we don't drink much of it because it isn't so refreshing.
I told you last week that on the way coming back from Spokane, DiFranza & I met two girls. Well we didn't expect to be here this weekend (and we still don't know) but if we do stay here we will probably go to Lewiston to see them tomorrow. They seemed pretty nice and I think we can have a lot of fun. I tell you about it if we go.
I got a letter from Mable (Sect. at J. Thatcher) and she gave me all the dope about the place. She writes a nice letter.
Yesterday, instead of going to calisthenics, DiFranza and I took a walk around the countryside and took pictures (his camera). We started to walk up one of the hills and the further up we got the more beautiful it got. The golf course looked like a velvet blanket. We passed a few farms and took a couple of pictures of the cows, etc. I hope they come out. I would like to have them for the scrapbook. They'll be nice to look at in the future.
I can't think of anything else right now. I'll write soon. Until then I hope you are all in the best of health and very happy.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 77

Letter 77
Rec'd 114-115

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I think things are going to happen around here pretty soon as there are a lot of rumors flowing around here. Of course you can't believe the rumors but something is bound to happen.
We are pretty happy today as one of our buddies was accepted today in the advanced group. You see you have to under 22 to get into basic and he is 27 so he had to make the advanced. So they came to a conclusion. His marks weren't as high as they should be so they let him take the tests over & he just got word today that he made out better than they expected him to do. His name is Delaney. He is married and lives in St. Louis. When we were back at McChord Field his wife had a baby and he got an emergency furlough. He's a swell guy.
You probably have received a letter from Borella. He told me he wrote to you. He is at Washington State College. I told you about him being sent there. Well he feels pretty disgusted & I don't blame him. They are giving him an 8 day furlough and they want to give him an extra 3 day pass to get home. So he doesn't know what he is going to do. I told you that I was getting a furlough after my first term.
I hope they give us more than 8 days if we are out here some place. We'll just have to wait & see & hope for the best.
I got a letter from Elfrieda and she said she couldn't write a lot because she was all choked up. She was so happy that you sent her the present. She said she'll never forget what you all have done for her. And if I know Ele, she means it.
It's been damp and and cool all week already. I have my woolen O.P.s on and my flight jacket.
I'll write again shortly. I am fine & in the best of health. Hope you are all O.K. too. Until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. I forgot to answer the letters. I thought there was something missing. I received the card from Grandma with the stamps and they just came in time. Thank Grandma again for me. Between you and I mom I don't read half of her letters. I just look & see if there is anything about Grandma in them or anything that's important. It's strictly off the record. As long as we both feel the same way about it I thought I would mention it. But don't say anything to her.
You can still address the letters P.F.C. until I'm shipped. Maybe you can pick up a tube of shaving cream & send it along with the rest of the stuff. I won't need it for a while yet but by the time I'm shipped I will need it. Good bye now. Love,