Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 143

Aug. 18/1944

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I am able to write today as I am on guard duty & therefore have time between shifts.  I had it last night and managed to squeeze in a show.  The first in a few weeks now.  I saw "The Great Moment" with Joel McCrea & Betty Field.  It was pretty good.  They played a very good part.  
Tues. that just past (Aug 15) was the second anniversary of the 11 Armored Division and we had a field day for the occasion.  And we had a lot of fun.  Tues. afternoon they had all different kinds of events to be competed by the 6 companies and the one with the most points at the end would get 2 kegs of beer for supper & guess who won--sure thing we did.  Co. B.  Ain't that swell.  We won by one point over Co. A. the next highest Co. by 28-27.  I ran the 440 yd. run but didn't score.  I guess I just wasn't in shape.  No excuses have I to offer.  Other events were 880 yd run, 440 yd, & 880 yd relay, pie eating contest (boy was that fun to watch) & tug of war.  It really went over big.
At night the General for the occasion invited stars from Hollywood to put on a show at the sports arena and they certainly did an excellent job.  Jimmy Fidler was M.C. and he sounds just like he does on the radio.  Bonita Granville sang a few songs and did a swell job.  I think I would like to see her in pictures better though.  Charles Kemper stole the show with his crazy skits.  Ray Bolger danced the same no. he did in "Stage Door Canteen" and a lot more.  He's really a marvel.  Other stars were John Parrol, Edgar Kennedy, Rose King & Chuck York, Rex Barrett, Jimmy McLarnin (the fighter), 3 harp swings & Sheila Ryan.  It really was a swell show.  
I got a few medals for firing.  If I can get another set I will send them home.  I also made one of the top scores on firing the 75mm.  I got 663 out of 700.  Ain't that swell.  Only 20 made 700 out of the whole co & I got the next to the highest.  Pretty good huh!
I got a letter from Fio this morning.  He is in Southern Italy near the town of Sorrento.  He was home on furlough the same time I was and I didn't know.  So near & yet so far huh!
I did a dumb thing the other day.  I always get our home address mixed up with Helen's address because you both have the same name Helen so when I start addressing the letters my mind is sidetracked and I put Brooklyn N.Y. instead of St. Louis Mo. on Helen's letter and I got it this morning for correction.  Ain't that stupid.  I must be more careful.
It's too bad the flight jacket is too big.  I thought it would fit Ele.  Oh well.  Gosh was I surprised to hear Frank was on Guam.  I sure hope he's O.K.  Let me know when you hear from him again.
I am glad you are feeling fine ma and keep up the good work.  Also I am glad Grandma is feeling fine.  Give Grandma my best & love & kisses.
Let me know what's new.  Until my next letter I remain

Your Loving Soldier Boy

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