Anyone who has been following this blog may have noticed a lull in the letters posted since July. Unfortunately I have taken a leave of absence from posting because I am having a baby soon and cannot keep up with all the posts. I plan to pick this blog back up where I left off, next year!! Check back then!!
Thank you to all that have been reading these posts.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Greetings from Camp Card
Dear Helen,
I've been a bit busy & my mail has come to quite a standstill, but I shall write shortly. I want to apologize so much, but once in awhile I forget I'm in the army. But I hope you will forgive me for the delay.
I've been a bit busy & my mail has come to quite a standstill, but I shall write shortly. I want to apologize so much, but once in awhile I forget I'm in the army. But I hope you will forgive me for the delay.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 54
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/18/43
Letter No. 54
Rec'd 84 & 85
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,
Here it is Fri. nite and for the 5th time this week it has been raining. We had very little sunshine this week.
Well my transfer didn't go thru as I expected it to. So I guess I have to stick to this outfit. I found out there were to be no transfers. Why I don't know. I guess I'll click in here sooner or later.
Remember in my last letter I said I was going to the show to see "Five Graves to Cairo." Well I did go and I enjoyed the picture an awful lot. Franchot Tone played an excellent part.
On Monday (14) there was a show in camp. It was "Camel Caravan" and boy was that a swell show. They had professional singers, comedians & dancers. Boy they certainly made us laugh. The master of ceremonies was a dead picture of James Cagney and boy did he act like him. I think the show was better than some I saw over in the N.Y. Paramount.
Wed. nite I went to the U.S.O. dance with Peggy Johnson. We had a swell time again. You ask me what she looks like. Well she has light brown hair, bluish gray eyes (I think), and I believe she is slightly overweight, although she doesn't look it. I have her picture, if you would like to see it, let me know.
We are still surveying on the road job, and things are progressing O.K. In fact I should say quite well.
I just got an idea. I am thinking of joining up with the aviation cadets. I am writing with a buddy of mine right now and was talking to him about it. He passed his test and waiting for his call to go to school. What do you think of the idea ma?
I sent a birthday card to Grandma. I would have liked to get something a little better but I didn't have any choice at the PX. But it's still pretty cute.
I don't know how Ele hurt her wrist she wrote me but I forgot. But it's all better now anyway.
I certainly appreciate Eleanor sending the clippings. I sure like to read them over. I will try to write to here when I get a chance. And that certainly was cute with all the jokes on the outside of the envelope.
Well I shall close now. I feel fine & hope everybody is the same. So long for a while
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/18/43
Letter No. 54
Rec'd 84 & 85
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,
Here it is Fri. nite and for the 5th time this week it has been raining. We had very little sunshine this week.
Well my transfer didn't go thru as I expected it to. So I guess I have to stick to this outfit. I found out there were to be no transfers. Why I don't know. I guess I'll click in here sooner or later.
Remember in my last letter I said I was going to the show to see "Five Graves to Cairo." Well I did go and I enjoyed the picture an awful lot. Franchot Tone played an excellent part.
On Monday (14) there was a show in camp. It was "Camel Caravan" and boy was that a swell show. They had professional singers, comedians & dancers. Boy they certainly made us laugh. The master of ceremonies was a dead picture of James Cagney and boy did he act like him. I think the show was better than some I saw over in the N.Y. Paramount.
Wed. nite I went to the U.S.O. dance with Peggy Johnson. We had a swell time again. You ask me what she looks like. Well she has light brown hair, bluish gray eyes (I think), and I believe she is slightly overweight, although she doesn't look it. I have her picture, if you would like to see it, let me know.
We are still surveying on the road job, and things are progressing O.K. In fact I should say quite well.
I just got an idea. I am thinking of joining up with the aviation cadets. I am writing with a buddy of mine right now and was talking to him about it. He passed his test and waiting for his call to go to school. What do you think of the idea ma?
I sent a birthday card to Grandma. I would have liked to get something a little better but I didn't have any choice at the PX. But it's still pretty cute.
I don't know how Ele hurt her wrist she wrote me but I forgot. But it's all better now anyway.
I certainly appreciate Eleanor sending the clippings. I sure like to read them over. I will try to write to here when I get a chance. And that certainly was cute with all the jokes on the outside of the envelope.
Well I shall close now. I feel fine & hope everybody is the same. So long for a while
Love & Kisses
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dear Ma No. 53
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/15/43
Letter No. 53
Dear Ma,
This is just a note to let you know that I sent a package to you containing 3 presents. One is a necklace for Grandma. How it's not my sound judgment. In other words I wouldn't get it for Grandma if I could have gotten something else. Stores in Tacoma close at 6 & therefore it's impossible to get something outside of camp. I had to get it in the PX and that's the nearest I could get. Now if you don't think Grandma would like it (and I think you may) buy something for Grandma for me as long as you make Grandma happy. I am awful sorry I couldn't get something else, but we are limited to the PX. Please tell Grandma OK. Please let me know what you do.
One is for Ele. It's a cross I bought at the PX and surprise here, by giving it to her on her birthday. OK.
One is for Pa for Father's Day. It's a pack to hold cigarettes.
This is not a report from your soldier boy but just a note to let you know I sent the package.
I will let you know about everything & how things are going in my next letter.
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/15/43
Letter No. 53
Dear Ma,
This is just a note to let you know that I sent a package to you containing 3 presents. One is a necklace for Grandma. How it's not my sound judgment. In other words I wouldn't get it for Grandma if I could have gotten something else. Stores in Tacoma close at 6 & therefore it's impossible to get something outside of camp. I had to get it in the PX and that's the nearest I could get. Now if you don't think Grandma would like it (and I think you may) buy something for Grandma for me as long as you make Grandma happy. I am awful sorry I couldn't get something else, but we are limited to the PX. Please tell Grandma OK. Please let me know what you do.
One is for Ele. It's a cross I bought at the PX and surprise here, by giving it to her on her birthday. OK.
One is for Pa for Father's Day. It's a pack to hold cigarettes.
This is not a report from your soldier boy but just a note to let you know I sent the package.
I will let you know about everything & how things are going in my next letter.
So until then I remain,
Your loving Soldier Boy,
Your loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. How did you like the picture?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 52
Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6-13-43
Letter No. 52
Rec'd 82 & 83
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Well here it is Sunday nite. It was gloomy out all day & just now the sun is streaming. We had rain almost all week. This is one state you can't judge the weather. I remember back in N.Y., you usually could judge the weather the nite before by looking at the stars and the sky. But here it's just impossible.
I am still surveying on the road job. It's progressing pretty good. I just got done talking to one of the lieutenants in our outfit about the transfer I applied for last Sunday. He said it was in base headquarters and if they approved it, it would to thru. I must have talked about an hour to him. Boy he's a swell guy. He is one of those guys you can talk to because he worked himself up from buck private (enlisted man) to what he is now. And he know what it's all about.
On Wed. (6/9) nite there was a formal dance at the U.S.O. and Peggy Johnson said she would go with me. So we went and had a swell time. She went in her graduation dress and really looked swell. We had a grand time.
Thurs. (6/10) I was called down to the main post office and there was a slip there requesting the package you sent to J.B. They just wanted to see whether I received it or not. They are trying to trace it. They had all the merchdise listed so I guess if they can't trace it they will refund you. I hope so there was an awful lot in the box.
I guess it's safe to tell you now that I sent you pictures. Once for you mom & one for Grandma. I hope you like them. I had two proofs made & told him to pick out the best one. I borrowed the hat from Bruno Borella. I also sent Ele one. I hope you like it. And when you give Grandma hers give her a kiss for me O.K. I would have sent it to Grandma direct but you know how I feel with Aunt Anna there.
I went to the Post show last nite and saw "Captive Wild Woman." It was something on the style of Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde. I didn't like it so much.
My cold is well rid of and I feel fine. I told you it was only a slight cold and I treated it just like you used to do at home. Vicks Vapor rub before I go to bed and plenty of rest. How is that?
I am glad you had a nice time at Coney Island. I received your card.
We get plenty of meat here. It seems like the army has just about everything.
I hope they pick out a nice spot for their vacation. Maybe something like Jersey's Breezy Knoll?
I don't know whether I mentioned it in my last letter, but that certainly was a smart idea put "glass" stickers on the outside of the box will the cake, because I received it in perfect condition. Boy was that cake good.
I just don't know where I got the bracelet, but I think I got it the day before my birthday.
I did receive that letter telling me that Grandma gave me $5 for my birthday. And I believe I did thank Grandma for it. But I shall say it again. Thanks a million Grandma. Please keep it in my secret bank. I don't need it right now. In fact the way I am arranging my budget I don't think I will need it & you can save it.
Ele is fine & I just got a letter from her. Her wrist is better now.
The reason I didn't receive no. 75 is that you had two #76. I didn't mention it as long as I knew. O.K.
I think I may go to the show tonight as there is just time to make it. I think they have "Five Graves to Cairo" or something like that. I'll tell you about it in my next letter.
So I shall close hoping you are all in the best of health & very happy. And I hope you like my pictures. So until my next letter
I remain
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6-13-43
Letter No. 52
Rec'd 82 & 83
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Well here it is Sunday nite. It was gloomy out all day & just now the sun is streaming. We had rain almost all week. This is one state you can't judge the weather. I remember back in N.Y., you usually could judge the weather the nite before by looking at the stars and the sky. But here it's just impossible.
I am still surveying on the road job. It's progressing pretty good. I just got done talking to one of the lieutenants in our outfit about the transfer I applied for last Sunday. He said it was in base headquarters and if they approved it, it would to thru. I must have talked about an hour to him. Boy he's a swell guy. He is one of those guys you can talk to because he worked himself up from buck private (enlisted man) to what he is now. And he know what it's all about.
On Wed. (6/9) nite there was a formal dance at the U.S.O. and Peggy Johnson said she would go with me. So we went and had a swell time. She went in her graduation dress and really looked swell. We had a grand time.
Thurs. (6/10) I was called down to the main post office and there was a slip there requesting the package you sent to J.B. They just wanted to see whether I received it or not. They are trying to trace it. They had all the merchdise listed so I guess if they can't trace it they will refund you. I hope so there was an awful lot in the box.
I guess it's safe to tell you now that I sent you pictures. Once for you mom & one for Grandma. I hope you like them. I had two proofs made & told him to pick out the best one. I borrowed the hat from Bruno Borella. I also sent Ele one. I hope you like it. And when you give Grandma hers give her a kiss for me O.K. I would have sent it to Grandma direct but you know how I feel with Aunt Anna there.
I went to the Post show last nite and saw "Captive Wild Woman." It was something on the style of Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Hyde. I didn't like it so much.
My cold is well rid of and I feel fine. I told you it was only a slight cold and I treated it just like you used to do at home. Vicks Vapor rub before I go to bed and plenty of rest. How is that?
I am glad you had a nice time at Coney Island. I received your card.
We get plenty of meat here. It seems like the army has just about everything.
I hope they pick out a nice spot for their vacation. Maybe something like Jersey's Breezy Knoll?
I don't know whether I mentioned it in my last letter, but that certainly was a smart idea put "glass" stickers on the outside of the box will the cake, because I received it in perfect condition. Boy was that cake good.
I just don't know where I got the bracelet, but I think I got it the day before my birthday.
I did receive that letter telling me that Grandma gave me $5 for my birthday. And I believe I did thank Grandma for it. But I shall say it again. Thanks a million Grandma. Please keep it in my secret bank. I don't need it right now. In fact the way I am arranging my budget I don't think I will need it & you can save it.
Ele is fine & I just got a letter from her. Her wrist is better now.
The reason I didn't receive no. 75 is that you had two #76. I didn't mention it as long as I knew. O.K.
I think I may go to the show tonight as there is just time to make it. I think they have "Five Graves to Cairo" or something like that. I'll tell you about it in my next letter.
So I shall close hoping you are all in the best of health & very happy. And I hope you like my pictures. So until my next letter
I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Monday, June 8, 2009
Dear Helen
Dear Helen,
Say you know that I have been sitting here about 20 minutes trying to think of something to say to start off this letter. I have plenty to say but by gosh I always have trouble starting a letter. Well anyway I started off this, regardless of how I started it, didn't I?
Since I last wrote you, I have been surveying on several jobs and am loving it. But for once I may get a break. We got a new commanding officer and he says that anyone who feels he is unfit in this outfit can see him about it. So I did. I told him I would like to go to topographical drafting school as I have the background & was classified as one. So he said he would try to get a transfer for me. Maybe I am not settled yet. Who knows. But whatever way it falls I guess it be for the best.
I saw a couple of pictures at the post show, namely "Assignment in Brittany" & "The Human Comedy." Helen if you do get a chance I wish you would see them. I enjoyed both immensely.
I went to the U.S.O. dance a few times and although I have a nice time, they certainly don't compare with the dances back in St. Louis.
Sunday, June 6, I visited Pt. Defiance Park up here near Puget Sound. It's a beautiful park and I believe it's the best I've seen. I only wish I could have seen Forest Park. I love to just sit in the park. It seems that when I see nature in the raw, I can forget everything and just dream & dream of how I would like things to be. And believe me, there would be a lot of changes.
The W.A.A.C.'s have landed here to. And personally I don't like WAACs, and now there is no doubt in my mind.
Joe D'Angelo has written me and he is going thru extensive training in Ft. Ord Calf. (Amphibious Engineers). I certainly hope he gets a break & gets shipped out of there. I didn't know D'Angelo back home, but he lives so close to me that it felt as if I had known him all my life.
You certainly hit the nail on the head when you picked "As Time Goes By" as your favorite. It clicks with me alright. I didn't hear "You'll Never Know" yet, but maybe I will soon. Or maybe I did hear it and didn't know the name. I'll be more observant next time.
So you are planning on a vacation. Well by gosh I hope you pick out a swell place like I did back in N.Y. because you certainly have a good time. I wish I could go on a vacation myself (meaning furlough).
I don't think you are so nuts trying to get a tan. I love girls that have a dark complexion. My sisters always did the same thing you are going to do and believe me, I admired them for doing so. I hope you do get a dark complexion as I can just picture you with a white gardenia in your hair. Boy there certainly is beauty there.
I certainly would like to see some more clippings on the flood. If you still have them I would love to see them.
Oh say, I almost forgot. June 3 was my birthday and my dear ones certainly did an excellent job of making me happy.
My mom sent me an identification bracelet & boy its enough to knock anybody's eyes out of their head. I feel like the king when I wear it. My mom also sent me a huge fruit cake. And boy did we feast on it. I also got a ring from pop, cigarette lighter from my oldest sister & writing paper & a picture wallet from my other sisters. And my grandmother always comes thru with a large box of cherries. Besides that I got cookies & cigarettes. So you see I was made very happy and quite supplied for quite awhile. The only bad part is the time when inspection comes. I have to borow a barracks bag to hide it. Boy I had some laugh over it.
Well Helen, I think that's the story from the northwest except for the weather once again. The sun is out quite a bit now. Thank God. So until I hear from you, which I hope is very, very short time, I remain,
Dear Helen,
Say you know that I have been sitting here about 20 minutes trying to think of something to say to start off this letter. I have plenty to say but by gosh I always have trouble starting a letter. Well anyway I started off this, regardless of how I started it, didn't I?
Since I last wrote you, I have been surveying on several jobs and am loving it. But for once I may get a break. We got a new commanding officer and he says that anyone who feels he is unfit in this outfit can see him about it. So I did. I told him I would like to go to topographical drafting school as I have the background & was classified as one. So he said he would try to get a transfer for me. Maybe I am not settled yet. Who knows. But whatever way it falls I guess it be for the best.
I saw a couple of pictures at the post show, namely "Assignment in Brittany" & "The Human Comedy." Helen if you do get a chance I wish you would see them. I enjoyed both immensely.
I went to the U.S.O. dance a few times and although I have a nice time, they certainly don't compare with the dances back in St. Louis.
Sunday, June 6, I visited Pt. Defiance Park up here near Puget Sound. It's a beautiful park and I believe it's the best I've seen. I only wish I could have seen Forest Park. I love to just sit in the park. It seems that when I see nature in the raw, I can forget everything and just dream & dream of how I would like things to be. And believe me, there would be a lot of changes.
The W.A.A.C.'s have landed here to. And personally I don't like WAACs, and now there is no doubt in my mind.
Joe D'Angelo has written me and he is going thru extensive training in Ft. Ord Calf. (Amphibious Engineers). I certainly hope he gets a break & gets shipped out of there. I didn't know D'Angelo back home, but he lives so close to me that it felt as if I had known him all my life.
You certainly hit the nail on the head when you picked "As Time Goes By" as your favorite. It clicks with me alright. I didn't hear "You'll Never Know" yet, but maybe I will soon. Or maybe I did hear it and didn't know the name. I'll be more observant next time.
So you are planning on a vacation. Well by gosh I hope you pick out a swell place like I did back in N.Y. because you certainly have a good time. I wish I could go on a vacation myself (meaning furlough).
I don't think you are so nuts trying to get a tan. I love girls that have a dark complexion. My sisters always did the same thing you are going to do and believe me, I admired them for doing so. I hope you do get a dark complexion as I can just picture you with a white gardenia in your hair. Boy there certainly is beauty there.
