Friday, April 10, 2009

Dear Helen


Dear Helen,

Here I am in Washington. It seems to get further all the time. But at least I settled for awhile anyway.
We arrived here last Wed. (March 31), and we have been a bit busy since them. Why on Thursday, Apr. 1, (April Fools Day) I had K.P. They certainly didn't waste any time, but it was the easiest day of K.P. I ever had. From 7 am to 6 pm, and didn't do anything all day. Maybe I fooled the army for one day.
Our trip was another nice one. It was almost the same scenery as the trip from "God's Country" (J.B.) to Calf. with one added attraction. In Oregon there were a good many lumber camps, but I missed seeing any logs slide down the Mt. side. Maybe next time.
This time we saw the Cascade Mts. as we passed thru the states. In that Mt. range you probably heard of Mt. Rainier, one of the biggest mts. in the U.S. Well we are about 35 miles from that huge mass. And although it has rained almost every day since we've been here (rainy season), there has been a couple of clear days which made it possible to see the huge mt. tower up into the clouds. And when the sun hits it, it gives a wonderful sight because it is completely covered with snow. I'll try to get some post cards so you can get an idea of what it looks like.
As you see by the address I am in the Engineer Aviation Battalion, in Headquarters & Service Co. It is an overseas training group & we will probably have to by-pass school. It's just by the no.'s; the army needed some men in the outfit, so here we are. It didn't make any difference just what you were, because we have a lot of trades here & most of the men have a high education. We're in for some good complete training. Maybe you heard of the Engineering corps. of the army & their training, well the lieutenants here say it's a lot tougher. But the tougher the better, I'm all set for it. It only makes you a better soldier & if there is anything I like is strict military discipline. That's why I like J.B. No matter where I go, they all seemed to hear of J.B. and their good training. Even in the post paper they printed a little piece which I shall enclose. (Get what I mean-after you read the article).
That's not the only reason why I liked J.B. either. If you get what I mean. They say Tacoma is a very dead town. That makes me miss you that much more.
During the past week we have been doing a bit of drill & calisthenics each day. I can see by that alone that our training is going to be tough. We do the daily dozen, which is a group of 12 exercises, which really make you do a bit of puffing. And mind you this is not our training but just something to get us in shape until the real thing comes along. They say when our real training starts we won't have much time for ourselves, that's the only bad part about it, because I just want enough time to write. I don't care how hard the training is as long as I get time to write to all my friends & most of all my family. If I don't get time to write during the week I have to do it all on Sunday then. That's our day of leisure here unless you get stuck with K.P. But I don't fear it too much as I usually find time, even if I have to sit in the latrine all night.
It happened to me the other day about 4 pm. I was standing there as usual, with the same old look on my face, and my name was called out, and the expression on my face suddenly changed; naturally it changed because I got a letter from a Miss Helen Riley. Whose face wouldn't be glad (my heart too) when one receives a letter that you know is going to make you happy. And believe me Helen, I certainly do get happy when I receive a letter from you and believe me again, this one certainly did the trick to a tee. And believe me again it certainly was a long letter. I hope I receive a lot more like that.
In your second paragraph you talk about looking at pictures. Would it be silly if you would look at them once again and send one to me? It would help a bit to make up for that certain Sunday we were going to take pictures. Remember?
I took some pictures at J.B. & sent them home to be developed & my mom sent them back. That's all I'll say about the pictures except that if you want one of those things you can have it & use your own judgment on what to do with it. It's your choice.
You flatter me by your idea on spending a cheap vacation. But I have an idea on the subject too. On your next vacation, take a trip from St. Louis to Calf. and see how much one can't put in writing. Because as I said before, it's one of those things "Seeing is Believing."
I think I'll have to send you a map of the U.S. So you know what's what. I think that's a good idea. Don't you? Well whether you do or not, I'll send you one anyway.
I'm sorry to hear that Mary is sick. I hope she recovers quickly. I hate to hear of anyone being sick.
I'm glad you did have a good time on Sat. 13. You can double that for me. As as I said once before, it's one in the books for me.
As for you coming in to J.B. you know gosh darn well I took it in the right spirit. Before I even asked you I knew it was a chance in a million, but I thought I would try anyway. There is no harm in trying, especially for one so dear as you.
And so I will close this letter hoping to hear those little things you jotted down very soon & wishing everybody is in the best of health and hoping Mary is one included in that word "everybody."
As Ever

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