Co. B - 22 Tank Bn. A.P.O. 261
Camp Cooke, Calif.
Letter No. 128
Rec'd 191
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
It is Wed. night and I want to write while I got the time. The weather today shifted from sunshine to mist, to rain. It is very changeable but I am quite used to change of weather by now.
As I polished my civilian shoes last night it occurred to me as an amazing fact that I have those shoes 16 months not counting the time I wore them at home and still look like new shoes. Isn't that remarkable. It just goes to show you how long something will last if you take care of it. Right?
After I wrote the last letter on Sunday at the U.S.O. in Santa Maria. That wanted 4 fellows to be invited out for dinner so I was one of them. They took us to a small park and two mothers brought out swell food for us to eat. Wasn't that nice of them. After that I came back to camp and wrote letters.
On Monday night I went to the post show and saw "Show Business" with Eddie Cantor. It was pretty good. We all liked it a lot.
This will probably be good news to you although nothing to count on. We were called in to the Orderly room just a little while ago and the 1st Sgt. told us that they got orders to tell us that if any of us wanted to talk to the division board and tell them if we had any special qualities that would be of value some place else we could see them about it. So we are going up on Mon. It was just for H.S.T.P. men. I'll let you know how I make out but I don't think anything will turn up from it.
I received your cutest card. Boy the Hallmark people come out with come nifty ones; don't they!
Ma, I am so sorry but I think I lost the tooth I was going to send home. But I'll keep on looking.
I received a letter from Tiny today and she certainly likes your letters and is so glad you are both corresponding together.
I will enclude the receipt for the War Bonds. You will get one every 3 months.
I'll close now hoping everybody is in the best of health. Do you still feel tired ma? Can you stay up all day?
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. How is our little list?
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