I certainly would like to see some more clippings on the flood. If you still have them I would love to see them.
Oh say, I almost forgot. June 3 was my birthday and my dear ones certainly did an excellent job of making me happy.
My mom sent me an identification bracelet & boy its enough to knock anybody's eyes out of their head. I feel like the king when I wear it. My mom also sent me a huge fruit cake. And boy did we feast on it. I also got a ring from pop, cigarette lighter from my oldest sister & writing paper & a picture wallet from my other sisters. And my grandmother always comes thru with a large box of cherries. Besides that I got cookies & cigarettes. So you see I was made very happy and quite supplied for quite awhile. The only bad part is the time when inspection comes. I have to borow a barracks bag to hide it. Boy I had some laugh over it.
Well Helen, I think that's the story from the northwest except for the weather once again. The sun is out quite a bit now. Thank God. So until I hear from you, which I hope is very, very short time, I remain,
As Ever
As Ever
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 51
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/7/43
Letter No. 51
Rec'd 79-80-81
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Hello everybody. Well here it is Monday nite and once again I have a pile of mail to answer. I'll name some I have to answer - Sonny, Helen, Marnie, Miss Anderson, Bruno Borella, Joe D'Angelo - quite a few huh!
To start off I must tell you what I did yesterday. You remember I told you I went to the U.S.O. dance last week. Well I met a girl up there and we got to talking, and she told me about one of the beautiful parks they have here. So I said how would you like to go Sunday and show it to me. She said O.K. and so we went. And believe me mom, the park is beautiful. They have a small zoo (nothing like Central or Prospect) but it was nice. And they have rides (nothing like Coney Island) but it's nice. But the scenery and flowers and views far surpass that of any park I have ever seen. It over looks the water (Puget Sound) and it's beautiful. The park's name is Pt. Defiance. The girl's name is Peggy Johnson. She is a very nice girl and can dance swell.
If I can get a pass this Wed. we will go to the U.S.O. dance. I got some postcards of the park and street. I will send them soon.
Janet Blair is the one that played in "My Sister Eileen") was at the Recreation hall last week. But I didn't go because I wanted to write letters.
One of the lieutenents is going to try to get me into the drafting dept. for awhile if there is an opening, but I have still better news. We got a new company commander (1st Lieutenant with 15 years service) and he said that anybody who thought he was not fit for the outfit or felt he was misplaced should see him and he would try to get him a transfer. So I went up to see him. So I did. I told him I would like to go to topographical drafting school as I was classified to go and he said that he would try to get me transferred. He was swell. So maybe I'll be transferred. Who knows.
I have been surveying on a new job now & it's not so bad. We get another job as soon as one is done.
Ma everybody admires the bracelet so much. Boy I'm proud to wear it. They also like the ring too. And Ma the cake was so delicious it went so fast. The fellows went nuts over it. But don't ever do anything like that again because the people at home feel the food ration [?] us. But mom it was swell. And the cherries. Oh Boy.
We are all on field rations ma (all camps) but we still get plenty to eat.
Elfrieda got a sprained wrist and she writes short letters but it is getting better and she is writing long letters again.
I just got a letter from Helen and she is O.K. She tells me quite a lot about the flood but it is not near her home. I will enclose a clipping she sent me.
I certainly would like to hear that new piano piece Ele's got. let me know how she makes out with it.
The weather here is getting nicer, not so much rain anymore. Did I ever tell you when the sun sets here? Well it sets about 9 o'clock here. They say in the middle of summer there is only about 5 hrs of darkness. Some differences from N.Y. huh.
Well I shall close now & hoping everybody is in the best of health. So until I write again I remain
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/7/43
Letter No. 51
Rec'd 79-80-81
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Hello everybody. Well here it is Monday nite and once again I have a pile of mail to answer. I'll name some I have to answer - Sonny, Helen, Marnie, Miss Anderson, Bruno Borella, Joe D'Angelo - quite a few huh!
To start off I must tell you what I did yesterday. You remember I told you I went to the U.S.O. dance last week. Well I met a girl up there and we got to talking, and she told me about one of the beautiful parks they have here. So I said how would you like to go Sunday and show it to me. She said O.K. and so we went. And believe me mom, the park is beautiful. They have a small zoo (nothing like Central or Prospect) but it was nice. And they have rides (nothing like Coney Island) but it's nice. But the scenery and flowers and views far surpass that of any park I have ever seen. It over looks the water (Puget Sound) and it's beautiful. The park's name is Pt. Defiance. The girl's name is Peggy Johnson. She is a very nice girl and can dance swell.
If I can get a pass this Wed. we will go to the U.S.O. dance. I got some postcards of the park and street. I will send them soon.
Janet Blair is the one that played in "My Sister Eileen") was at the Recreation hall last week. But I didn't go because I wanted to write letters.
One of the lieutenents is going to try to get me into the drafting dept. for awhile if there is an opening, but I have still better news. We got a new company commander (1st Lieutenant with 15 years service) and he said that anybody who thought he was not fit for the outfit or felt he was misplaced should see him and he would try to get him a transfer. So I went up to see him. So I did. I told him I would like to go to topographical drafting school as I was classified to go and he said that he would try to get me transferred. He was swell. So maybe I'll be transferred. Who knows.
I have been surveying on a new job now & it's not so bad. We get another job as soon as one is done.
Ma everybody admires the bracelet so much. Boy I'm proud to wear it. They also like the ring too. And Ma the cake was so delicious it went so fast. The fellows went nuts over it. But don't ever do anything like that again because the people at home feel the food ration [?] us. But mom it was swell. And the cherries. Oh Boy.
We are all on field rations ma (all camps) but we still get plenty to eat.
Elfrieda got a sprained wrist and she writes short letters but it is getting better and she is writing long letters again.
I just got a letter from Helen and she is O.K. She tells me quite a lot about the flood but it is not near her home. I will enclose a clipping she sent me.
I certainly would like to hear that new piano piece Ele's got. let me know how she makes out with it.
The weather here is getting nicer, not so much rain anymore. Did I ever tell you when the sun sets here? Well it sets about 9 o'clock here. They say in the middle of summer there is only about 5 hrs of darkness. Some differences from N.Y. huh.
Well I shall close now & hoping everybody is in the best of health. So until I write again I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy
P.S. I have a surprise for you ma. It will be on its way soon.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 50nnnn
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/2/43
Letter No. 50
Rec'd 77-78
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Believe me everybody I am at a loss [sic] for words. I feel so happy I don't know what to say. Especially after receiving a most beautiful identification tag. When I opened the box, there was a million words I could have said to express my feeling, but there I was [sic] standing all alone & if someone did pass, I guess they would have thought I was crazy talking to myself. I felt like a king when I put it on. Thanks a million, ma. It's so hard to express my feeling on writing paper, but you know ma, it's perfect. And it's a swell job on the lettering.
Good. I got so much to say I don't know where to start. Everything is just what I needed. Really you all shouldn't have did it.
Grandma always comes thru with the cherries. And believe me they taste twice as good in the army. Thanks Grandma. And ma, give Grandma a nice big kiss for me. O.K.
And Dad thanks for the ring. It's swell. It feels so much different again with a ring on.
And Bob, if only you knew how handy the cigarette lighter comes in. When a soldier approaches you, he doesn't ask for a cigarette, he asks you for a match. That's one thing we're short of. Thanks Bob.
And Ann, that's being on the beam. If there is anything I like it is things more perfect than before. And you sure hit the nail on the head by adding my no. on the writing paper. Thanks Ann, it was perfect.
And Ele, you cute kid. You always pick something that nobody else would pick. And if it's one thing I need, it's a place to keep my pictures so they are easy to look at. Thanks, Ele.
And Ma, the cake. You shouldn't have did it. It made me so homesick. Just to look at it and think we all could have had a piece, instead of only me. With every piece I eat, I can just see everybody around me having a little party like we always use to have. I am going to give all my friends a piece, and say, see this is what mom sent me. And believe me, they are going to enjoy it.
I also received a package from Ele. She sent me cigarettes, stationary, lofts [?] candy & home made cookies. She is so thoughtful ma. I wish she was my girl ma. You know ma.
Gosh I have so much cake, candy, & cookies to last me for the duration. I really feel like a king. You don't know what it means to have a family that treats you the way you all do. I don't how anybody gets along without it.
And I must thank you all for the swell cards you sent me. They are all just perfect.
I am so glad about what the doctor said. Boy he must be a swell guy. He certainly knows his stuff. That's a birthday present all alone.
I hope Helen Riley didn't have any trouble. I didn't hear from here in two weeks now. I just hope the flood didn't reach her house. A lot of fellows here tell me that their houses are affected by the flood. As soon as I hear from her I shall let you know.
I am so glad Grandma's garden is coming along so good because I know it will make Grandma so much more happy.
I will try to take pictures this Sunday if possible.
That's a swell idea to have a moss [?] read for Aunt Joe. Grandma can do anything she wishes to.
Joe D'Angelo's address is:
Pvt. Joe D'Angelo
Co "A" 110th Eng. Combat Bn.
Amphibian Training Group No. 9
Fort Ord, Calf.
U.S. Army
I just know he will enjoy hearing from you.
I have been doing pretty good with the surveying lately. And this morning I was on K.P. (the first time in over a month) and the lieutenant got me off K.P. about 8 o'clock in the morning to do a job for him. O.K. huh.
Last nite I dropped down to the U.S.O. to the dance with the boys. We had a nice time.
Well by this time you just know I am feeling fine and right on the beam.
I hope you are all feeling tops and very happy. So until my next letter I remain
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/2/43
Letter No. 50
Rec'd 77-78
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Believe me everybody I am at a loss [sic] for words. I feel so happy I don't know what to say. Especially after receiving a most beautiful identification tag. When I opened the box, there was a million words I could have said to express my feeling, but there I was [sic] standing all alone & if someone did pass, I guess they would have thought I was crazy talking to myself. I felt like a king when I put it on. Thanks a million, ma. It's so hard to express my feeling on writing paper, but you know ma, it's perfect. And it's a swell job on the lettering.
Good. I got so much to say I don't know where to start. Everything is just what I needed. Really you all shouldn't have did it.
Grandma always comes thru with the cherries. And believe me they taste twice as good in the army. Thanks Grandma. And ma, give Grandma a nice big kiss for me. O.K.
And Dad thanks for the ring. It's swell. It feels so much different again with a ring on.
And Bob, if only you knew how handy the cigarette lighter comes in. When a soldier approaches you, he doesn't ask for a cigarette, he asks you for a match. That's one thing we're short of. Thanks Bob.
And Ann, that's being on the beam. If there is anything I like it is things more perfect than before. And you sure hit the nail on the head by adding my no. on the writing paper. Thanks Ann, it was perfect.
And Ele, you cute kid. You always pick something that nobody else would pick. And if it's one thing I need, it's a place to keep my pictures so they are easy to look at. Thanks, Ele.
And Ma, the cake. You shouldn't have did it. It made me so homesick. Just to look at it and think we all could have had a piece, instead of only me. With every piece I eat, I can just see everybody around me having a little party like we always use to have. I am going to give all my friends a piece, and say, see this is what mom sent me. And believe me, they are going to enjoy it.
I also received a package from Ele. She sent me cigarettes, stationary, lofts [?] candy & home made cookies. She is so thoughtful ma. I wish she was my girl ma. You know ma.
Gosh I have so much cake, candy, & cookies to last me for the duration. I really feel like a king. You don't know what it means to have a family that treats you the way you all do. I don't how anybody gets along without it.
And I must thank you all for the swell cards you sent me. They are all just perfect.
I am so glad about what the doctor said. Boy he must be a swell guy. He certainly knows his stuff. That's a birthday present all alone.
I hope Helen Riley didn't have any trouble. I didn't hear from here in two weeks now. I just hope the flood didn't reach her house. A lot of fellows here tell me that their houses are affected by the flood. As soon as I hear from her I shall let you know.
I am so glad Grandma's garden is coming along so good because I know it will make Grandma so much more happy.
I will try to take pictures this Sunday if possible.
That's a swell idea to have a moss [?] read for Aunt Joe. Grandma can do anything she wishes to.
Joe D'Angelo's address is:
Pvt. Joe D'Angelo
Co "A" 110th Eng. Combat Bn.
Amphibian Training Group No. 9
Fort Ord, Calf.
U.S. Army
I just know he will enjoy hearing from you.
I have been doing pretty good with the surveying lately. And this morning I was on K.P. (the first time in over a month) and the lieutenant got me off K.P. about 8 o'clock in the morning to do a job for him. O.K. huh.
Last nite I dropped down to the U.S.O. to the dance with the boys. We had a nice time.
Well by this time you just know I am feeling fine and right on the beam.
I hope you are all feeling tops and very happy. So until my next letter I remain
Your Most Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I don't think I ever said anything about my record. I haven't touched a drop of liquor since I've been in the army. Not even G.I. beer. O.K. huh.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 49
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 5/29/43
Letter No. 49
Rec'd 74 & 76
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, & Ele,
Hello everybody, this is your soldier boy reporting again. Everything is fine except for a slight cold which doesn't amount to a needle in a haystack. I was all set to write a nice long letter tomorrow but something always comes up. In my last letter I told you about surveying a baseball field. Well they started construction on it & they want to get it finished by Monday so we have to work tomorrow. So it throws all my plans out the window.
I wrote last Sat. nite so I should continue from there on with the weeks doings.
Last Sunday morning I went to 11:30 mass. It seems to be a habit going to last mass, as we sleep almost all morning. In the afternoon I wrote & wrote catching up with the mail. And in the nite we went to the post show and saw "Assignment in Brittany." It was an excellent picture. Try to see it.
All week during the day we have been surveying the R.R. job & this baseball field.
Tues. night we went to the U.S.O. dance. Our post band was there. We had a nice time. But I sure wish Joe D'Angelo was with us. I sure miss him.
Thurs. nite I went to the post show again and saw "The Human Comedy" with Micky Rooney. Ma don't miss it. It was a swell picture. I got tears in my eyes a couple of times.
One of the fellows (Bruno Borella) went to learn about diesel engines at a different camp. He will be back though. It's only a 4 week course.
I got a surprise the other day. I got a 4 1/2 lb. box of cookies from Mable Anderson, the secretary at John Thatchers. Wasn't that nice of her? And boy was I surprised.
The picture frame that Ann sent me I got hanging up in the tent with your pictures all around the outside. It looks swell.
Maybe it was nothing to laugh at about Grandma's tomato plants, but I did laugh. I can just picture Grandma, Oh she is so sweet.
Yes ma, there are only 3 fellows in our tent now.
In your letter your put a P.S.--Please send tin box home. What tin box do you mean? The only tin box I had was the one that Sis sent me with the cookies in it and I sent that home with the palm in it & the tooth brush holders in it. Let me know.
Well I think that about all the news.
Please let me know right away about the doctor said. Hope you are all feeling fine & send my love & kisses to Grandma.
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 5/29/43
Letter No. 49
Rec'd 74 & 76
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, & Ele,
Hello everybody, this is your soldier boy reporting again. Everything is fine except for a slight cold which doesn't amount to a needle in a haystack. I was all set to write a nice long letter tomorrow but something always comes up. In my last letter I told you about surveying a baseball field. Well they started construction on it & they want to get it finished by Monday so we have to work tomorrow. So it throws all my plans out the window.
I wrote last Sat. nite so I should continue from there on with the weeks doings.
Last Sunday morning I went to 11:30 mass. It seems to be a habit going to last mass, as we sleep almost all morning. In the afternoon I wrote & wrote catching up with the mail. And in the nite we went to the post show and saw "Assignment in Brittany." It was an excellent picture. Try to see it.
All week during the day we have been surveying the R.R. job & this baseball field.
Tues. night we went to the U.S.O. dance. Our post band was there. We had a nice time. But I sure wish Joe D'Angelo was with us. I sure miss him.
Thurs. nite I went to the post show again and saw "The Human Comedy" with Micky Rooney. Ma don't miss it. It was a swell picture. I got tears in my eyes a couple of times.
One of the fellows (Bruno Borella) went to learn about diesel engines at a different camp. He will be back though. It's only a 4 week course.
I got a surprise the other day. I got a 4 1/2 lb. box of cookies from Mable Anderson, the secretary at John Thatchers. Wasn't that nice of her? And boy was I surprised.
The picture frame that Ann sent me I got hanging up in the tent with your pictures all around the outside. It looks swell.
Maybe it was nothing to laugh at about Grandma's tomato plants, but I did laugh. I can just picture Grandma, Oh she is so sweet.
Yes ma, there are only 3 fellows in our tent now.
In your letter your put a P.S.--Please send tin box home. What tin box do you mean? The only tin box I had was the one that Sis sent me with the cookies in it and I sent that home with the palm in it & the tooth brush holders in it. Let me know.
Well I think that about all the news.
Please let me know right away about the doctor said. Hope you are all feeling fine & send my love & kisses to Grandma.
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Friday, May 22, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 48
Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date May 22, 1943
Letter No. 48
Rec'd 72 & 73
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, & Ele,
How is everybody? I feel pretty good.
Nothing too much has happened this week. It's just a regular routine. We got to the R.R. everyday and work until 5 o'clock. We eat out there at noon time. It's really turning out swell and everything is in control. There wasn't much work on the R.R. for the surveyors today so we got another job, surveying a baseball field. It's pretty interesting.
