Friday, May 1, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele, Letter No. 44

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 5-1-43
Letter No. 44
Rec'd 64-65

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, & Ele,

Well here it is May already. Boy time flies.
In your 65th letter you say it took 8 days since you got my last letter. Well ma, we all complain about the mailing system here. I guess it isn't too good. But besides the mailing system, I'm afraid I can't write more than once a week & maybe twice. They are always finding something for us to do. So ma if you only hear from me once a week you know the reason why.
During the day we don't get any time to write letters. In the night the time is very short. On Mon. & Tues. (26 & 27) I wrote letters. On Wed. night I had to sign the payroll & get a hair cut. That took all night.
On Thursday we had regular routine during the day. Then at night we took a nice long hike. We started at 11:30 at night & marched 'til 4:30 the next morning. It was a 15 mile hike. And it's not so easy walking in the night especially when you hardly can see the guy in front of you. Believe it or not my feet held out pretty good. I didn't get any blisters. After the hike was over those that wanted to got to chow went & the others went to bed. I was one that when to bed. We slept until noon & then we had to G.I. the barracks. A lot of the lieutenants had trouble with their feet & had to get them treated.
Friday night we went into town to get our suits pressed for inspection on Sat. (today). We were lucky to find a tailor open.
Inspection went over pretty good. Something happened that we all got a good laugh over. All your pockets in the clothes on the rack are supposed to have nothing in them. This one fellow had plenty in his overcoat pockets & the lieutenant found it. Well we were all standing at attention & the lieutenant started to take out the stuff in the pockets. Well he had a shoe brush, 3 pairs of gloves, an apple, a braid for the hat, an arm insignia, a piece of candy & a lot of small odds & ends in his pocket. Well that was the funniest sights I ever saw. A few of the fellows couldn't hold it in & started to laugh & they got gigged. I really don't know how I held it in myself.
This afternoon we were introduced to all the lieutenants of the battalion. They really are a swell bunch. The adjutant lieutenant said that he looked over our records & he said that it is the best outfit on the field.
He also said that the Engineer Aviation Battalion are becoming more & more popular every day. (They weren't used in the last war) and he said after this war we will be proud to say we came from the 1875th. They had a lot of spirit & I think we are going to have a superior outfit.
This afternoon we also played a little game of softball.
One of the lieutenants arranged a dance for this Thursday (May 6) right at our recreation hall. We should have a good time.
On May 5 (Wed) the sergeant arranged a party for the H & S company only, so that we all can get to know each other. I think it's a very good idea, don't you?
And tomorrow (Sun) I am on guard duty with my buddy. We start 5 o'clock PM & finish up 5 PM on Monday. From what I mentioned you can see why I have very little time for writing.
The weather here is getting pretty nice. They say the summers here are pretty nice. OH I forgot to tell you last week I saw a rainbow in the sky. It extended from one end to the other. A complete half circle. And the colors were so distinct. Boy was that beautiful.
I also bought some postcards in town last night. I will send them in another envelope.
I also received a letter from Bob & Dad.
In Bob's letter she asked me about Garrison hats & leather belts. Well at this post we are not allowed to wear them. Other posts have different ruling on the subject. As for the leather belts around the shoulder we can't wear those. In fact you never see them except on an officer.
As for the black ties, I don't know what they are for & we can't wear them anyway. Some fellows from other organizations wear them. We don't.
Tell Dad thanks for his letter & I hope he passes the test.
I got an Easter card from Aunt Margarette with a dollar in it. That was nice wasn't it?
I got a letter from Fio (?). He is in the air corps also. He is in Nashville, Tenn. He likes it pretty well. Send his regards.
Say ma, I lost the medal that Ele gave me. But I still have the the chain. Maybe you could get one for me?
I sent the box home with the palm in it. I also put the post cards etc. that I sent to Helen in St. Louis. She also sent tome cards back. So I put those in too.
Well I guess that's all the news. I still feel fine & probably gaining more weight.
I guess the next opportunity I will have will be next weekend. So until then I hope you are all in the best of health and happy.
Send my love & kisses to Grandma also.
So until then I
remain Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. I still didn't get the package with the socks in it. Where that is only the Lord knows.

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