Dear Mom, Pa, Bob, Ann & Ele,
Hello everybody! Here it is the end of another week and we are still at Camp Cooke. We are having a party tonight, just company B which promises to be real good. They are having t-bone steak & beer & ice cream as the specialty. I don't think the beer & ice cream will mix well but who am I to squawk.
I went to the show Wed. night & saw a very good picture "Wing and a Prayer" with Don Ameche. It was very thrilling and very worthwhile seeing.
The weather this week has been very changeable. Some days hot, some days cold, some days misty. Nothing like variety.
Thanks for starting the bank account for me. Can you draw out on it ma? I hope so for that's the way I want it in case you need any. I'll enclose a $20 money order in this letter.
I took out a class E allotment which means that the government will $25 out of my month's pay & send it to you each month so that I won't have to send it to you. Don't you think that's a good idea. So now at the end of each month you'll get one $7.50 bond & a check for $25. You can let me know when you get them so I know your getting them. The first one you'll get will be Oct. 1 - or a little after.
I found out that the army has courses which anybody in the service can take by means of correspondence. All you have to do is fill out an application and send $2 for the complete course. So I filled one out & intend to take a correspondence course in structural design. I'll let you know when I get it. It will be a good review for me. Don't you think so?
I got a letter from Frank & one from Joe. They both don't say much but it was certainly good to hear from them. I received your letter also telling me you got a letter from Joe so I don't have to tell you he's in Saipan. Frank & Joe are pretty close now. They're only about 200 miles apart.
When you receive the compacts ma will you please send one to Anita with a little note wishing her a happy birthday as soon as you get it. And send the other one to Helen at the end of the year. Helen's birthday is the last day of the month. If you send them to me I may not get them for a while if we move out before they get here. O.K. If you will do that it will save me a lot of trouble. Anita's address is --
I don't need anything right now mom. If I need anything after we move I will let you know. O.D. Thanks a lot.
I hope Bob & Ele have a nice time over Labor Day. Let me know all about it.
My watch keeps perfect time. I never have any trouble with it. It seems like I'm the only one in the whole barracks that have the right time. Everybody asks me what time it is.
I believe I did put on weight. I weighed myself the other day and weighed 172 with my clothes on. Pretty good huh! I am in the best of health.
Boy the stamps certainly came in the nick of time. I was just about to buy some as I had a little time but didn't have to as I got your letter. You're right on the ball mom. (Army slang, meaning "your tops)
I am glad Sgt. Myer is a prisoner of war because that means he's O.K. I guess it did make everybody happy.
I couldn't finish the letter before because we had our little party (chow time) and it was really good. The steak was pretty good. We also had the beer, french fries, appetizer, pie & ice cream. Boy am I full.
Well I'll close now the boys want me to go to the show so until my next letter I hope everybody is in the best of health. Take good care of yourself now ma & give my love & best to Grandma.
Your Loving Soldier Boy
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