In the night we got to bed early or go to the show or clean up our tent or G.I. our shoes & equipment.
Last night we went to the show and saw "Dark Command." It was good. I didn't see a western picture for a long time.
We are on the alert. In fact the whole post is and nobody can get passes until the alert is over. So this weekend I guess we'll just have to stay here.
I turn my laundry in each week now. They do it pretty good. It certainly is a relief not doing it anymore.
Yesterday I received two packages. A swell picture frame from Ann. It really is sweet & has a swell saying on it. Thanks, Ann.
Ma, when I opened the other package I didn't know what to say. I really don't know how you got all those things in that small box. I tried to put them back in but I'll be darned, I couldn't get it back in again. Everything is certainly useful. I can use handkerchiefs, socks I certainly can use, especially the kind you sent me. And they are plenty big enough around the top. The candy is always useful. The razor blades I certainly did need. I was on my last one. As for the shaving cream, I got a couple more shaves in it. I forgot to say. I like those handkerchiefs an awful lot. The writing paper I needed badly. The tobacco I always can use & cigarettes. In other words you hit the nail on the head. Boy our minds run along together, don't they ma? Telepathy again.
We have a little day room for ourselves now. It hasn't much in it yet. But they fix it up a little more each day.
I am going to enclose a couple of dollars to buy some flowers for Aunt Jo's grave. And please say a prayer for Aunt Jo for me. O.K. Ma?
Well I shall close now hoping you are all healthy & happy & hope Ann feels better. I hope the doctor can do something. And please send my love to Grandma.
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date May 22, 1943
Letter No. 48
Rec'd 72 & 73
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, & Ele,
How is everybody? I feel pretty good.
Nothing too much has happened this week. It's just a regular routine. We got to the R.R. everyday and work until 5 o'clock. We eat out there at noon time. It's really turning out swell and everything is in control. There wasn't much work on the R.R. for the surveyors today so we got another job, surveying a baseball field. It's pretty interesting.
In the night we got to bed early or go to the show or clean up our tent or G.I. our shoes & equipment.
Last night we went to the show and saw "Dark Command." It was good. I didn't see a western picture for a long time.
We are on the alert. In fact the whole post is and nobody can get passes until the alert is over. So this weekend I guess we'll just have to stay here.
I turn my laundry in each week now. They do it pretty good. It certainly is a relief not doing it anymore.
Yesterday I received two packages. A swell picture frame from Ann. It really is sweet & has a swell saying on it. Thanks, Ann.
Ma, when I opened the other package I didn't know what to say. I really don't know how you got all those things in that small box. I tried to put them back in but I'll be darned, I couldn't get it back in again. Everything is certainly useful. I can use handkerchiefs, socks I certainly can use, especially the kind you sent me. And they are plenty big enough around the top. The candy is always useful. The razor blades I certainly did need. I was on my last one. As for the shaving cream, I got a couple more shaves in it. I forgot to say. I like those handkerchiefs an awful lot. The writing paper I needed badly. The tobacco I always can use & cigarettes. In other words you hit the nail on the head. Boy our minds run along together, don't they ma? Telepathy again.
We have a little day room for ourselves now. It hasn't much in it yet. But they fix it up a little more each day.
I am going to enclose a couple of dollars to buy some flowers for Aunt Jo's grave. And please say a prayer for Aunt Jo for me. O.K. Ma?
Well I shall close now hoping you are all healthy & happy & hope Ann feels better. I hope the doctor can do something. And please send my love to Grandma.
So until my next letter
I remain Your Loving Soldier
I remain Your Loving Soldier
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dear Helen
Dear Helen,
Before I start this letter I must tell you a couple of preliminaries. First, I have a feeling that this letter will not be up to par, to which you so richly deserve. Because I am a bit tired and maybe a bit blue. But I do want to write to you so much & don't want to put it off any longer. We have been working quite a bit & I guess I should make it my business to get more sleep. But maybe you do know me a little and know that I like to work and have fun too. And the reason I am feeling a bit blue--well Joe D'Angelo was shipped and I really hated to see him go. He was just like a brother to me, and we got along so good together. In fact when he walked out of the tent with his barracks bag on his shoulder, and strutted down in his old fashioned way, tears came to my eyes. I really miss him an awful lot. I hope he gets a good break wherever he goes. He certainly deserves it.
When I wrote to you last, I was on guard duty and I shall try my best to relate everything that happened since then.
On May 4 we were assigned to schools (or should I say jobs) which were supposed to last for two weeks. Well, being there was no drafting at the present time, I signed up for surveying. We were lucky though, for after the first week a job came up for us to take over. So we surveyors (5 of us) went to work & after we got things set, actual construction was started on the job. The job is a R.R. We work all day on the field & eat there too. (I wouldn't forget that).
On May 5 we had a party for our company. We went to a nearby lake, to one of the boy scout lodges. They had a huge fireplace & we made a fire with tremendous logs. Well Helen, I could have sat there all night just looking at the fire & listen to it crackle. That's something I really enjoy. We all sang songs & some of the boys put on little acts & played instruments etc. We had a swell time.
Our commanding officer was there & he said it really made him feel good inside to see a bunch of fellows have a good time, without any rowdyism & liquor. We had sandwiches & coffee for refreshments.
Thurs. May 6 we had our battalion dance. We had a nice time but it's the same old story, not enough girls, and especially girls that could dance. And when I say girls that can dance I could be thinking of someone very dear.
Sat. May 8 we moved from the barracks to tents. Boy did we have to work. But it was a lot of fun. First we had to move all our stuff to the tents. Then we had to G.I. the tents. We managed to stick together. My three buddies and I. But now there are only two left. We really scrubbed that place & built rock garden in front. It took us all day Sat & Sun. We had to be ready for inspection by 3 o'clock. We passed as usual. Then Sun. nite we went to the show and saw "Arabian Nights." It was exciting & I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Last week & this week I am trying to catch up with my mail once more. But I still have to go to the show with the boys once in awhile so--we saw "My Friend Flicka" & "Casablanca." Both were O.K.
Well I think I covered everything except the weather again & I must say the sun really shines when it does. The sun here doesn't set 'til about 8:30. They say in the summer, nite only lasts about 5 hrs. I learn something new each day.
And another thing I forgot to tell you. We are going on the alert & that means no passes for awhile. I could tell you a lot more about it but, you now it's a military secret.
By gosh Helen, your handwriting isn't so bad. In fact it's O.K. Or shouldn't I have said that?
By this time your sister is well on her way to Florida or should I say in Florida. When you write please send my regards & hope she has a most enjoyable time.
Say maybe in your next letter you will tell me your life history? You were only kidding in your last letter but by gosh I bet it's interesting. Should I count on it?
Well I'll try to write more next time & also more interesting. So until then I remain,
Dear Helen,
Before I start this letter I must tell you a couple of preliminaries. First, I have a feeling that this letter will not be up to par, to which you so richly deserve. Because I am a bit tired and maybe a bit blue. But I do want to write to you so much & don't want to put it off any longer. We have been working quite a bit & I guess I should make it my business to get more sleep. But maybe you do know me a little and know that I like to work and have fun too. And the reason I am feeling a bit blue--well Joe D'Angelo was shipped and I really hated to see him go. He was just like a brother to me, and we got along so good together. In fact when he walked out of the tent with his barracks bag on his shoulder, and strutted down in his old fashioned way, tears came to my eyes. I really miss him an awful lot. I hope he gets a good break wherever he goes. He certainly deserves it.
When I wrote to you last, I was on guard duty and I shall try my best to relate everything that happened since then.
On May 4 we were assigned to schools (or should I say jobs) which were supposed to last for two weeks. Well, being there was no drafting at the present time, I signed up for surveying. We were lucky though, for after the first week a job came up for us to take over. So we surveyors (5 of us) went to work & after we got things set, actual construction was started on the job. The job is a R.R. We work all day on the field & eat there too. (I wouldn't forget that).
On May 5 we had a party for our company. We went to a nearby lake, to one of the boy scout lodges. They had a huge fireplace & we made a fire with tremendous logs. Well Helen, I could have sat there all night just looking at the fire & listen to it crackle. That's something I really enjoy. We all sang songs & some of the boys put on little acts & played instruments etc. We had a swell time.
Our commanding officer was there & he said it really made him feel good inside to see a bunch of fellows have a good time, without any rowdyism & liquor. We had sandwiches & coffee for refreshments.
Thurs. May 6 we had our battalion dance. We had a nice time but it's the same old story, not enough girls, and especially girls that could dance. And when I say girls that can dance I could be thinking of someone very dear.
Sat. May 8 we moved from the barracks to tents. Boy did we have to work. But it was a lot of fun. First we had to move all our stuff to the tents. Then we had to G.I. the tents. We managed to stick together. My three buddies and I. But now there are only two left. We really scrubbed that place & built rock garden in front. It took us all day Sat & Sun. We had to be ready for inspection by 3 o'clock. We passed as usual. Then Sun. nite we went to the show and saw "Arabian Nights." It was exciting & I enjoyed it quite a lot.
Last week & this week I am trying to catch up with my mail once more. But I still have to go to the show with the boys once in awhile so--we saw "My Friend Flicka" & "Casablanca." Both were O.K.
Well I think I covered everything except the weather again & I must say the sun really shines when it does. The sun here doesn't set 'til about 8:30. They say in the summer, nite only lasts about 5 hrs. I learn something new each day.
And another thing I forgot to tell you. We are going on the alert & that means no passes for awhile. I could tell you a lot more about it but, you now it's a military secret.
By gosh Helen, your handwriting isn't so bad. In fact it's O.K. Or shouldn't I have said that?
By this time your sister is well on her way to Florida or should I say in Florida. When you write please send my regards & hope she has a most enjoyable time.
Say maybe in your next letter you will tell me your life history? You were only kidding in your last letter but by gosh I bet it's interesting. Should I count on it?
Well I'll try to write more next time & also more interesting. So until then I remain,
As ever
P.S. Regards to your family.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 47
Letter #47
Rec'd #70 & 71
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Today is a week since I last wrote. Just now I'm 10 letters behind. I guess I'll just have to try to write some each nite.
Well Ma, I wanted to catch up on my mail yesterday but I felt to blue. You know Joe D'Angelo, the one that sent you the letter (my buddy). Well he was shipped out Sat. nite with some other fellows. Where to & for what reason I don't know as yet, but he was just like a brother to me and hated to see him leave. In fact as he walked out of the tent with his barracks bag on his shoulder I got tears in my eyes. I really missed him an awful lot. We got along so good together. Well I guess that's one of the things we have to face in the army but I hope it doesn't happen too often.
Now there are two swell fellows left in my hut. One is Bruno Borella from S.I. & Delmar Davidson from Phil. Bruno Borella comes from Corum S.I. and Corum is about 1 mile from Seldon. They have a farm & they sell these cement blocks to all the people around there. He said he probably sold some to uncle Tony but is not sure. Ask Dad & see whether he recognizes the name. Let me know, O.K.
Well not too much has happened during the last week. We were surveying the railroad & today they started actual construction on it. So maybe I'll be on the surveying squad permanently. You know as much as I do.
Thursday I went to the post theatre & saw "My Friend Flicka." It was a horse picture. I like it an awful lot.
Friday night we all went in to Lakewood & went to the show with the girls we met on Easter Sunday. We saw "Casablanca." I enjoyed it very much. Before we went to the show one of the girls took us all in to meet her parents. Well she lived in the most beautiful house I ever saw. It was on the lakeside with huge trees & grass all over the place. I just can't describe it ma but ma it's a dream house and by gosh we are going to have one just like it. You wait and see ma.
Well I guess there isn't any more to say. I could tell you about the surveying but that's nothing to write home in letters & I guess I should keep it a secret anyway.
I forgot to mention in my last letter about a letter I got from Ann. Thanks Ann. Today I got another package from Ann with cards in it. Believe me they will come in handy catching up with my mail.
Ann, I don't think a picture frame would be too good as we can't hang any up in our tent. Thanks anyway. And by the way, that's a nice salary you are getting. And most of all you like the job. That means a lot more.
About Grandma's house. The deal wasn't good at all but maybe Grandma would settle for less, to get the house off her hands in a hurry. I don't know but I think Grandma would be a whole lot happier if she didn't have the house to worry about. What do you think?
I think it took 4 days for the Easter candy to get here. I wasn't sure so I didn't write it when you asked me awhile ago.
I feel fine and am in the peak of condition. I hope you all are in the best of health. How are you coming along with the doctor & how is Ann coming along with her doctor. Let me know. The picture of Boby & Ann are swell & thanks a lot. But how about you ma, & Grandma & Eleanore?
I shall close now. Until my next letter I remain
Letter #47
Rec'd #70 & 71
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Today is a week since I last wrote. Just now I'm 10 letters behind. I guess I'll just have to try to write some each nite.
Well Ma, I wanted to catch up on my mail yesterday but I felt to blue. You know Joe D'Angelo, the one that sent you the letter (my buddy). Well he was shipped out Sat. nite with some other fellows. Where to & for what reason I don't know as yet, but he was just like a brother to me and hated to see him leave. In fact as he walked out of the tent with his barracks bag on his shoulder I got tears in my eyes. I really missed him an awful lot. We got along so good together. Well I guess that's one of the things we have to face in the army but I hope it doesn't happen too often.
Now there are two swell fellows left in my hut. One is Bruno Borella from S.I. & Delmar Davidson from Phil. Bruno Borella comes from Corum S.I. and Corum is about 1 mile from Seldon. They have a farm & they sell these cement blocks to all the people around there. He said he probably sold some to uncle Tony but is not sure. Ask Dad & see whether he recognizes the name. Let me know, O.K.
Well not too much has happened during the last week. We were surveying the railroad & today they started actual construction on it. So maybe I'll be on the surveying squad permanently. You know as much as I do.
Thursday I went to the post theatre & saw "My Friend Flicka." It was a horse picture. I like it an awful lot.
Friday night we all went in to Lakewood & went to the show with the girls we met on Easter Sunday. We saw "Casablanca." I enjoyed it very much. Before we went to the show one of the girls took us all in to meet her parents. Well she lived in the most beautiful house I ever saw. It was on the lakeside with huge trees & grass all over the place. I just can't describe it ma but ma it's a dream house and by gosh we are going to have one just like it. You wait and see ma.
Well I guess there isn't any more to say. I could tell you about the surveying but that's nothing to write home in letters & I guess I should keep it a secret anyway.
I forgot to mention in my last letter about a letter I got from Ann. Thanks Ann. Today I got another package from Ann with cards in it. Believe me they will come in handy catching up with my mail.
Ann, I don't think a picture frame would be too good as we can't hang any up in our tent. Thanks anyway. And by the way, that's a nice salary you are getting. And most of all you like the job. That means a lot more.
About Grandma's house. The deal wasn't good at all but maybe Grandma would settle for less, to get the house off her hands in a hurry. I don't know but I think Grandma would be a whole lot happier if she didn't have the house to worry about. What do you think?
I think it took 4 days for the Easter candy to get here. I wasn't sure so I didn't write it when you asked me awhile ago.
I feel fine and am in the peak of condition. I hope you all are in the best of health. How are you coming along with the doctor & how is Ann coming along with her doctor. Let me know. The picture of Boby & Ann are swell & thanks a lot. But how about you ma, & Grandma & Eleanore?
I shall close now. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 46
Letter #46
Rec'd #66-67-68-69
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Gosh I don't know where to start. I got so much so say. But to start off with, I hope everybody is in the best of health. I hope you all had a very nice Mother's Day. In fact I know you did. I hoped you liked the flowers?
I wrote last Sat. so I shall continue from there on. On Sun. I went to church as usual 11:30 mass. I wrote letters in the afternoon & then at 5 o'clock I had guard duty. 24 hrs - 2 on 4 off. But this time I was corporal of the guards. You just relieve the old guard with a new guard & sit in the tent & wait 'til the 2 hrs are up, that your guard is walking his post. Then the next 4 hrs are free. Some racket huh. I caught up with some of my mail I owed to a lot of people - Fio, Joe, Dot & Dave, Helen Riley, and some others.
Something has happened here to my advantage. They are sending everybody to school on the post. It will only last for 2 weeks but it's something. I applied for surveying as there wasn't any drafting.
So since Tuesday we have been using the instruments (brand new). There are 9 of us and our luck is running still stronger because a job came up. They want to build a R.R. extension on the post. So we got the job. Just know we are working with U.S. Eng. Dept. (Surveyors). They are swell fellows & teach us a lot. After the job gets underway, we will take it over into our own hands. It's quite interesting. We only work on it a half a day. The other half is still our basic training.
Tues. nite we went into to town to get our clothes pressed as it takes so long at the post tailor. But the tailors in town was already closed so we dropped in at the U.S.O. and guess what, they had a bingo game for the soldiers. The one that won got cigarettes. (I didn't win any and neither did my friends).
