Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 145

Aug. 27, 1944

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Sunday afternoon and you'll be surprised to hear that the sun is out full blast and I am lying on my blanket on the sand between the two barracks with my shorts on getting a sun tan.  Some news huh!
I went to the show last night and saw a revival picture "The Desperadoes" in technicolor.  It was very exciting.  Did you see it?
I don't think I ever said anything about this camp having German prisoners of war.  Well yesterday I saw the stockade where they keep them.  (I had to report there for guard duty; I had to check the passes of the fellows going to town).  They certainly lead an easy life over here.  I think most of them are happy to be here & there are some who still think Germany will win the war despite of all our victories.  Very few of them can speak our language.
I am glad you liked the pictures and booklet & holy pictures.  Yes it is unforgetable.
You ask me how the beer tasted.  Well it wasn't bad but I'm not much of a beer drinker in the first place and in the second place it's G.I. beer (3.2%).  Beer back home is 8 or 9% I think.  But it's not bad.  
Boy I bet Bob is happy that one of them is coming home anyway.  I bet Henry has plenty of stories to tell.  I'm just curious who is going to spend the most time with him, Bobby or Mr. Massa?  I don't think Henry will like his fathers plans.  Do you?
So Ele is finished for a while.  I am proud of her and also that she did such a good job that he promised her a job upon returning.  That is something.
I'm getting hot in this sun.  I feel fine.  I hope you all are too.  Give my love & best wishes to Grandma.  Until my next letter I remain

Your Loving Soldier Boy

P.S.  I still haven't had a chance to get air mail stamps so this is another free one.

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