Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 41

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.
U.S. Army

Date 4-18-43
Letter No. 41

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

Well how is everybody. Ok, right? I didn't get any letters since I wrote on Wed. But I received 4 cards which are all beautiful one from Mom & Dad, Grandma, Bob & Ele. Thanks a lot.
Thurs. we had the regular routine calisthenics & lectures. In the night I went to the dance at the recreation hall but didn't enjoy myself because the place was so crowded. I left early. I hope the rest are better.
Friday we were tested on the broad jump, chinning bar, push ups, sit ups & a 300 yd. dash. I did fairly well.
In the night I went to see "Forest Rangers." It was O.K. Sat. was inspection day. We all passed O.K.
In the night I went to the show again and saw "She's got what it takes." It was fair.
This morning my buddy & I went to church. I got a program with the schedules on & it will give you an idea of what our church looks like. I also got some palm. I will send it home in the box that sister sent the cookies in. You can put some behind the picture in my room like I used to do every year. You can also give a strip to Grandma O.K. In the box I will also include tooth brush covers. See how you like them. Believe it or not I bought them at Camp Upton. I just forgot to send it.
Today I receive a package from Elfrieda. It contained a carton of cigarettes, a box of cherries, a box of jelly beans, a couple bars of chocolates, writing paper & envelopes & chocolate chip cookies. It weighed 5 lbs. Boy was I surprised. Isn't she swell ma. She says she likes your corsage very much. I hope she has a nice time when she comes over Sunday. I guess she will she always does.
Joe Cohn was shipped to Wisconsin. He is going to radio school. He was accepted in Meteorology but the place is filled with W.A.A.C.'s so he can't go. I wish those W.A.C.C.s would get out of the way. This warfare is no place for women. They have so many men now they don't know what to do with them & the women put themselves in the way to confuse matters. Well that's the way it goes.
I received a letter from Aunt Anna today & it agrivated me rather than enjoying it. I will include the page that agrivated me. (pg 1) If she writes like that about Grandma anymore I won't write anymore. But don't tell Grandma about it. I just want you to know. Grandma might feel bad. Give me your opinion on it ma. If you don't want me to write I won't. I still can write to Grandma by sending the letters to you. Let me know before I write another letter to her.
She also writes a 10 pg. letter just for spite, because that's the longest one I ever got from her.
Today I received another letter from Helen Riley. She writes a swell letter. When I send my letters home you can read them.
I also answered Eleanor's letter today. She will get it soon after this one arrives I guess.
Well I guess that's about all for now. Hoping you are all in the best of health.
Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. One of the fellas just received a telegram stating his wife got a baby boy. 5 lbs 13 oz. He passed cigars out to all of us.
He really is a swell guy & makes us laugh an awful lot. You see he used to be master of ceremonies at shows & a song writer & has an awful lot of personality. Someone like that certainly boosts the boys morale.

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