On Wed. night we had the party for our company as I told you in my last letter (#44). We went to one of the nearby lakes, in a (old) boy scout lodge. And at one end of the room was a huge fireplace & we made a fire with big logs. Boy was that nice. You know I could have sat there all night just looking at the fireplace & listening to it crackle. We sang & some of the boys played the piano & sang & put on little acts. And we boys had a swell time together. Our commanding officer was there & he said he had a swell time. He said he really felt good to see a bunch of fellows have such a good time without any rowdyism (& without beer). We had sandwiches & coffee as refreshments. All & all we had a nice time (we were taken in G.I. trucks).
Thursday nite was the battalion dance. We had a nice time but there wasn't enough girls. But anyway they had a jitterbug contest & I managed to get a girl that could do it half way, anyway. And I came in second. She got nervous & we made a few mistakes. But the guy that won in my platoon & he also comes from N.Y. The officers were there with their wives & they were all very friendly & we all had a good time.
Friday night we were invited to a concert held in Clover Park H.S. That's where that girl that sang for us goes (The captain's daughter). It was a very nice concert. I enjoyed it a lot. The capt. daughter sang "The Man I Love." (Her name is Merry Jo Arends). Boy what a swell voice she has. I really think she has a future ahead of her. (I will include the program in this letter).

She invited us all out Sunday (last night). So the four of us went in & went to the show (the only show in Lakewood Center) (that's where they live). She got girls for the other fellows (my buddies) and we saw "Arabian Nights." It was a nice picture. Very exciting. Did any body see it. After the show we went to the house & her mother made sandwiches & she sang & played the piano. We got in around 12:30.
Sat. morning we had to move from the barracks to the tents. Well ma, we four buddies are still together. We get more like brothers everyday & I'm glad. Now that we got our own tent we have more pride in it and boy did we make it clean. Boy we worked all day on it. Sat. night we went to bed early. Sunday morning we went to church & then worked on our tents again for inspection at 3 o'clock. We passed. Then we took showers & shaved & by that time we had to leave on pass to go to Merry Jo's house.
Boy what a busy week huh! And I think I'm a bit tired. So as soon as I finish this letter I will go to bed & take a good nap. I sort of kind of like it living in this little tent. It's a bit cool sleeping at but it's nice. We have a litle stove in the middle of the tent but the fire dies out & the tent gets cool.
Well I think that's about all.
I received a letter from Ginger (?). It was a very nice letter. Her boyfriend is in Alaska.
I also received 2 letters from Eleanor & a little mail pack. It was so cute. Thanks a lot Ele. Thanks for the baseball scores.
By the way I got a baseball book. Like the one that Red Barber advertised last year. Who sent it?
You could drop a line (postcard) to the J.B. Postmaster & ask him about the package. I may do some good.
Say ma, I would like a picture of Barb in her uniform? Besides the rest you took O.K.
I receive mail from Elfrieda about twice a week. I also receive mail from Helen Riley from time to time.
We get our wash within a week. Boy I'm glad we can get our wash done because we have no time to do it ourselves. They take a dollar & a half out of our pay a month. Pretty cheap huh?
I got paid on Wed. (May 5). I got $47.
Please tell me all about Grandma's house. I hope Grandma can come & live with you all. I know she will be a lot happier with you. I hope everything turns out Ok. And Grandma can have my room if she likes too. I just know she will be so much happier. Don't you ma?
Well I shall close now as it is getting late. I am going to try to stay in all this week & I will try to get another letter to you at the end of the week. So until then I remain on the beam.
Rec'd #66-67-68-69
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Gosh I don't know where to start. I got so much so say. But to start off with, I hope everybody is in the best of health. I hope you all had a very nice Mother's Day. In fact I know you did. I hoped you liked the flowers?
I wrote last Sat. so I shall continue from there on. On Sun. I went to church as usual 11:30 mass. I wrote letters in the afternoon & then at 5 o'clock I had guard duty. 24 hrs - 2 on 4 off. But this time I was corporal of the guards. You just relieve the old guard with a new guard & sit in the tent & wait 'til the 2 hrs are up, that your guard is walking his post. Then the next 4 hrs are free. Some racket huh. I caught up with some of my mail I owed to a lot of people - Fio, Joe, Dot & Dave, Helen Riley, and some others.
Something has happened here to my advantage. They are sending everybody to school on the post. It will only last for 2 weeks but it's something. I applied for surveying as there wasn't any drafting.
So since Tuesday we have been using the instruments (brand new). There are 9 of us and our luck is running still stronger because a job came up. They want to build a R.R. extension on the post. So we got the job. Just know we are working with U.S. Eng. Dept. (Surveyors). They are swell fellows & teach us a lot. After the job gets underway, we will take it over into our own hands. It's quite interesting. We only work on it a half a day. The other half is still our basic training.
Tues. nite we went into to town to get our clothes pressed as it takes so long at the post tailor. But the tailors in town was already closed so we dropped in at the U.S.O. and guess what, they had a bingo game for the soldiers. The one that won got cigarettes. (I didn't win any and neither did my friends).
On Wed. night we had the party for our company as I told you in my last letter (#44). We went to one of the nearby lakes, in a (old) boy scout lodge. And at one end of the room was a huge fireplace & we made a fire with big logs. Boy was that nice. You know I could have sat there all night just looking at the fireplace & listening to it crackle. We sang & some of the boys played the piano & sang & put on little acts. And we boys had a swell time together. Our commanding officer was there & he said he had a swell time. He said he really felt good to see a bunch of fellows have such a good time without any rowdyism (& without beer). We had sandwiches & coffee as refreshments. All & all we had a nice time (we were taken in G.I. trucks).
Thursday nite was the battalion dance. We had a nice time but there wasn't enough girls. But anyway they had a jitterbug contest & I managed to get a girl that could do it half way, anyway. And I came in second. She got nervous & we made a few mistakes. But the guy that won in my platoon & he also comes from N.Y. The officers were there with their wives & they were all very friendly & we all had a good time.
Friday night we were invited to a concert held in Clover Park H.S. That's where that girl that sang for us goes (The captain's daughter). It was a very nice concert. I enjoyed it a lot. The capt. daughter sang "The Man I Love." (Her name is Merry Jo Arends). Boy what a swell voice she has. I really think she has a future ahead of her. (I will include the program in this letter).

She invited us all out Sunday (last night). So the four of us went in & went to the show (the only show in Lakewood Center) (that's where they live). She got girls for the other fellows (my buddies) and we saw "Arabian Nights." It was a nice picture. Very exciting. Did any body see it. After the show we went to the house & her mother made sandwiches & she sang & played the piano. We got in around 12:30.
Sat. morning we had to move from the barracks to the tents. Well ma, we four buddies are still together. We get more like brothers everyday & I'm glad. Now that we got our own tent we have more pride in it and boy did we make it clean. Boy we worked all day on it. Sat. night we went to bed early. Sunday morning we went to church & then worked on our tents again for inspection at 3 o'clock. We passed. Then we took showers & shaved & by that time we had to leave on pass to go to Merry Jo's house.
Boy what a busy week huh! And I think I'm a bit tired. So as soon as I finish this letter I will go to bed & take a good nap. I sort of kind of like it living in this little tent. It's a bit cool sleeping at but it's nice. We have a litle stove in the middle of the tent but the fire dies out & the tent gets cool.
Well I think that's about all.
I received a letter from Ginger (?). It was a very nice letter. Her boyfriend is in Alaska.
I also received 2 letters from Eleanor & a little mail pack. It was so cute. Thanks a lot Ele. Thanks for the baseball scores.
By the way I got a baseball book. Like the one that Red Barber advertised last year. Who sent it?
You could drop a line (postcard) to the J.B. Postmaster & ask him about the package. I may do some good.
Say ma, I would like a picture of Barb in her uniform? Besides the rest you took O.K.
I receive mail from Elfrieda about twice a week. I also receive mail from Helen Riley from time to time.
We get our wash within a week. Boy I'm glad we can get our wash done because we have no time to do it ourselves. They take a dollar & a half out of our pay a month. Pretty cheap huh?
I got paid on Wed. (May 5). I got $47.
Please tell me all about Grandma's house. I hope Grandma can come & live with you all. I know she will be a lot happier with you. I hope everything turns out Ok. And Grandma can have my room if she likes too. I just know she will be so much happier. Don't you ma?
Well I shall close now as it is getting late. I am going to try to stay in all this week & I will try to get another letter to you at the end of the week. So until then I remain on the beam.
Your Loving Soldier Boy
P.S. I ran out of paper (my [?] kind). Will you please send me some.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Dear Ma & Pa & Barb & Ann & Ele
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,
I was all set to write a nice long letter today because there is so much to tell you all. But yesterday we moved into tents and ever since then we have been G.I. the tents & the barracks we moved out of. And we have to be ready for inspection at 3 o'clock. And tonight the fellows are going into town. So I'll write tomorrow night. Boy I'll write you a book because there is plenty to tell you.
I feel fine, still have plenty to eat & I believe still picking up weight.
I hope you all feel fine and are in the best of health.
So until tomorrow night.
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,
I was all set to write a nice long letter today because there is so much to tell you all. But yesterday we moved into tents and ever since then we have been G.I. the tents & the barracks we moved out of. And we have to be ready for inspection at 3 o'clock. And tonight the fellows are going into town. So I'll write tomorrow night. Boy I'll write you a book because there is plenty to tell you.
I feel fine, still have plenty to eat & I believe still picking up weight.
I hope you all feel fine and are in the best of health.
So until tomorrow night.
I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I hope you liked the flowers Ma.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Dear Helen
Mon Nite
Dear Helen,
It seems such a long time since I wrote to you. Eleven days & nights. Wow. I should write twice as much, then I would have twice as much enjoyment. And believe me, Miss Helen Riley, I'm not going to give up so easy. Maybe I should take up a course in letter writing just to find the right words, to tell you sincerely & honestly that your letters are the most interesting & enjoyable letters I receive & have received. When I read your letters my heart just inflates with sincere happy laughter; And by the time I finish the letter it overflows into a perpetual smile & if you say I have a perpetual smile, just double it to stress the point. And another thing--it's no old line because I can truthfully say, I never wrote it to any living soul on this earth. If you still have any doubt in your mind, I can write plenty more. Convinced?
You say you had a gruesome Easter Sunday. And from what you told me I guess it wasn't to gay. Well believe it or not, my Easter turned out pretty good. We were supposed to go on a picnic, but instead we were sent to private homes. My three friends & myself managed to stick together & we were sent to a beautiful country home about 4 miles from the camp. In the afternoon we went row boating on a nearby lake. After that, we had a swell home cooked meal, set up by our hostess. (It reminded me of the one I missed back at your home. I'm still sore at the army for not waiting a while longer). In the night, the next door neighbor came over & sang for us & played the piano. So all in all we had a nice time.
During the week days we have barely time to breathe with this training program. Calisthenics twice a day, lectures, construction etc. They keep us plenty busy during the day & the nights are so short.
This past Thursday we had regular routine during the day & at night we went on a little hike. We started out a 11:30 & marched 'til 4:30 in the morning. We covered about 15 miles. It wouldn't be half as bad, but walking during the night, you barely can see the man in front of you. And we didn't walk on cultivated roads either. And believe it or not I didn't get one blister. This hike is part of our training & we are promised many longer ones. But it all makes us better soldiers right? Joke.
Talking about Uncle Sam liking me, he loves me. Because this time I am corporal of the guards. You relieve the old guards with the new one & then you sit and wait 'til the two hrs. are up & then put a new guard on. Then you have the next 4 hrs. off. So this time guard duty was a pleasure. By the way, I'm on guard duty now writing this letter. It's about 2 o'clock in the afternoon & my guards are walking their posts. Some racket, huh! Boy I finally got a chance to catch up with some of my mail.
Just a word about the picture you sent me. I couldn't ask for anything better. It's real sweet. Thanks a lot. And if it wouldn't be asking too much, it would be just perfect to see you in your Easter bonnet. Honest I would love one.
As for my picture that was the only one I had & your have it.
I was never up in the statue of liberty. But most of my family has. I really am ashamed of myself. Living in such a large city all my life, & there are so many interesting things I didn't see. Maybe when the war is over you can come & visit us & I'll show you some of the things I never seen myself. And I'm serious.
That same thing happened to a friend of mine. His cousin came in from the west & he showed her all around N.Y. When it was all over, he said he saw more during that week than he did in his whole life. Wonders will never cease.
My buddy is Joe D'Angelo. He was at the last dance (K of C). I don't know whether you remember him or not.
My sister Ann works for Hall Bros. (not the oldest one). I don't know whether N.Y. is their main office, but they have a large place there. She sent me some cards which are really tops. I'll send you some from time to time.
I think I covered everything but the weather. And the weather is getting nicer all the time. The sun is shining more regular each day (except one day) (we were drenched right thru. You know the army doesn't stop for anything).
So until I hear from you again, and I hope it's real soon. I hope you are all in the best of health & very happy.
Mon Nite
Dear Helen,
It seems such a long time since I wrote to you. Eleven days & nights. Wow. I should write twice as much, then I would have twice as much enjoyment. And believe me, Miss Helen Riley, I'm not going to give up so easy. Maybe I should take up a course in letter writing just to find the right words, to tell you sincerely & honestly that your letters are the most interesting & enjoyable letters I receive & have received. When I read your letters my heart just inflates with sincere happy laughter; And by the time I finish the letter it overflows into a perpetual smile & if you say I have a perpetual smile, just double it to stress the point. And another thing--it's no old line because I can truthfully say, I never wrote it to any living soul on this earth. If you still have any doubt in your mind, I can write plenty more. Convinced?
You say you had a gruesome Easter Sunday. And from what you told me I guess it wasn't to gay. Well believe it or not, my Easter turned out pretty good. We were supposed to go on a picnic, but instead we were sent to private homes. My three friends & myself managed to stick together & we were sent to a beautiful country home about 4 miles from the camp. In the afternoon we went row boating on a nearby lake. After that, we had a swell home cooked meal, set up by our hostess. (It reminded me of the one I missed back at your home. I'm still sore at the army for not waiting a while longer). In the night, the next door neighbor came over & sang for us & played the piano. So all in all we had a nice time.
During the week days we have barely time to breathe with this training program. Calisthenics twice a day, lectures, construction etc. They keep us plenty busy during the day & the nights are so short.
This past Thursday we had regular routine during the day & at night we went on a little hike. We started out a 11:30 & marched 'til 4:30 in the morning. We covered about 15 miles. It wouldn't be half as bad, but walking during the night, you barely can see the man in front of you. And we didn't walk on cultivated roads either. And believe it or not I didn't get one blister. This hike is part of our training & we are promised many longer ones. But it all makes us better soldiers right? Joke.
Talking about Uncle Sam liking me, he loves me. Because this time I am corporal of the guards. You relieve the old guards with the new one & then you sit and wait 'til the two hrs. are up & then put a new guard on. Then you have the next 4 hrs. off. So this time guard duty was a pleasure. By the way, I'm on guard duty now writing this letter. It's about 2 o'clock in the afternoon & my guards are walking their posts. Some racket, huh! Boy I finally got a chance to catch up with some of my mail.
Just a word about the picture you sent me. I couldn't ask for anything better. It's real sweet. Thanks a lot. And if it wouldn't be asking too much, it would be just perfect to see you in your Easter bonnet. Honest I would love one.
As for my picture that was the only one I had & your have it.
I was never up in the statue of liberty. But most of my family has. I really am ashamed of myself. Living in such a large city all my life, & there are so many interesting things I didn't see. Maybe when the war is over you can come & visit us & I'll show you some of the things I never seen myself. And I'm serious.
That same thing happened to a friend of mine. His cousin came in from the west & he showed her all around N.Y. When it was all over, he said he saw more during that week than he did in his whole life. Wonders will never cease.
My buddy is Joe D'Angelo. He was at the last dance (K of C). I don't know whether you remember him or not.
My sister Ann works for Hall Bros. (not the oldest one). I don't know whether N.Y. is their main office, but they have a large place there. She sent me some cards which are really tops. I'll send you some from time to time.
I think I covered everything but the weather. And the weather is getting nicer all the time. The sun is shining more regular each day (except one day) (we were drenched right thru. You know the army doesn't stop for anything).
So until I hear from you again, and I hope it's real soon. I hope you are all in the best of health & very happy.
Sincerely As Ever,
P.S. Thank your sister for the lovely card. It was very thoughtful of her.
P.S. In your last paragraph of your letter you say "Try to be good." I resent that. You know I'll always be good. And I'm not being conceited either. I chose my friends & I make sure they're good. And believe me I did an excellent job in meeting you.
P.S. In your last paragraph of your letter you say "Try to be good." I resent that. You know I'll always be good. And I'm not being conceited either. I chose my friends & I make sure they're good. And believe me I did an excellent job in meeting you.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 44
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 5-1-43
Letter No. 44
Rec'd 64-65
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, & Ele,
Well here it is May already. Boy time flies.
In your 65th letter you say it took 8 days since you got my last letter. Well ma, we all complain about the mailing system here. I guess it isn't too good. But besides the mailing system, I'm afraid I can't write more than once a week & maybe twice. They are always finding something for us to do. So ma if you only hear from me once a week you know the reason why.
During the day we don't get any time to write letters. In the night the time is very short. On Mon. & Tues. (26 & 27) I wrote letters. On Wed. night I had to sign the payroll & get a hair cut. That took all night.
