Co. B - 22 Tank Bn. A.P.O. 261
Camp Cooke, Calif.
Letter No. 124
Rec'd 183-185
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Well here it is Monday night and I got a few free minutes to write before it gets too late. All last week we've been pretty busy that I couldn't find the slightest time to write. Monday we had a problem which took all day and when we got in late at night we had to wash out fatigues so would be clean for the next day. Tues. we had another problem and tues. night I was on guard duty. Wed. (4/26/44) we worked on tanks all day and at night we went on a problem in the pouring rain. There is always one thing we must do before we leave the tank, no matter where we are or what time it is and that is clean them up. That's one thing I learned. In that rain my watch got wet and now it won't run. I told you I was going to send it home but I guess I didn't do it soon enough. The only watch I can use here is a weatherproof, shockproof watch. When I send it home I wish you get it fixed & then hold it for me OK? Thurs. I got my other wisdom tooth pulled and he had to cut the gum but I didn't feel anything until the Novocaine wore off. They gave me some pill to make me sleep & I felt so sleepy for the longest time. He was a very good dentist and everything is fine now. Fri. it was the same routine and in the night we had to clean the barracks. Sat. I got that pass to Los Angeles I told you about and we got a chartered bus there and back. We left camp about 1 o'clock PM and got there about 6:30 Sat. night. The first place we went was the Hollywood Stagedoor Canteen. And guess what? Carole Landis came in and started to dance with all the service men. They were all jitterbugging. One dances for about 20 seconds and then another one cuts in. So I cut in and danced with her. But I didn't get much of a kick out of it as she seems just like another person. But after all that's just what she is, another person. Marsha Hunt was there also and she looks just like you see her in the pictures, as for Carole Landis, I don't think I would recognize her on the street, although she is very beautiful. We went to the show after that and saw "Cover Girl." It was very good. We slept at the Hollywood High School. If you look in the "Life" magazine (April 10) you will find more than I can tell about the Hollywood H.S. We went to mass at the beautiful Blessed Sacrament church and it was a very good sermon. After that we ate & then at 1 o'clock we went to the Lux Radio Playhouse and I got such a kick out of it. It took me right back home because all those Monday nights we used to gather around the radio and listen to Lux programs were made so clear well you know what I mean. It was a rehearsal for tonight's program broadcast all over the nation. And I know that you would listen to the same thing I saw the day before. It was "Appointment For Love." The actors were Olivia De Havilland & Paul Lukas. I certainly hoped you wouldn't miss hearing it. Let me know. Boy Olivia De Havilland is just as she looks in pictures. Gosh, she's cute. Then after the program we went to the U.S.O. for a show. And I saw Harry Revel the famous song writer. I got his autograph and I am going to send it to Tiny as she would like it because of her musical background. Shirley Temple & Ann Rutherford were supposed to be there but they never did show up. We saw Judy London a movie star and Vince Barnett the famous comedian of picture and radio. It was a swell show but we couldn't stay because we had to catch the 6 o'clock bus back to camp. We got in about 1 o'clock last night. Hollywood is certainly the place to see things and have a good time. I only wish we had a little more time. It's really the most beautiful place you ever saw. I got cards and will send them home in the box with my watch. While I was in Hollywood I sent you your Mother's day present and I also sent Grandma one. I may not be able to send a card but I hope the present doe the trick.
I am so glad of the news of what the doctor said and I feel much better now. It seems like a swell doctor. I am also glad you are getting the sunshine (when it comes out).
About Eddie and what he said to his mother. You asked me when I would say things like that when people were around. Ma, I wouldn't say if people were around or not. Things like that never enter my mind. Just remember ma, you have a real son. I don't think she has. He isn't close to his mother like I am to you.
Frank looks the same as he always did. I think he look real good.
Tell Ele & Bob & Ann I will write when I get a little more time, OK.
In my last letter I asked for air mail stamps and the very next day I got some from Grandma. Boy we certainly use mental telepathy don't we. Thank Grandma an awful lot for me. Tell Grandma I pray every night. OK, Ma?
I got paid today and as soon as I can get a money order made out I will send some home. There is a lot more I know there is to tell but I ant think of it all now and time is getting short and lights will be out before I know it. Tiny is OK and writing frequently. I also got a letter from Helen Riley from St. Louis. She writes a swell letter. I'll close now hoping everybody is in the best of health and very happy. Tell Grandma I will write as soon as I get a chance. OK. Your Loving Soldier Boy,
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