Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 140

Aug. 1, 1944
 Tues. night
Rec'd 205

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I wanted to write last night but we had some work to do so I had to put it off until tonight.  Sat. the battalion had a convoy of G.I. trucks going to Santa Monica (about 18 miles from Los Angeles, right on the coast like Long Beach).  So I went along as we didn't need any money for transportation & no money needed to a place to sleep as they provided for it.  They took us to a place called the U.S. Army Recreational Camp.  They had tents there like we had a J.B. and a big restaurant & dance hall right in the heart of Santa Monica.  It was really swell.  They had a dance there and I had a nice time.  Sunday after 12 o'clock mass (we went to Hollywood to go to mass) we went to Earl Carrol's Theater & Night Club.  They had dancing from 2 - 5 in the afternoon on the stage.  They didn't have any show.  It's really a swell place.
We had an inspection yesterday and we were told to get rid of all our excess stuff so I put it in the valise and sent it home yesterday.  I got a field jacket in there which was excess and Ele can wear it.  It just has to be cleaned a little.  I think she will like it.  Let me know.  I have shirts in there also which you just can put away.  I also got a 11 armored book in there which they were selling here.  It's since the div. was started.  I thought you would like to have it.  Also cards I got in L.A. and the last minute I got the banner & cards from Helen so I put this in on top.
I wanted to go to see the mission at Santa Barbara but we had to go back with the convoy so it would have been too much traveling so I ope we can go next week.  That is one of the missions in the string from San Diego to San Francisco that was built by Junipero Serra about 200 years ago.  One of the cards I sent home has them all listed.
I'll enclose a money order in this letter for $30.  Maybe I'll be able to send more later.  Take out what I owe you and anything that you need at any time.
Boy ma you look swell on that picture.  I can see by the picture that you are improving tremendously without a doubt.  And that hairdo is super.  It makes me so happy ma.
Yes, Grandma should go to the doctor.  I hope you do persuade her.  Let me know.  Give Grandma my love & kisses and tell Grams I'll try to write tomorrow.
Aunt Anna writes me that Grandma went with her to a concert & also over to N.Y. to buy a dress.  It sounds very unusual.  Doesn't it ma?
I got a swell letter from Bob and I'll try to answer it as soon as possible.
I got cigarettes for Pop's birthday and will try to get them off as soon as possible also.
I still hear from Helen about every other day.  I'll enclose a picture you can look at and send back or keep it if you like.  O.K.  Helen is on the right her sister Mary on left.  [below]

I'll write real soon again.  Until then take good care of yourself or should I say keep up the good work.  Until then
Your Loving Soldier Boy

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