On Thursday we had regular routine during the day. Then at night we took a nice long hike. We started at 11:30 at night & marched 'til 4:30 the next morning. It was a 15 mile hike. And it's not so easy walking in the night especially when you hardly can see the guy in front of you. Believe it or not my feet held out pretty good. I didn't get any blisters. After the hike was over those that wanted to got to chow went & the others went to bed. I was one that when to bed. We slept until noon & then we had to G.I. the barracks. A lot of the lieutenants had trouble with their feet & had to get them treated.
Friday night we went into town to get our suits pressed for inspection on Sat. (today). We were lucky to find a tailor open.
Inspection went over pretty good. Something happened that we all got a good laugh over. All your pockets in the clothes on the rack are supposed to have nothing in them. This one fellow had plenty in his overcoat pockets & the lieutenant found it. Well we were all standing at attention & the lieutenant started to take out the stuff in the pockets. Well he had a shoe brush, 3 pairs of gloves, an apple, a braid for the hat, an arm insignia, a piece of candy & a lot of small odds & ends in his pocket. Well that was the funniest sights I ever saw. A few of the fellows couldn't hold it in & started to laugh & they got gigged. I really don't know how I held it in myself.
This afternoon we were introduced to all the lieutenants of the battalion. They really are a swell bunch. The adjutant lieutenant said that he looked over our records & he said that it is the best outfit on the field.
He also said that the Engineer Aviation Battalion are becoming more & more popular every day. (They weren't used in the last war) and he said after this war we will be proud to say we came from the 1875th. They had a lot of spirit & I think we are going to have a superior outfit.
This afternoon we also played a little game of softball.
One of the lieutenants arranged a dance for this Thursday (May 6) right at our recreation hall. We should have a good time.
On May 5 (Wed) the sergeant arranged a party for the H & S company only, so that we all can get to know each other. I think it's a very good idea, don't you?
And tomorrow (Sun) I am on guard duty with my buddy. We start 5 o'clock PM & finish up 5 PM on Monday. From what I mentioned you can see why I have very little time for writing.
The weather here is getting pretty nice. They say the summers here are pretty nice. OH I forgot to tell you last week I saw a rainbow in the sky. It extended from one end to the other. A complete half circle. And the colors were so distinct. Boy was that beautiful.
I also bought some postcards in town last night. I will send them in another envelope.
I also received a letter from Bob & Dad.
In Bob's letter she asked me about Garrison hats & leather belts. Well at this post we are not allowed to wear them. Other posts have different ruling on the subject. As for the leather belts around the shoulder we can't wear those. In fact you never see them except on an officer.
As for the black ties, I don't know what they are for & we can't wear them anyway. Some fellows from other organizations wear them. We don't.
Tell Dad thanks for his letter & I hope he passes the test.
I got an Easter card from Aunt Margarette with a dollar in it. That was nice wasn't it?
I got a letter from Fio (?). He is in the air corps also. He is in Nashville, Tenn. He likes it pretty well. Send his regards.
Say ma, I lost the medal that Ele gave me. But I still have the the chain. Maybe you could get one for me?
I sent the box home with the palm in it. I also put the post cards etc. that I sent to Helen in St. Louis. She also sent tome cards back. So I put those in too.
Well I guess that's all the news. I still feel fine & probably gaining more weight.
I guess the next opportunity I will have will be next weekend. So until then I hope you are all in the best of health and happy.
Send my love & kisses to Grandma also.
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 5-1-43
Letter No. 44
Rec'd 64-65
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, & Ele,
Well here it is May already. Boy time flies.
In your 65th letter you say it took 8 days since you got my last letter. Well ma, we all complain about the mailing system here. I guess it isn't too good. But besides the mailing system, I'm afraid I can't write more than once a week & maybe twice. They are always finding something for us to do. So ma if you only hear from me once a week you know the reason why.
During the day we don't get any time to write letters. In the night the time is very short. On Mon. & Tues. (26 & 27) I wrote letters. On Wed. night I had to sign the payroll & get a hair cut. That took all night.
On Thursday we had regular routine during the day. Then at night we took a nice long hike. We started at 11:30 at night & marched 'til 4:30 the next morning. It was a 15 mile hike. And it's not so easy walking in the night especially when you hardly can see the guy in front of you. Believe it or not my feet held out pretty good. I didn't get any blisters. After the hike was over those that wanted to got to chow went & the others went to bed. I was one that when to bed. We slept until noon & then we had to G.I. the barracks. A lot of the lieutenants had trouble with their feet & had to get them treated.
Friday night we went into town to get our suits pressed for inspection on Sat. (today). We were lucky to find a tailor open.
Inspection went over pretty good. Something happened that we all got a good laugh over. All your pockets in the clothes on the rack are supposed to have nothing in them. This one fellow had plenty in his overcoat pockets & the lieutenant found it. Well we were all standing at attention & the lieutenant started to take out the stuff in the pockets. Well he had a shoe brush, 3 pairs of gloves, an apple, a braid for the hat, an arm insignia, a piece of candy & a lot of small odds & ends in his pocket. Well that was the funniest sights I ever saw. A few of the fellows couldn't hold it in & started to laugh & they got gigged. I really don't know how I held it in myself.
This afternoon we were introduced to all the lieutenants of the battalion. They really are a swell bunch. The adjutant lieutenant said that he looked over our records & he said that it is the best outfit on the field.
He also said that the Engineer Aviation Battalion are becoming more & more popular every day. (They weren't used in the last war) and he said after this war we will be proud to say we came from the 1875th. They had a lot of spirit & I think we are going to have a superior outfit.
This afternoon we also played a little game of softball.
One of the lieutenants arranged a dance for this Thursday (May 6) right at our recreation hall. We should have a good time.
On May 5 (Wed) the sergeant arranged a party for the H & S company only, so that we all can get to know each other. I think it's a very good idea, don't you?
And tomorrow (Sun) I am on guard duty with my buddy. We start 5 o'clock PM & finish up 5 PM on Monday. From what I mentioned you can see why I have very little time for writing.
The weather here is getting pretty nice. They say the summers here are pretty nice. OH I forgot to tell you last week I saw a rainbow in the sky. It extended from one end to the other. A complete half circle. And the colors were so distinct. Boy was that beautiful.
I also bought some postcards in town last night. I will send them in another envelope.
I also received a letter from Bob & Dad.
In Bob's letter she asked me about Garrison hats & leather belts. Well at this post we are not allowed to wear them. Other posts have different ruling on the subject. As for the leather belts around the shoulder we can't wear those. In fact you never see them except on an officer.
As for the black ties, I don't know what they are for & we can't wear them anyway. Some fellows from other organizations wear them. We don't.
Tell Dad thanks for his letter & I hope he passes the test.
I got an Easter card from Aunt Margarette with a dollar in it. That was nice wasn't it?
I got a letter from Fio (?). He is in the air corps also. He is in Nashville, Tenn. He likes it pretty well. Send his regards.
Say ma, I lost the medal that Ele gave me. But I still have the the chain. Maybe you could get one for me?
I sent the box home with the palm in it. I also put the post cards etc. that I sent to Helen in St. Louis. She also sent tome cards back. So I put those in too.
Well I guess that's all the news. I still feel fine & probably gaining more weight.
I guess the next opportunity I will have will be next weekend. So until then I hope you are all in the best of health and happy.
Send my love & kisses to Grandma also.
So until then I
remain Your Loving Soldier Boy,
remain Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I still didn't get the package with the socks in it. Where that is only the Lord knows.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 43
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-26-43
Letter No. 43
Rec'd 60-61-62-63
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele & Grandma,
I wrote Sat. nite so the only thing to tell you all about is Easter Sunday.
Well we all thought it was going to be a picnic. To our amazement we were all split up & sent to private homes. My 3 friends & I all managed to stick together on the one invitation. We left the camp about 2 o'clock. We went to a Mrs. Helen Bussards home, about 3 1/2 miles from the camp. We were taken to a center & all the hostesses took us to their homes. She was an elderly woman of about 55 years old. She said the house was ours & we could make ourselves at home. It was really a very beautiful house. It's just like the pictures you see in the country & it's just a short walk to a beautiful lake. She had a daughter who is going to graduate from high school on my birthday June 3. Her daughter took us down to the lake & we went row boating. Boy this country certainly is beautiful. Most of the trees here are pine & spruce. Then we came back & had a swell meal. Then the girl from next door came in and sung for us & played the piano. She was the Capt. daughters. He's a chaplain at Fort Lewis another nearby camp. She was very nice.
Then about 10 o'clock we left & they took us to the main highway in the car which is about a mile & a half from the camp. Then from there one of the soldiers took us to camp in his car. We had a grand day. They invited us out again. Maybe next Sunday. Boy wasn't that nice of them to give us a good time like that & especiallly with all this rationing going on!
She took down all our mothers' names. She will probably drop you a line saying what nice boys we are. Isn't that nice of her.
Now I'll answer your letters ma.
I am sorry to hear about Frank's Grandfather. Is that the same one that lived with them?
By the way, the other day I got my G.I. glasses. They came thru from J.B. Boy they certainly are sturdy & strong. I mean the frame is strong.
Boy I'm glad to hear you don't have to take the pills anymore. That certainly is another good sign. I am so glad & happy.
I received the cards from Sis. Boy they certainly made me laugh. And they certainly are appropriate.
The candy you sent is certainly good. Boy there is so much candy coming in. Almost everybody got a box of candy from home & they all pass it around. Boy I hope my stomach holds out. I think it will.
All my friends are still here. I guess I should have said Buddies instead of buddy. They are a swell bunch of fellows. And we have a swell time together.
I will write as usual to Grandma & Aunt Anna. But I will also include Grandma's name on this one too O.K.
The weather here is getting pretty nice. Not so much rain anymore. I think the rainy season is all over.
By the way I forgot to tell you I went to church yesterday morning. I am fine & I hope you all had a very happy Easter & are all in the best of health.
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-26-43
Letter No. 43
Rec'd 60-61-62-63
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele & Grandma,
I wrote Sat. nite so the only thing to tell you all about is Easter Sunday.
Well we all thought it was going to be a picnic. To our amazement we were all split up & sent to private homes. My 3 friends & I all managed to stick together on the one invitation. We left the camp about 2 o'clock. We went to a Mrs. Helen Bussards home, about 3 1/2 miles from the camp. We were taken to a center & all the hostesses took us to their homes. She was an elderly woman of about 55 years old. She said the house was ours & we could make ourselves at home. It was really a very beautiful house. It's just like the pictures you see in the country & it's just a short walk to a beautiful lake. She had a daughter who is going to graduate from high school on my birthday June 3. Her daughter took us down to the lake & we went row boating. Boy this country certainly is beautiful. Most of the trees here are pine & spruce. Then we came back & had a swell meal. Then the girl from next door came in and sung for us & played the piano. She was the Capt. daughters. He's a chaplain at Fort Lewis another nearby camp. She was very nice.
Then about 10 o'clock we left & they took us to the main highway in the car which is about a mile & a half from the camp. Then from there one of the soldiers took us to camp in his car. We had a grand day. They invited us out again. Maybe next Sunday. Boy wasn't that nice of them to give us a good time like that & especiallly with all this rationing going on!
She took down all our mothers' names. She will probably drop you a line saying what nice boys we are. Isn't that nice of her.
Now I'll answer your letters ma.
I am sorry to hear about Frank's Grandfather. Is that the same one that lived with them?
By the way, the other day I got my G.I. glasses. They came thru from J.B. Boy they certainly are sturdy & strong. I mean the frame is strong.
Boy I'm glad to hear you don't have to take the pills anymore. That certainly is another good sign. I am so glad & happy.
I received the cards from Sis. Boy they certainly made me laugh. And they certainly are appropriate.
The candy you sent is certainly good. Boy there is so much candy coming in. Almost everybody got a box of candy from home & they all pass it around. Boy I hope my stomach holds out. I think it will.
All my friends are still here. I guess I should have said Buddies instead of buddy. They are a swell bunch of fellows. And we have a swell time together.
I will write as usual to Grandma & Aunt Anna. But I will also include Grandma's name on this one too O.K.
The weather here is getting pretty nice. Not so much rain anymore. I think the rainy season is all over.
By the way I forgot to tell you I went to church yesterday morning. I am fine & I hope you all had a very happy Easter & are all in the best of health.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I also got two swell cards from Ann & Ele. Thanks.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 42
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-24-43
Letter No. 42
Rec'd 57-58-59
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
This is the first chance I got to write. I try to get off a letter a nite & I wanted to wait 'til Sat. nite to write to you ma, because I want to be able to write tomorrow as we are going on a picnic & I did want to tell you the news of the week. We weren't so sure of the picnic so I didn't know whether we were going until tonight. I will tell you all about it next week.
I wrote last Sun. & as yet didn't receive a letter in answer to the ques. in that letter. I mean about whether I should write to just Grandma or not. I got another letter from Aunt Anna & she ends off by saying "Thinking of you constantly: Write soon again, Grandma & Aunt Ann. Mostly Aunt Anna" I don't like it. So please ans. my questions in the other letter.
During the week we have the same routine, calesthencis & lectures on different topics. But we don't have much time for ourselves during the day. All during the day we just have about 10 minute breaks between lectures etc. And now we have calesthenics twice a day. In the morning & right before we go to chow at night. It's pretty good only I would ike to have more time for myself.
Tues. I had K.P. again. I was on the beam that day so things went pretty good & the day didn't seem so long. As long as you keep busy it's O.K.
Wed. nite I went to the show with the boys & saw "The Sun is Down." It was a proper Gander picture but it was pretty good.
Thurs. nite I wrote a letter to Ele.
Friday nite (last nite) I wanted to write a letter to you but I was so busy getting ready for inspection I bearly got everything done. I had to polish my shoes, sew my braid on my hat, get equipment on the bed in a certain way for inspection by the sargeant, take a shower & shave. I was really rushing.
Today we had inspection by the major & he didn't like the way the clothes were laid out because some wasn't marked. So we had to stay in all afternoon & we had another inspection tonight. I'm glad that's over.
You ask me whether my uniforms fit me. Well half of them are pretty tight fit. But I manage all right. If they get too tight I will get new ones.
I received your candy yesterday. Thank Grandma & you too ma. I certainly got a lot of candy to keep me going for a while. But I still didn't receive the other package with the socks in it. I wonder where that is? I think that's a very good idea about the money in the pouch Elfrieda gave me. Thank Grandma & give her a big kiss for me, will you ma.
My buddy was tickled pink over the candy. He thanks you an awful lot.
Elfrieda said she had another wonderful time last Sunday. And she certainly liked the corsage. Elfrieda says she also got a bit knocked out doing her shopping. I guess all the women have the same trouble each year.
Say ma one of the fellows here has a camera but he can't get films. Would you try to get some rolls. The no is AGFA PB 20. O.K.
So everything is all right with Clifford's wife. I am glad to hear that.
Well I believe that's about all for now. I hope you had a very happy Easter & I hope you are all in the best of health.
I will try to write early next week. So until them I remain.
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-24-43
Letter No. 42
Rec'd 57-58-59
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
This is the first chance I got to write. I try to get off a letter a nite & I wanted to wait 'til Sat. nite to write to you ma, because I want to be able to write tomorrow as we are going on a picnic & I did want to tell you the news of the week. We weren't so sure of the picnic so I didn't know whether we were going until tonight. I will tell you all about it next week.
I wrote last Sun. & as yet didn't receive a letter in answer to the ques. in that letter. I mean about whether I should write to just Grandma or not. I got another letter from Aunt Anna & she ends off by saying "Thinking of you constantly: Write soon again, Grandma & Aunt Ann. Mostly Aunt Anna" I don't like it. So please ans. my questions in the other letter.
During the week we have the same routine, calesthencis & lectures on different topics. But we don't have much time for ourselves during the day. All during the day we just have about 10 minute breaks between lectures etc. And now we have calesthenics twice a day. In the morning & right before we go to chow at night. It's pretty good only I would ike to have more time for myself.
Tues. I had K.P. again. I was on the beam that day so things went pretty good & the day didn't seem so long. As long as you keep busy it's O.K.
Wed. nite I went to the show with the boys & saw "The Sun is Down." It was a proper Gander picture but it was pretty good.
Thurs. nite I wrote a letter to Ele.
Friday nite (last nite) I wanted to write a letter to you but I was so busy getting ready for inspection I bearly got everything done. I had to polish my shoes, sew my braid on my hat, get equipment on the bed in a certain way for inspection by the sargeant, take a shower & shave. I was really rushing.
Today we had inspection by the major & he didn't like the way the clothes were laid out because some wasn't marked. So we had to stay in all afternoon & we had another inspection tonight. I'm glad that's over.
You ask me whether my uniforms fit me. Well half of them are pretty tight fit. But I manage all right. If they get too tight I will get new ones.
I received your candy yesterday. Thank Grandma & you too ma. I certainly got a lot of candy to keep me going for a while. But I still didn't receive the other package with the socks in it. I wonder where that is? I think that's a very good idea about the money in the pouch Elfrieda gave me. Thank Grandma & give her a big kiss for me, will you ma.
My buddy was tickled pink over the candy. He thanks you an awful lot.
