Co. B - 22 Tank Bn. A.P.O. 261
Camp Cooke, Calif.
Letter No. 129
Rec'd 192
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
It is Sunday afternoon and the weather is misty out. Since I last wrote on Wed. we have been quite busy. On Thursday the whole Co., in fact the whole battalion, went out on a problem and came back on Friday. It was pretty cold sleeping out on the field but our blankets did a pretty good job keeping us warm. Before we left on Thurs. they had a special mass said so we wouldn't miss going on Ascension Thurs.
Fri. night we had a Co. dance. Most of the boys weren't going to go because we got back late from the motor pack after cleaning up our tanks but we had a pretty good turn out. The officer got about 30 girls from Lompoc. And the chow they had was really swell. The cooks did a swell job for a chance.
Sat. & today I have guard duty. I have it till 5 tonight and then I'll probably go to the show on the post and see "The Story of Dr. Wassell" with Gary Cooper, in technicolor. I'll let you know how it is if I see it. It's my time off right now so I got time to write a few letters.
I went to church this morning and the Chaplain gave a very good sermon. I received a letter from Mable, the Secretary at the office, and she sent me the pictures they took of me when I was down there. I'll enclose them in this letter. Show them to Grandma also. OK.
I also got swell letters from Helen Riley of St. Louis & Anita from Tacoma, & Tiny of Eugene. Sounds like a string of pearls doesn't it.
I got your letter & also one from Ele. Both were swell. I'm glad you got such nice presents for Mother's Day. I'll write Ele soon again.
I am going to enclose a dollar for Grandma to put some flowers on Aunt Josies grave. Time certainly does fly.
I'll write again soon. How do you feel ma? Are you still taking those pills? Let me know.
Sandy may be a pest ma but you love him don't you? I'm glad he's feeling well again.
Hope you all are feeling well. Send Grandma my love.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
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