1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
Date 6/2/43
Letter No. 50
Rec'd 77-78
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Believe me everybody I am at a loss [sic] for words. I feel so happy I don't know what to say. Especially after receiving a most beautiful identification tag. When I opened the box, there was a million words I could have said to express my feeling, but there I was [sic] standing all alone & if someone did pass, I guess they would have thought I was crazy talking to myself. I felt like a king when I put it on. Thanks a million, ma. It's so hard to express my feeling on writing paper, but you know ma, it's perfect. And it's a swell job on the lettering.
Good. I got so much to say I don't know where to start. Everything is just what I needed. Really you all shouldn't have did it.
Grandma always comes thru with the cherries. And believe me they taste twice as good in the army. Thanks Grandma. And ma, give Grandma a nice big kiss for me. O.K.
And Dad thanks for the ring. It's swell. It feels so much different again with a ring on.
And Bob, if only you knew how handy the cigarette lighter comes in. When a soldier approaches you, he doesn't ask for a cigarette, he asks you for a match. That's one thing we're short of. Thanks Bob.
And Ann, that's being on the beam. If there is anything I like it is things more perfect than before. And you sure hit the nail on the head by adding my no. on the writing paper. Thanks Ann, it was perfect.
And Ele, you cute kid. You always pick something that nobody else would pick. And if it's one thing I need, it's a place to keep my pictures so they are easy to look at. Thanks, Ele.
And Ma, the cake. You shouldn't have did it. It made me so homesick. Just to look at it and think we all could have had a piece, instead of only me. With every piece I eat, I can just see everybody around me having a little party like we always use to have. I am going to give all my friends a piece, and say, see this is what mom sent me. And believe me, they are going to enjoy it.
I also received a package from Ele. She sent me cigarettes, stationary, lofts [?] candy & home made cookies. She is so thoughtful ma. I wish she was my girl ma. You know ma.
Gosh I have so much cake, candy, & cookies to last me for the duration. I really feel like a king. You don't know what it means to have a family that treats you the way you all do. I don't how anybody gets along without it.
And I must thank you all for the swell cards you sent me. They are all just perfect.
I am so glad about what the doctor said. Boy he must be a swell guy. He certainly knows his stuff. That's a birthday present all alone.
I hope Helen Riley didn't have any trouble. I didn't hear from here in two weeks now. I just hope the flood didn't reach her house. A lot of fellows here tell me that their houses are affected by the flood. As soon as I hear from her I shall let you know.
I am so glad Grandma's garden is coming along so good because I know it will make Grandma so much more happy.
I will try to take pictures this Sunday if possible.
That's a swell idea to have a moss [?] read for Aunt Joe. Grandma can do anything she wishes to.
Joe D'Angelo's address is:
Pvt. Joe D'Angelo
Co "A" 110th Eng. Combat Bn.
Amphibian Training Group No. 9
Fort Ord, Calf.
U.S. Army
I just know he will enjoy hearing from you.
I have been doing pretty good with the surveying lately. And this morning I was on K.P. (the first time in over a month) and the lieutenant got me off K.P. about 8 o'clock in the morning to do a job for him. O.K. huh.
Last nite I dropped down to the U.S.O. to the dance with the boys. We had a nice time.
Well by this time you just know I am feeling fine and right on the beam.
I hope you are all feeling tops and very happy. So until my next letter I remain
Your Most Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I don't think I ever said anything about my record. I haven't touched a drop of liquor since I've been in the army. Not even G.I. beer. O.K. huh.
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