Elfrieda said she had another wonderful time last Sunday. And she certainly liked the corsage. Elfrieda says she also got a bit knocked out doing her shopping. I guess all the women have the same trouble each year.
Say ma one of the fellows here has a camera but he can't get films. Would you try to get some rolls. The no is AGFA PB 20. O.K.
So everything is all right with Clifford's wife. I am glad to hear that.
Well I believe that's about all for now. I hope you had a very happy Easter & I hope you are all in the best of health.
I will try to write early next week. So until them I remain.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I also received the shoes (track shoes) - thanks.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dear Helen
Dear Helen,
Here it is Wed. night & the sun is setting beyond the horizon. I really should say it is finally setting. It must have rained & sun shined about 50 times today. Off & on, but I'm getting kind of use to it now.
It's been a very busy week up here, so far away from it all. Last Mon. (12) I got 24 hr. guard duty. Two hrs. on & four hours off. Guard duty isn't so bad, but it gets kind of lonely walking around in the dark. I always start to think of different things & about back home etc., and gosh it makes me feel awful homesick.
During the week we had calisthenics and lectures on different topics and a few hikes thrown in. It may seem like a simple routine but from the time we get up in the morning (6 am) till 6 pm we are on the go all the time, with a few ten minute breaks thrown in here & there. In other words we don't have any time for ourselves during the day. So in the night we have to take care of all our personal needs & still try to have a good time. Well if you think we don't have a good time, you're mistaken. We have a good time by kidding around in a decent way or go to the post theatre or go to any dance on the post.
Well Thurs. night I went to a dance at the post recreation hall. Boy was it lousy. They had about 6 soldiers to every girl & the girls dancing wasn't anything to talk about. Oh why couldn't they leave me at J.B. for a few more months. I don't think I'll ever stop feeling sorry for myself.
Friday night I went to the post theatre and saw "Forest Rangers" with Fred Macunny (sp?) & Paulette Godard. It was a very good picture.
Sat. is our regular day for inspection. We all passed believe it or not.
This past Tuesday I got K.P. again. It wasn't so bad. I'm getting quite a knack for it now. Pretty soon I'll be an expert.
You know whenever I receive a letter from you, I just (?) away into the corner & read it and I'll be gosh darn if there isn't a perpetual smile on my face. Even my buddies say "It must be a letter from Helen." Even he knows you now.
Before I forget it, thanks for your Easter card. I must say it was very appropriate, symbolic & colorful. (I also like cards an awful lot). By the way, my sister works for Hall Bros. Inc., the maker of Hallmark cards. I noticed the card you sent me was a Hallmark card. They do turn out some beautiful cards. What do you say on the subject being you associate with it at your time of pleasure.
My sister (youngest) was in N.Y. the other day and sent me some post cards which will also help you obtain a picture of N.Y.C. And while on the subject I want to thank you immensely for postcards etc. on St. Louis. I found it very interesting & will send it home to show my family with your compliments.
This afternoon I was interviewed & classified for the fourth time since I'm in the army. I was again classified as a topographic draftsman. I will not go to actual school. I guess they figure I have enough background to carry out my task & to do a well enough job without further schooling. It's O.K. with me as I probably will still get my rating in due time.
I will enclose my picture.
I'm glad to hear you are going to play tennis. I think everybody that has an office job should get plenty of exercise during the summer & even after working hrs. if possible. Being you go to dances, you get exercise. When I was home that's the only way I got exercise, just by dancing. Sometimes I got an awful workout too.
As it stands, I think it's fairly complete, but not as complete as I could like to write, but I will try to write more next time. O.K.
So until I hear from you I will be waiting filled with anxiety. Hoping you & your family are in the best of health.
Dear Helen,
Here it is Wed. night & the sun is setting beyond the horizon. I really should say it is finally setting. It must have rained & sun shined about 50 times today. Off & on, but I'm getting kind of use to it now.
It's been a very busy week up here, so far away from it all. Last Mon. (12) I got 24 hr. guard duty. Two hrs. on & four hours off. Guard duty isn't so bad, but it gets kind of lonely walking around in the dark. I always start to think of different things & about back home etc., and gosh it makes me feel awful homesick.
During the week we had calisthenics and lectures on different topics and a few hikes thrown in. It may seem like a simple routine but from the time we get up in the morning (6 am) till 6 pm we are on the go all the time, with a few ten minute breaks thrown in here & there. In other words we don't have any time for ourselves during the day. So in the night we have to take care of all our personal needs & still try to have a good time. Well if you think we don't have a good time, you're mistaken. We have a good time by kidding around in a decent way or go to the post theatre or go to any dance on the post.
Well Thurs. night I went to a dance at the post recreation hall. Boy was it lousy. They had about 6 soldiers to every girl & the girls dancing wasn't anything to talk about. Oh why couldn't they leave me at J.B. for a few more months. I don't think I'll ever stop feeling sorry for myself.
Friday night I went to the post theatre and saw "Forest Rangers" with Fred Macunny (sp?) & Paulette Godard. It was a very good picture.
Sat. is our regular day for inspection. We all passed believe it or not.
This past Tuesday I got K.P. again. It wasn't so bad. I'm getting quite a knack for it now. Pretty soon I'll be an expert.
You know whenever I receive a letter from you, I just (?) away into the corner & read it and I'll be gosh darn if there isn't a perpetual smile on my face. Even my buddies say "It must be a letter from Helen." Even he knows you now.
Before I forget it, thanks for your Easter card. I must say it was very appropriate, symbolic & colorful. (I also like cards an awful lot). By the way, my sister works for Hall Bros. Inc., the maker of Hallmark cards. I noticed the card you sent me was a Hallmark card. They do turn out some beautiful cards. What do you say on the subject being you associate with it at your time of pleasure.
My sister (youngest) was in N.Y. the other day and sent me some post cards which will also help you obtain a picture of N.Y.C. And while on the subject I want to thank you immensely for postcards etc. on St. Louis. I found it very interesting & will send it home to show my family with your compliments.
This afternoon I was interviewed & classified for the fourth time since I'm in the army. I was again classified as a topographic draftsman. I will not go to actual school. I guess they figure I have enough background to carry out my task & to do a well enough job without further schooling. It's O.K. with me as I probably will still get my rating in due time.
I will enclose my picture.
I'm glad to hear you are going to play tennis. I think everybody that has an office job should get plenty of exercise during the summer & even after working hrs. if possible. Being you go to dances, you get exercise. When I was home that's the only way I got exercise, just by dancing. Sometimes I got an awful workout too.
As it stands, I think it's fairly complete, but not as complete as I could like to write, but I will try to write more next time. O.K.
So until I hear from you I will be waiting filled with anxiety. Hoping you & your family are in the best of health.
Remaining As Ever
Fred Macunny,
Paulette Godard
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 41
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
U.S. Army
Date 4-18-43
Letter No. 41
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,
Well how is everybody. Ok, right? I didn't get any letters since I wrote on Wed. But I received 4 cards which are all beautiful one from Mom & Dad, Grandma, Bob & Ele. Thanks a lot.
Thurs. we had the regular routine calisthenics & lectures. In the night I went to the dance at the recreation hall but didn't enjoy myself because the place was so crowded. I left early. I hope the rest are better.
Friday we were tested on the broad jump, chinning bar, push ups, sit ups & a 300 yd. dash. I did fairly well.
In the night I went to see "Forest Rangers." It was O.K. Sat. was inspection day. We all passed O.K.
In the night I went to the show again and saw "She's got what it takes." It was fair.
This morning my buddy & I went to church. I got a program with the schedules on & it will give you an idea of what our church looks like. I also got some palm. I will send it home in the box that sister sent the cookies in. You can put some behind the picture in my room like I used to do every year. You can also give a strip to Grandma O.K. In the box I will also include tooth brush covers. See how you like them. Believe it or not I bought them at Camp Upton. I just forgot to send it.
Today I receive a package from Elfrieda. It contained a carton of cigarettes, a box of cherries, a box of jelly beans, a couple bars of chocolates, writing paper & envelopes & chocolate chip cookies. It weighed 5 lbs. Boy was I surprised. Isn't she swell ma. She says she likes your corsage very much. I hope she has a nice time when she comes over Sunday. I guess she will she always does.
Joe Cohn was shipped to Wisconsin. He is going to radio school. He was accepted in Meteorology but the place is filled with W.A.A.C.'s so he can't go. I wish those W.A.C.C.s would get out of the way. This warfare is no place for women. They have so many men now they don't know what to do with them & the women put themselves in the way to confuse matters. Well that's the way it goes.
I received a letter from Aunt Anna today & it agrivated me rather than enjoying it. I will include the page that agrivated me. (pg 1) If she writes like that about Grandma anymore I won't write anymore. But don't tell Grandma about it. I just want you to know. Grandma might feel bad. Give me your opinion on it ma. If you don't want me to write I won't. I still can write to Grandma by sending the letters to you. Let me know before I write another letter to her.
She also writes a 10 pg. letter just for spite, because that's the longest one I ever got from her.
Today I received another letter from Helen Riley. She writes a swell letter. When I send my letters home you can read them.
I also answered Eleanor's letter today. She will get it soon after this one arrives I guess.
Well I guess that's about all for now. Hoping you are all in the best of health.
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
U.S. Army
Date 4-18-43
Letter No. 41
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,
Well how is everybody. Ok, right? I didn't get any letters since I wrote on Wed. But I received 4 cards which are all beautiful one from Mom & Dad, Grandma, Bob & Ele. Thanks a lot.
Thurs. we had the regular routine calisthenics & lectures. In the night I went to the dance at the recreation hall but didn't enjoy myself because the place was so crowded. I left early. I hope the rest are better.
Friday we were tested on the broad jump, chinning bar, push ups, sit ups & a 300 yd. dash. I did fairly well.
In the night I went to see "Forest Rangers." It was O.K. Sat. was inspection day. We all passed O.K.
In the night I went to the show again and saw "She's got what it takes." It was fair.
This morning my buddy & I went to church. I got a program with the schedules on & it will give you an idea of what our church looks like. I also got some palm. I will send it home in the box that sister sent the cookies in. You can put some behind the picture in my room like I used to do every year. You can also give a strip to Grandma O.K. In the box I will also include tooth brush covers. See how you like them. Believe it or not I bought them at Camp Upton. I just forgot to send it.
Today I receive a package from Elfrieda. It contained a carton of cigarettes, a box of cherries, a box of jelly beans, a couple bars of chocolates, writing paper & envelopes & chocolate chip cookies. It weighed 5 lbs. Boy was I surprised. Isn't she swell ma. She says she likes your corsage very much. I hope she has a nice time when she comes over Sunday. I guess she will she always does.
Joe Cohn was shipped to Wisconsin. He is going to radio school. He was accepted in Meteorology but the place is filled with W.A.A.C.'s so he can't go. I wish those W.A.C.C.s would get out of the way. This warfare is no place for women. They have so many men now they don't know what to do with them & the women put themselves in the way to confuse matters. Well that's the way it goes.
I received a letter from Aunt Anna today & it agrivated me rather than enjoying it. I will include the page that agrivated me. (pg 1) If she writes like that about Grandma anymore I won't write anymore. But don't tell Grandma about it. I just want you to know. Grandma might feel bad. Give me your opinion on it ma. If you don't want me to write I won't. I still can write to Grandma by sending the letters to you. Let me know before I write another letter to her.
She also writes a 10 pg. letter just for spite, because that's the longest one I ever got from her.
Today I received another letter from Helen Riley. She writes a swell letter. When I send my letters home you can read them.
I also answered Eleanor's letter today. She will get it soon after this one arrives I guess.
Well I guess that's about all for now. Hoping you are all in the best of health.
Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. One of the fellas just received a telegram stating his wife got a baby boy. 5 lbs 13 oz. He passed cigars out to all of us.
He really is a swell guy & makes us laugh an awful lot. You see he used to be master of ceremonies at shows & a song writer & has an awful lot of personality. Someone like that certainly boosts the boys morale.
He really is a swell guy & makes us laugh an awful lot. You see he used to be master of ceremonies at shows & a song writer & has an awful lot of personality. Someone like that certainly boosts the boys morale.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 40
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
U.S. Army
Date 4-14-43
Letter No. 40
Rec'd 55 & 56
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
How is everybody? Still all O.K. Right? I feel fine.
Since Monday nothing too much has happened. On Monday we had calisthenics & lectures. Most of the lectures we had all ready.
One of the lieutenants gave us a speech on army organization. He also told us how we stand. We are attached to the air corps. And Ma I'm pretty lucky I think. As you remember I wanted to join the Sea Bees, and their job was to build the air fields for the navy and defend what the they build. Well the Engineer Aviation Battalion has the same function. They build the air bases for the army. Pretty good huh. If the navy don't want me, I'll do it for the army. O.K. huh.
I asked the lieutenant what were my chances of a draftsman or a surveyor. He said if you have past experience in it they will give you one of those jobs if possible. They will call us when they need us. But between you and I ma, my chances are pretty good I think. I'll just have to see how things run.
Monday night at 5 o'clock I had to go on guard for 24 hrs. 2 on 4 off. It was pretty easy. So I got off guard last night at 5 o'clock. My buddy got it tonight.
So today we had calisthenics as usual & a couple more lectures & this afternoon we had a hike (6 miles) and for the last half mile we had to double time (run). Boy I'm a bit tired but it's not so bad. As long as I get my regular sleep it's O.K. And I have been going to bed at 9 o'clock.
I got a letter from Joe Cohn. He is being shipped again. He tried for meteorology & made it, but it seems like there is no room for him as the W.A.A.C.'s are taking over. So he is going to radio school instead. He said he would write as soon as he reaches his new camp.
On Grandma's pillow case there is a little air corps pin like the one I sent to you. Make sure Grandma gets it.
I sent Aunt Anna's handkerchief separate.
As for Aunt Tennie you are perfectly right ma. The heck with her. You know ma, when I was back home we always agreed on everything. I always saw your side so clearly. I miss you so much ma. Your little pat on the back made me feel so good. And when you're home all alone just write me a nice long letter. It doesn't matter too much what it is even if it's about those little plants in my room. I know you can't write too much especially when you write me so often but no matter what it is I enjoy it because it's from you ma. If you only could send a word everyday that everybody was alright that's all I want to hear. That's all I need to keep me feeling like a million. But always let me know everything that happens like you always have been doing.
Tomorrow night there is a dance in the recreation hall. So my buddy & I are going. We had to get the tickets (free) from the orderly room & the lieutenant was there. He asked me whether I was going to the dances that are going to be held by the 1875th in the near future. I told him I wouldn't miss them. I told him I was one of those Jitterbugs from N.Y. He said he knew that when he looked at me. Boy it makes it a lot nicer when the lieutenants talk to you & kid around with you. They are all pretty young & are all swell.
Thanks for filling my request ma, by having that little party for just you & I. I guess we both couldn't be so happy so far apart but the spirit was there wasn't it ma. We just had to have a party together, right?
Thanks for making the corsage for Elfrieda. I'm positive she will like them. I got a letter from her today. I also got a card from the girl in St. Louis & she says she is writing me a letter. She is a very nice girl ma. And I also got a letter from Dot & Dave. She said Ann was in the store. She said what a nice girl Ann was. And by gosh she's right. We all know that.
I will enclose the little clipping I left out of the other letter.
So I will close now for awhile. Give my love to Grandma. Please ma and my love to all.
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
U.S. Army
Date 4-14-43
Letter No. 40
Rec'd 55 & 56
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
How is everybody? Still all O.K. Right? I feel fine.
Since Monday nothing too much has happened. On Monday we had calisthenics & lectures. Most of the lectures we had all ready.
One of the lieutenants gave us a speech on army organization. He also told us how we stand. We are attached to the air corps. And Ma I'm pretty lucky I think. As you remember I wanted to join the Sea Bees, and their job was to build the air fields for the navy and defend what the they build. Well the Engineer Aviation Battalion has the same function. They build the air bases for the army. Pretty good huh. If the navy don't want me, I'll do it for the army. O.K. huh.
I asked the lieutenant what were my chances of a draftsman or a surveyor. He said if you have past experience in it they will give you one of those jobs if possible. They will call us when they need us. But between you and I ma, my chances are pretty good I think. I'll just have to see how things run.
Monday night at 5 o'clock I had to go on guard for 24 hrs. 2 on 4 off. It was pretty easy. So I got off guard last night at 5 o'clock. My buddy got it tonight.
So today we had calisthenics as usual & a couple more lectures & this afternoon we had a hike (6 miles) and for the last half mile we had to double time (run). Boy I'm a bit tired but it's not so bad. As long as I get my regular sleep it's O.K. And I have been going to bed at 9 o'clock.
I got a letter from Joe Cohn. He is being shipped again. He tried for meteorology & made it, but it seems like there is no room for him as the W.A.A.C.'s are taking over. So he is going to radio school instead. He said he would write as soon as he reaches his new camp.
On Grandma's pillow case there is a little air corps pin like the one I sent to you. Make sure Grandma gets it.
I sent Aunt Anna's handkerchief separate.
