Anthony J. Curcio
Co. B - 22 Tank Bn. A.P.O. 261
Camp Cooke, Calif.
Letter No. 131
Rec'd 193-194
Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
It's Monday and the start of a new week, but boy I had a swell weekend. They arranged a special convoy of girls from Los Angeles, Long Beach & Santa Monica. About 110 showed up for the whole battalion. They arrived about 7:30PM Sat. We took them into chow and then we had a dance. We had a swell time. Remember at Wash (McChord Field) I met a girl who was a captain's daughter? Well this time I met a girl who is a colonel's daughter, and has 4 brothers in service. Her name is Dorothy Little. She is a real nice girl and we had a lot of fun. Then we had a midnight snack at the mess hall & then we took them to a special barracks that was set up for them. Sunday morning after church the girls rode in the tanks and got a real kick out of it. Then after chow we had a tea dance until 4 o'clock when they had to leave. We had a swell time and she was very intelligent (college girl) and very sociable. If I can get to L.A. next week I will go down to see her. I'll enclose a program of the schedule for the weekend.
The watch keeps perfect time and I got so many compliments already. It's really swell.
The cherries, candy & cookies are really swell. And delicious. The flashlight comes in very handy.
In my last letter I was so excited I forgot to tell you about that interview. Well we didn't have it as it was called off to a later date. As soon as we have it I'l let you know.
I am glad you are feeling fine. Working around the house is a certain perfect sign. I'm so glad. And especially when everybody says you're gaining weight.
I'm glad Grandma is getting along OK and her garden also and send her a special kiss & thanks for the cherries. Yum! Yum!
I'm glad Ele will have to wait until she is 16 as it would be nice for her to go to summer school to take extra subjects. What do you say?
Tiny is getting along pretty good although she is doing a bit of cramming for the exams.
I am in the best of health and everything is coming along fine.
I'll write as soon as possible and until then, I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. Keep up the good work ma. You'll be in the pink in quicker time than you think.
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