Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 142

Aug. 14, 1944
Monday Night
Rec'd 207

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It seems like ages since I wrote but we have so much to do so we are kept busy and it doesn't seem like a long time until you get down to write.  I wouldn't put off writing for another day.  It is 11 P.M. but I don't feel tired so everything is O.K.
Well I got down to Santa Barbara on Sat.  We only had Sat. off and we had to report back to camp for reveille Sunday morning.  But I got up to see the mission and boy what a sight that is.  It's the most interesting place I've ever visited as well as being beautiful.  I sent a booklet and a few cards which will give you a pretty good idea of what it's like.  The priest took us through and showed us just about everything with an interesting talk about each.  What interested me the most was the size of the walls and foundations.  One of the columns of the towers was 20 ft. square.  Can you picture what a tremendous size that is?  And most of the walls varied from 3 to 6 feet in width.  Another interesting fact was that each design and painting had some meaning just like the skeleton heads reminded the Indians of death (I explained that on the postcards).  I sure wish you could all see it because it's something you wouldn't forget.  It should be because it was the beginning of civilization in the west which makes it that more interesting.
When I was at the U.S.O. one of the elderly women was sketching the boys pictures so I had mine done.  It wasn't bad at all.  I was going to have a photo taken for Helen as she is having one made for me, but I send her the sketch so I wouldn't have to get my photo made.  That was all right wasn't it ma?
I signed the slip for the bank and will enclose it in the letter.  Thanks ma.
Helen always writes me swell letters ma.  She is swell ma.  She liked the handkerchiefs so much ma.  She said she was going to send you a little note so you probably will receive it in a little while.  It would be nice if you would correspond with her ma because ma if it's anybody for me it will be her, so don't you think it would be a good idea to get to know her a little.  What do you say ma?  You could mention you like to correspond with her.  Let me know O.K. ma.
I got a kick out of Grandma wearing my shoes and Sandy getting a bit excited.  I guess he knows me pretty well huh.  Is he getting any bigger?
I got a swell letter from Ele.  I can tell from that one letter she is growing up pretty fast.  Maybe it's the job huh?  What do you think ma?
I am glad Grandma is feeling OK.  Did Grandma hear anything about the house yet?  Give Grandma my love & kisses & tell her I will write real soon.
I didn't hear from Joe or Frank yet.  As soon as you hear from Joe send me his address as I sent his letter home.  O.K.
You could order two of those compact cases.  I'll send Anita one for her birthday which is in Sept.  And the other you can save until Helen's birthday comes on Dec. 31.  The last day of the year.  An easy one to remember.  When you get them you can send me one & keep one.  Thanks ma.  I guess you could drop Tiny a short note once in a while.  I even find it difficult to write her as she does say very little.
In your next letter ma I want you to tell me all about yourself and don't forget.  Not just a few words saying you feel fine.  I want a full "play by play" description.  O.K.  Love & kisses to all.  Until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

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