As for Aunt Tennie you are perfectly right ma. The heck with her. You know ma, when I was back home we always agreed on everything. I always saw your side so clearly. I miss you so much ma. Your little pat on the back made me feel so good. And when you're home all alone just write me a nice long letter. It doesn't matter too much what it is even if it's about those little plants in my room. I know you can't write too much especially when you write me so often but no matter what it is I enjoy it because it's from you ma. If you only could send a word everyday that everybody was alright that's all I want to hear. That's all I need to keep me feeling like a million. But always let me know everything that happens like you always have been doing.
Tomorrow night there is a dance in the recreation hall. So my buddy & I are going. We had to get the tickets (free) from the orderly room & the lieutenant was there. He asked me whether I was going to the dances that are going to be held by the 1875th in the near future. I told him I wouldn't miss them. I told him I was one of those Jitterbugs from N.Y. He said he knew that when he looked at me. Boy it makes it a lot nicer when the lieutenants talk to you & kid around with you. They are all pretty young & are all swell.
Thanks for filling my request ma, by having that little party for just you & I. I guess we both couldn't be so happy so far apart but the spirit was there wasn't it ma. We just had to have a party together, right?
Thanks for making the corsage for Elfrieda. I'm positive she will like them. I got a letter from her today. I also got a card from the girl in St. Louis & she says she is writing me a letter. She is a very nice girl ma. And I also got a letter from Dot & Dave. She said Ann was in the store. She said what a nice girl Ann was. And by gosh she's right. We all know that.
I will enclose the little clipping I left out of the other letter.
So I will close now for awhile. Give my love to Grandma. Please ma and my love to all.
Your Loving Son
& Soldier Boy,
& Soldier Boy,
P.S. Din't get the package yet.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 39
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 EN. AUN. BN. Co H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-11-43
Letter No. 39
Rec'd 49-50-51-53-54-3 Cards
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Hello everybody. It is Sunday night and I'm in the base dayroom writing letters. It is in the main building of the post and is very cozy. Soft couches, etc. Radio playing & quiet. Just the atmosphere for writing letters.
Thursday we went into Tacoma to see how it was. Well it's a very dead town. Nothing to do. We just bought a couple of cards & had something to eat & came right back. I guess I'll have to spend all my time in camp.
Friday night they had a special show called "King of Kings." I guess you've seen it already. It's a very old picture & I liked it an awful lot.
On Sat. we had an inspection by our commanding officer. He also gave us a little talk. He is very nice. He said we have good prospects of becoming a very good outfit. He said he wants us to have a very good time while we are here & he is arranging to have a dance for the 1875 in about a week. Other battalions have them now. He wants us to form baseball teams & bowling teams etc. I'll see how things go along & maybe we can form a track team.
Sat. afternoon we got paid. I got $40.
This morning I went to 9 o'clock mass.
In the afternoon I went to the show with the boys and saw "Hangmen Also Die." It was pretty good.
I received 3 pretty cards. One from ma, one from Ann & one from Eleanor. They are all swell. Thanks a lot.
I received a letter from Al Piluso the other day. It was post marked March 6, but he left out Jefferson Barracks, Mo. So it was sent back & I just got it. He can't say anything as usual.
I sent a box full of old letters home. They were getting too big too handle. I will send them home from time to time.
Please send me Frank's address & Mary's address from Wyckoff Ave.
I'll include a little clipping I found in the "Rip Chord" our post paper. It just shows you no matter where we go, they know J.B. for their good training.
So you are having quite a time with the food rationing. I mean the point system. Well it won't be long before you catch on to it and it will be like using money.
Thank dad for the medal he wanted sent to me.
I didn't receive the package yet. I just wonder where it is. It will probably come pretty soon.
Yesterday I got a long letter from Helen Riley. She wrote a very nice interesting letter. I hop I get a lot more from her.
I also received letters frequently from Elfrieda. She also writes a nice letter.
And today I received a letter from the inspector's niece. She asks me for a picture of myself. So could you please send me another one of me in a squatting position. The one you like & I will send it to her. Or any picture you have that shows me a little justice. O.K.
Did you receive my packages yet? If you all did do you like everything? Especially you ma?
I don't know where Frank is. But if he went across the equator, he probably went to Australia or one of the islands near there.
I didn't get my teeth examined yet. And I wear my glasses when I write letters or read. The food here is pretty good and we get enough to eat. But I don't know how much I gained. Just that I did gain some.
My two friends are swell fellows and we have a lot of fun together. I hope I can stick with them all the time.
In one of my letters I wrote to you I asked you whether you could find out about my income tax papers thru Bobby's boss. And if not you should send me the dope on what I need to fill one out & I would fill it out here. But you never told me anything about it. So will you please find out for me before it's too late. I'll probably have to pay a fine now already for it being overdue. O.K. Let me know. You can find out how much I made by calling up my boss.
Well I think that's all for now. Hoping you are all in the best of health. Let me know more about what the doctor said & what you are doing ma. Did you gain anymore weight.
1875 EN. AUN. BN. Co H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-11-43
Letter No. 39
Rec'd 49-50-51-53-54-3 Cards
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Hello everybody. It is Sunday night and I'm in the base dayroom writing letters. It is in the main building of the post and is very cozy. Soft couches, etc. Radio playing & quiet. Just the atmosphere for writing letters.
Thursday we went into Tacoma to see how it was. Well it's a very dead town. Nothing to do. We just bought a couple of cards & had something to eat & came right back. I guess I'll have to spend all my time in camp.
Friday night they had a special show called "King of Kings." I guess you've seen it already. It's a very old picture & I liked it an awful lot.
On Sat. we had an inspection by our commanding officer. He also gave us a little talk. He is very nice. He said we have good prospects of becoming a very good outfit. He said he wants us to have a very good time while we are here & he is arranging to have a dance for the 1875 in about a week. Other battalions have them now. He wants us to form baseball teams & bowling teams etc. I'll see how things go along & maybe we can form a track team.
Sat. afternoon we got paid. I got $40.
This morning I went to 9 o'clock mass.
In the afternoon I went to the show with the boys and saw "Hangmen Also Die." It was pretty good.
I received 3 pretty cards. One from ma, one from Ann & one from Eleanor. They are all swell. Thanks a lot.
I received a letter from Al Piluso the other day. It was post marked March 6, but he left out Jefferson Barracks, Mo. So it was sent back & I just got it. He can't say anything as usual.
I sent a box full of old letters home. They were getting too big too handle. I will send them home from time to time.
Please send me Frank's address & Mary's address from Wyckoff Ave.
I'll include a little clipping I found in the "Rip Chord" our post paper. It just shows you no matter where we go, they know J.B. for their good training.
So you are having quite a time with the food rationing. I mean the point system. Well it won't be long before you catch on to it and it will be like using money.
Thank dad for the medal he wanted sent to me.
I didn't receive the package yet. I just wonder where it is. It will probably come pretty soon.
Yesterday I got a long letter from Helen Riley. She wrote a very nice interesting letter. I hop I get a lot more from her.
I also received letters frequently from Elfrieda. She also writes a nice letter.
And today I received a letter from the inspector's niece. She asks me for a picture of myself. So could you please send me another one of me in a squatting position. The one you like & I will send it to her. Or any picture you have that shows me a little justice. O.K.
Did you receive my packages yet? If you all did do you like everything? Especially you ma?
I don't know where Frank is. But if he went across the equator, he probably went to Australia or one of the islands near there.
I didn't get my teeth examined yet. And I wear my glasses when I write letters or read. The food here is pretty good and we get enough to eat. But I don't know how much I gained. Just that I did gain some.
My two friends are swell fellows and we have a lot of fun together. I hope I can stick with them all the time.
In one of my letters I wrote to you I asked you whether you could find out about my income tax papers thru Bobby's boss. And if not you should send me the dope on what I need to fill one out & I would fill it out here. But you never told me anything about it. So will you please find out for me before it's too late. I'll probably have to pay a fine now already for it being overdue. O.K. Let me know. You can find out how much I made by calling up my boss.
Well I think that's all for now. Hoping you are all in the best of health. Let me know more about what the doctor said & what you are doing ma. Did you gain anymore weight.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. What does S.M.R.L.H. mean? Ele put it on her letters.
P.S. You can send me my track shoes. The both pair. I will probably have to use them if I get on one of the teams. O.K.
P.S. You can send me my track shoes. The both pair. I will probably have to use them if I get on one of the teams. O.K.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Dear Helen
Dear Helen,
Here I am in Washington. It seems to get further all the time. But at least I settled for awhile anyway.
We arrived here last Wed. (March 31), and we have been a bit busy since them. Why on Thursday, Apr. 1, (April Fools Day) I had K.P. They certainly didn't waste any time, but it was the easiest day of K.P. I ever had. From 7 am to 6 pm, and didn't do anything all day. Maybe I fooled the army for one day.
Our trip was another nice one. It was almost the same scenery as the trip from "God's Country" (J.B.) to Calf. with one added attraction. In Oregon there were a good many lumber camps, but I missed seeing any logs slide down the Mt. side. Maybe next time.
This time we saw the Cascade Mts. as we passed thru the states. In that Mt. range you probably heard of Mt. Rainier, one of the biggest mts. in the U.S. Well we are about 35 miles from that huge mass. And although it has rained almost every day since we've been here (rainy season), there has been a couple of clear days which made it possible to see the huge mt. tower up into the clouds. And when the sun hits it, it gives a wonderful sight because it is completely covered with snow. I'll try to get some post cards so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
As you see by the address I am in the Engineer Aviation Battalion, in Headquarters & Service Co. It is an overseas training group & we will probably have to by-pass school. It's just by the no.'s; the army needed some men in the outfit, so here we are. It didn't make any difference just what you were, because we have a lot of trades here & most of the men have a high education. We're in for some good complete training. Maybe you heard of the Engineering corps. of the army & their training, well the lieutenants here say it's a lot tougher. But the tougher the better, I'm all set for it. It only makes you a better soldier & if there is anything I like is strict military discipline. That's why I like J.B. No matter where I go, they all seemed to hear of J.B. and their good training. Even in the post paper they printed a little piece which I shall enclose. (Get what I mean-after you read the article).
That's not the only reason why I liked J.B. either. If you get what I mean. They say Tacoma is a very dead town. That makes me miss you that much more.
During the past week we have been doing a bit of drill & calisthenics each day. I can see by that alone that our training is going to be tough. We do the daily dozen, which is a group of 12 exercises, which really make you do a bit of puffing. And mind you this is not our training but just something to get us in shape until the real thing comes along. They say when our real training starts we won't have much time for ourselves, that's the only bad part about it, because I just want enough time to write. I don't care how hard the training is as long as I get time to write to all my friends & most of all my family. If I don't get time to write during the week I have to do it all on Sunday then. That's our day of leisure here unless you get stuck with K.P. But I don't fear it too much as I usually find time, even if I have to sit in the latrine all night.
It happened to me the other day about 4 pm. I was standing there as usual, with the same old look on my face, and my name was called out, and the expression on my face suddenly changed; naturally it changed because I got a letter from a Miss Helen Riley. Whose face wouldn't be glad (my heart too) when one receives a letter that you know is going to make you happy. And believe me Helen, I certainly do get happy when I receive a letter from you and believe me again, this one certainly did the trick to a tee. And believe me again it certainly was a long letter. I hope I receive a lot more like that.
In your second paragraph you talk about looking at pictures. Would it be silly if you would look at them once again and send one to me? It would help a bit to make up for that certain Sunday we were going to take pictures. Remember?
I took some pictures at J.B. & sent them home to be developed & my mom sent them back. That's all I'll say about the pictures except that if you want one of those things you can have it & use your own judgment on what to do with it. It's your choice.
You flatter me by your idea on spending a cheap vacation. But I have an idea on the subject too. On your next vacation, take a trip from St. Louis to Calf. and see how much one can't put in writing. Because as I said before, it's one of those things "Seeing is Believing."
I think I'll have to send you a map of the U.S. So you know what's what. I think that's a good idea. Don't you? Well whether you do or not, I'll send you one anyway.
I'm sorry to hear that Mary is sick. I hope she recovers quickly. I hate to hear of anyone being sick.
I'm glad you did have a good time on Sat. 13. You can double that for me. As as I said once before, it's one in the books for me.
As for you coming in to J.B. you know gosh darn well I took it in the right spirit. Before I even asked you I knew it was a chance in a million, but I thought I would try anyway. There is no harm in trying, especially for one so dear as you.
And so I will close this letter hoping to hear those little things you jotted down very soon & wishing everybody is in the best of health and hoping Mary is one included in that word "everybody."
Dear Helen,
Here I am in Washington. It seems to get further all the time. But at least I settled for awhile anyway.
We arrived here last Wed. (March 31), and we have been a bit busy since them. Why on Thursday, Apr. 1, (April Fools Day) I had K.P. They certainly didn't waste any time, but it was the easiest day of K.P. I ever had. From 7 am to 6 pm, and didn't do anything all day. Maybe I fooled the army for one day.
Our trip was another nice one. It was almost the same scenery as the trip from "God's Country" (J.B.) to Calf. with one added attraction. In Oregon there were a good many lumber camps, but I missed seeing any logs slide down the Mt. side. Maybe next time.
This time we saw the Cascade Mts. as we passed thru the states. In that Mt. range you probably heard of Mt. Rainier, one of the biggest mts. in the U.S. Well we are about 35 miles from that huge mass. And although it has rained almost every day since we've been here (rainy season), there has been a couple of clear days which made it possible to see the huge mt. tower up into the clouds. And when the sun hits it, it gives a wonderful sight because it is completely covered with snow. I'll try to get some post cards so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
As you see by the address I am in the Engineer Aviation Battalion, in Headquarters & Service Co. It is an overseas training group & we will probably have to by-pass school. It's just by the no.'s; the army needed some men in the outfit, so here we are. It didn't make any difference just what you were, because we have a lot of trades here & most of the men have a high education. We're in for some good complete training. Maybe you heard of the Engineering corps. of the army & their training, well the lieutenants here say it's a lot tougher. But the tougher the better, I'm all set for it. It only makes you a better soldier & if there is anything I like is strict military discipline. That's why I like J.B. No matter where I go, they all seemed to hear of J.B. and their good training. Even in the post paper they printed a little piece which I shall enclose. (Get what I mean-after you read the article).
That's not the only reason why I liked J.B. either. If you get what I mean. They say Tacoma is a very dead town. That makes me miss you that much more.
During the past week we have been doing a bit of drill & calisthenics each day. I can see by that alone that our training is going to be tough. We do the daily dozen, which is a group of 12 exercises, which really make you do a bit of puffing. And mind you this is not our training but just something to get us in shape until the real thing comes along. They say when our real training starts we won't have much time for ourselves, that's the only bad part about it, because I just want enough time to write. I don't care how hard the training is as long as I get time to write to all my friends & most of all my family. If I don't get time to write during the week I have to do it all on Sunday then. That's our day of leisure here unless you get stuck with K.P. But I don't fear it too much as I usually find time, even if I have to sit in the latrine all night.
It happened to me the other day about 4 pm. I was standing there as usual, with the same old look on my face, and my name was called out, and the expression on my face suddenly changed; naturally it changed because I got a letter from a Miss Helen Riley. Whose face wouldn't be glad (my heart too) when one receives a letter that you know is going to make you happy. And believe me Helen, I certainly do get happy when I receive a letter from you and believe me again, this one certainly did the trick to a tee. And believe me again it certainly was a long letter. I hope I receive a lot more like that.
In your second paragraph you talk about looking at pictures. Would it be silly if you would look at them once again and send one to me? It would help a bit to make up for that certain Sunday we were going to take pictures. Remember?
I took some pictures at J.B. & sent them home to be developed & my mom sent them back. That's all I'll say about the pictures except that if you want one of those things you can have it & use your own judgment on what to do with it. It's your choice.
You flatter me by your idea on spending a cheap vacation. But I have an idea on the subject too. On your next vacation, take a trip from St. Louis to Calf. and see how much one can't put in writing. Because as I said before, it's one of those things "Seeing is Believing."
I think I'll have to send you a map of the U.S. So you know what's what. I think that's a good idea. Don't you? Well whether you do or not, I'll send you one anyway.
I'm sorry to hear that Mary is sick. I hope she recovers quickly. I hate to hear of anyone being sick.
I'm glad you did have a good time on Sat. 13. You can double that for me. As as I said once before, it's one in the books for me.
As for you coming in to J.B. you know gosh darn well I took it in the right spirit. Before I even asked you I knew it was a chance in a million, but I thought I would try anyway. There is no harm in trying, especially for one so dear as you.
And so I will close this letter hoping to hear those little things you jotted down very soon & wishing everybody is in the best of health and hoping Mary is one included in that word "everybody."
As Ever
As Ever
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 38
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1815 EN. AUN. BN. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-8-43
Letter No. 38
Rec'd 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 & 2 Cards
Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
How is everybody? I think you answered that question in the letters I received today. I really hit the jack pot. I'll answer all your questions at the end of the letter.
I wrote Sat. night so I shall continue from Sunday. Well Sun. here is our day off. We can do what we wish. (mostly rest up. that's what we'll have to do). We got up 7 o'clock, went to chow at 8 o'clock, went to church at 11:30, in the afternoon I wrote letters & in the night I went to the movie for the first time. I saw "Fight for Freedom." It was pretty good.
Mon. Tues & Wed. we had drill & calisthenics & lectures. We are drilled by lieutenants & I must say the P.I. back at J.B. were a 100 times better. But it's O.K. The calisthenics here are a lot better tho, than back at J.B. Here we do the daily dozen. A group of 12 exercises that are really good & certainly give you a workout. Your really puffing when you're finished. But the tougher the better. This is just preliminary training until the battalion is completely filled with men. I was talking to the lieutenant (there all pretty nice fellows here) and he said we will probably start our real scheduled training about May 1, and that will probably last for about 10 weeks. They say it's really tough & makes you tough also. They all say it's the best outfit there is. Even better than the Engineers of the Army. So once we start I will probably have little time for myself and little time to write, but I will write as much as I can. I feel a little tired tonight and will probably feel like that until I get used to it. But even though I feel tired I can feel my muscles getting tougher. I go to bed early so I get plenty of rest. I imagine that's why we won't have much time for ourselves once we get started.
It will be a long day & early to bed. But if you want to get something out of it, that's the only way to do it. Right?
Tues. night I went to the show and saw "He Hired this Boss." It was pretty good. I went with two fellows I am sticking with. We always stick together whenever possible & have a lot of fun together.
I think that's about all I did & now I will answer the letters.
Oh yes, one more thing. I turned in my laundry for the first time. Now that I'm a bit settled we can turn it in. I believe they charge us $1.50 a month. That's pretty reasonable isn't it?
First of all thanks for the two cards. They are swell & the medal I put on the chain that Elfrieda gave me.
In letter #43 you tell me about the things I could get Grandma & Pop. Being I sent out all the presents already I will wait for the next time.
Ma it would be very nice if you could make the corsage for Elfrieda if you still have the time when this letter reaches you.
Boy our little genius is certainly going to town. I bet she is getting more beautiful every day. Thanks for your little note Ele. You say you are doing calisthenics now (I mean obstacle race). Well it certainly will do you good. It will make you look much better also. Mom even says you are getting thin. That one result from exercise. Keep up your good work.
Here at McChord Field we don't have the obstacle course as yet. They may have one. Just now we do the daily dozen as I explained above. The obstacle course back at J.B. I'll try to explain to you by diagrams on another page.
First we swing on bars & then over a fence.

Then we go under & over hurdles. This is on a level.
Then we go down a steep hill and go across logs, & then jump across a pit.

Then we have to walk across stump about 6" in dia. and then jump off a platform about 6'0" & then over a pile of logs.

Then we (crawl) go through wooden boxes then go down a hill and swing across the ropes & then over a tall wooden ladder.

The whole obstacle course is done on the double (running).
If I get time sometime I'll explain the exercise we have to do here. Just now I haven't the time.
Well what do you think of our obstacle course? Do you think you could do it?
You ask me about horse meat. Well some parts of the horse are good to eat and are tasty. The one fellow here said he had horse meat already & said it's pretty good.
I'm glad to hear you are gaining wt. ma. That's a very good sign. Now I'm not worrying anymore. In fact that sign is good enough for anybody. Right?
Boy how I wish I could see St. Patricks Cathedral again.
That was nice of Elfrieda to send you a bouquet of flowers for your birthday. She is thoughtful isn't she?
I didn't get my glasses yet. They will have to be transferred.
I'm glad Sis is joining Bob's unit again. It will do her a lot of good.
Mom you ask me if it's alright & do I mind whether Ele uses my composition about the twins(?) & about Sis using my shirts. Ma, you know I don't mind. Anything I have belongs to whoever wants it. Never ask me or say do I mind because I never will mind.
The pictures were pretty good. I like the one in the squat position best. The one you liked.
Well I think that's all & I shall close hoping you all are still in the best of health. How is Grandma? Aunt Anna doesn't say much about Grandma. Let me know.
I shall close remaining
1815 EN. AUN. BN. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-8-43
Letter No. 38
Rec'd 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 & 2 Cards
Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
How is everybody? I think you answered that question in the letters I received today. I really hit the jack pot. I'll answer all your questions at the end of the letter.
I wrote Sat. night so I shall continue from Sunday. Well Sun. here is our day off. We can do what we wish. (mostly rest up. that's what we'll have to do). We got up 7 o'clock, went to chow at 8 o'clock, went to church at 11:30, in the afternoon I wrote letters & in the night I went to the movie for the first time. I saw "Fight for Freedom." It was pretty good.
Mon. Tues & Wed. we had drill & calisthenics & lectures. We are drilled by lieutenants & I must say the P.I. back at J.B. were a 100 times better. But it's O.K. The calisthenics here are a lot better tho, than back at J.B. Here we do the daily dozen. A group of 12 exercises that are really good & certainly give you a workout. Your really puffing when you're finished. But the tougher the better. This is just preliminary training until the battalion is completely filled with men. I was talking to the lieutenant (there all pretty nice fellows here) and he said we will probably start our real scheduled training about May 1, and that will probably last for about 10 weeks. They say it's really tough & makes you tough also. They all say it's the best outfit there is. Even better than the Engineers of the Army. So once we start I will probably have little time for myself and little time to write, but I will write as much as I can. I feel a little tired tonight and will probably feel like that until I get used to it. But even though I feel tired I can feel my muscles getting tougher. I go to bed early so I get plenty of rest. I imagine that's why we won't have much time for ourselves once we get started.
It will be a long day & early to bed. But if you want to get something out of it, that's the only way to do it. Right?
Tues. night I went to the show and saw "He Hired this Boss." It was pretty good. I went with two fellows I am sticking with. We always stick together whenever possible & have a lot of fun together.
I think that's about all I did & now I will answer the letters.
Oh yes, one more thing. I turned in my laundry for the first time. Now that I'm a bit settled we can turn it in. I believe they charge us $1.50 a month. That's pretty reasonable isn't it?
First of all thanks for the two cards. They are swell & the medal I put on the chain that Elfrieda gave me.
In letter #43 you tell me about the things I could get Grandma & Pop. Being I sent out all the presents already I will wait for the next time.
Ma it would be very nice if you could make the corsage for Elfrieda if you still have the time when this letter reaches you.
Boy our little genius is certainly going to town. I bet she is getting more beautiful every day. Thanks for your little note Ele. You say you are doing calisthenics now (I mean obstacle race). Well it certainly will do you good. It will make you look much better also. Mom even says you are getting thin. That one result from exercise. Keep up your good work.
Here at McChord Field we don't have the obstacle course as yet. They may have one. Just now we do the daily dozen as I explained above. The obstacle course back at J.B. I'll try to explain to you by diagrams on another page.
First we swing on bars & then over a fence.

Then we go under & over hurdles. This is on a level.
Then we go down a steep hill and go across logs, & then jump across a pit.

Then we have to walk across stump about 6" in dia. and then jump off a platform about 6'0" & then over a pile of logs.

Then we (crawl) go through wooden boxes then go down a hill and swing across the ropes & then over a tall wooden ladder.

The whole obstacle course is done on the double (running).
If I get time sometime I'll explain the exercise we have to do here. Just now I haven't the time.
Well what do you think of our obstacle course? Do you think you could do it?
You ask me about horse meat. Well some parts of the horse are good to eat and are tasty. The one fellow here said he had horse meat already & said it's pretty good.
I'm glad to hear you are gaining wt. ma. That's a very good sign. Now I'm not worrying anymore. In fact that sign is good enough for anybody. Right?
Boy how I wish I could see St. Patricks Cathedral again.
That was nice of Elfrieda to send you a bouquet of flowers for your birthday. She is thoughtful isn't she?
I didn't get my glasses yet. They will have to be transferred.
I'm glad Sis is joining Bob's unit again. It will do her a lot of good.
Mom you ask me if it's alright & do I mind whether Ele uses my composition about the twins(?) & about Sis using my shirts. Ma, you know I don't mind. Anything I have belongs to whoever wants it. Never ask me or say do I mind because I never will mind.
The pictures were pretty good. I like the one in the squat position best. The one you liked.
Well I think that's all & I shall close hoping you all are still in the best of health. How is Grandma? Aunt Anna doesn't say much about Grandma. Let me know.
I shall close remaining
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 37
Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 EN. AVN. BN. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-3-43
Letter No. 37
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Well how is everybody? I didn't hear from home in so long I just pray everything is O.K. I'm pretty sure it is but I still would like to know how everything is taking place. I dropped a line last night of my address just so you would know my address & I would get mail that much sooner.
I shall start from the beginning when I left Hammer Field. We left there at 4 P.M. (Monday 29) in Pullman cars. Boy they were nice. The porter came around and fixed the bunks and we had a good sleep. In the morning he would come around & make the bunks again. That's O.K. huh!
Right after we started to travel the sergeant came around and asked who would like to have K.P. at $ .40 an hour. He wanted 4 fellows. So I volunteered. It really wasn't K.P. but a waiters job. They have a dinner car which feeds 36 at one time & the table has to be cleaned off & reset for each setting. After all were fed we could go back to our cars & wait until next meal. So it was pretty easy. And we could eat all we wanted too. And one of the porters made a collection & when the trip was over they split the money. I got a dollar & seventy-five in tips & $4.00 for the hrs. So I made a total of $5.75. Not bad huh. The reason they paid us instead of taking regular K.P.s was the army hires the train with cooks & waiters to serve us our meals but they were short of help. That's where we came in.
Now a word about the trip. We traveled up thru California, thru Oregon, thru Washington to McChord Field, which is about 14 miles away from Tacoma & about 5 miles away from Seattle. The scenery was much the same as the St. of Colorado. Very mountainous. This time we passed thru the Cascade Mts. The St. of Oregon had a lot of lumber camps. We also passed Mt. Shasta (14,181 ft. high). It was once an active volcano. We saw the lava beds a little ways passed the Mt. We arrived at McChord Field about 6:30 Wed. morning. This place is also an air port, but we are not connected with it. We were given barracks, bedding, got examined and slept. Then I shot down to the P.K. and practically [?] the place out. I got your present & sent it out already. I hope you like it. I got Grandma a pillow case & a little air corp pin which I also pinned on the pillow case. I also got you one ma, which I put in the present. I also got Barb, Ann & Ele one so you all can pin them on your dresses. I also got a banner for Eleanor & a "New Testament" which I got at J.B. I got Dad an ash tray. I got Aunt Anna a couple of handkerchiefs. And I also got a pack of Easter Cards. I sent your present & Grandma's. The rest I'll send out later. How did the pictures turn out that I sent home? If they turn out O.K. You can use the picture for the present I got you ma. I'm not going to tell you what it is either. Or maybe you got it already. They you can show it to Aunt Teeny & say "this is what my son sent me." See what she says. (I forgot to tell you, they have a very large & complete P.K. here).
Thursday I had K.P. What a racket. We got up at 5:30 & started work at 7 o'clock, & got thru at 6 P.M. At J.B. we had to get up at 3 and work 'til 8:30. Some difference. They didn't push you around here either. You took your time & everything got done & no squaking either. We talked to the cooks & they even let us taste the food to see whether it had the right taste. That's O.K. huh! But that was at the big general mess hall. Now we have our own little mess hall & have to walk a mile to get there. I don't know how it will be here.
This morning we had a little drill & then some very good Calisthenics. This afternoon we had details to do. Tonight we were all separated into companies. Some were put in Co. A, some Co. B, & the rest in Headquarters & Service. That's what H & S stands for in my address. I think it's the best part of the engineering aviation battalion, I don't know.
I think we will have to bypass school. I think we will get more extensive training here. Those tests we took had nothing to do with why we were shipped here for more training. There are many college graduates here right with us. It's just by the no's. They needed some men, so we were sent here. That's how the army works. It will be pretty good though, as long as we get training. I don't mind as much not going to school as I don't think I would learn too much in those schools. Our classification came with us so it may help us get a rating. But I'm not jumping to any conclusions. I tell you how things progress as we go along.
I started this letter last night & will finish it today (Sat.) unless we have to do something.
Sat. morning ( this morning) we had drill by 2nd leutenants & calisthenics. Then we had a detail. In the afternoon we had to G.I. the barracks.
Ever since we arrived here it's been raining. Very little Sun. But today it was pretty good. The sun shined a bit. You see this is the rainy season for this section.
Today the clouds lifted, and we see one of the tallest mountains; Mt. Rainier. We are about 40 miles from it. It extends way up into the clouds and most of the time you can't see it for that reason. It's 14,140 ft. high. The mountain is always covered with snow. It's really a wonderful sight. I'll try to get some pictures up the P.K. & send them to you.
Well I think that's about all for tonight & I will write you soon. I hope you are all in the best of health (I am) and I hope to hear from you real soon. So until then I remain,
1875 EN. AVN. BN. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 4-3-43
Letter No. 37
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Well how is everybody? I didn't hear from home in so long I just pray everything is O.K. I'm pretty sure it is but I still would like to know how everything is taking place. I dropped a line last night of my address just so you would know my address & I would get mail that much sooner.
I shall start from the beginning when I left Hammer Field. We left there at 4 P.M. (Monday 29) in Pullman cars. Boy they were nice. The porter came around and fixed the bunks and we had a good sleep. In the morning he would come around & make the bunks again. That's O.K. huh!
Right after we started to travel the sergeant came around and asked who would like to have K.P. at $ .40 an hour. He wanted 4 fellows. So I volunteered. It really wasn't K.P. but a waiters job. They have a dinner car which feeds 36 at one time & the table has to be cleaned off & reset for each setting. After all were fed we could go back to our cars & wait until next meal. So it was pretty easy. And we could eat all we wanted too. And one of the porters made a collection & when the trip was over they split the money. I got a dollar & seventy-five in tips & $4.00 for the hrs. So I made a total of $5.75. Not bad huh. The reason they paid us instead of taking regular K.P.s was the army hires the train with cooks & waiters to serve us our meals but they were short of help. That's where we came in.
Now a word about the trip. We traveled up thru California, thru Oregon, thru Washington to McChord Field, which is about 14 miles away from Tacoma & about 5 miles away from Seattle. The scenery was much the same as the St. of Colorado. Very mountainous. This time we passed thru the Cascade Mts. The St. of Oregon had a lot of lumber camps. We also passed Mt. Shasta (14,181 ft. high). It was once an active volcano. We saw the lava beds a little ways passed the Mt. We arrived at McChord Field about 6:30 Wed. morning. This place is also an air port, but we are not connected with it. We were given barracks, bedding, got examined and slept. Then I shot down to the P.K. and practically [?] the place out. I got your present & sent it out already. I hope you like it. I got Grandma a pillow case & a little air corp pin which I also pinned on the pillow case. I also got you one ma, which I put in the present. I also got Barb, Ann & Ele one so you all can pin them on your dresses. I also got a banner for Eleanor & a "New Testament" which I got at J.B. I got Dad an ash tray. I got Aunt Anna a couple of handkerchiefs. And I also got a pack of Easter Cards. I sent your present & Grandma's. The rest I'll send out later. How did the pictures turn out that I sent home? If they turn out O.K. You can use the picture for the present I got you ma. I'm not going to tell you what it is either. Or maybe you got it already. They you can show it to Aunt Teeny & say "this is what my son sent me." See what she says. (I forgot to tell you, they have a very large & complete P.K. here).
Thursday I had K.P. What a racket. We got up at 5:30 & started work at 7 o'clock, & got thru at 6 P.M. At J.B. we had to get up at 3 and work 'til 8:30. Some difference. They didn't push you around here either. You took your time & everything got done & no squaking either. We talked to the cooks & they even let us taste the food to see whether it had the right taste. That's O.K. huh! But that was at the big general mess hall. Now we have our own little mess hall & have to walk a mile to get there. I don't know how it will be here.
This morning we had a little drill & then some very good Calisthenics. This afternoon we had details to do. Tonight we were all separated into companies. Some were put in Co. A, some Co. B, & the rest in Headquarters & Service. That's what H & S stands for in my address. I think it's the best part of the engineering aviation battalion, I don't know.
I think we will have to bypass school. I think we will get more extensive training here. Those tests we took had nothing to do with why we were shipped here for more training. There are many college graduates here right with us. It's just by the no's. They needed some men, so we were sent here. That's how the army works. It will be pretty good though, as long as we get training. I don't mind as much not going to school as I don't think I would learn too much in those schools. Our classification came with us so it may help us get a rating. But I'm not jumping to any conclusions. I tell you how things progress as we go along.
I started this letter last night & will finish it today (Sat.) unless we have to do something.
Sat. morning ( this morning) we had drill by 2nd leutenants & calisthenics. Then we had a detail. In the afternoon we had to G.I. the barracks.
Ever since we arrived here it's been raining. Very little Sun. But today it was pretty good. The sun shined a bit. You see this is the rainy season for this section.
Today the clouds lifted, and we see one of the tallest mountains; Mt. Rainier. We are about 40 miles from it. It extends way up into the clouds and most of the time you can't see it for that reason. It's 14,140 ft. high. The mountain is always covered with snow. It's really a wonderful sight. I'll try to get some pictures up the P.K. & send them to you.
Well I think that's about all for tonight & I will write you soon. I hope you are all in the best of health (I am) and I hope to hear from you real soon. So until then I remain,
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I probably have time to write about the middle of next week. I will also try to send the rest of the packages out. By the way, did you show Aunt Teeny the present yet?
Aunt Anna,
Aunt Teeny,
mess hall,
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