Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 145

Aug. 27, 1944

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Sunday afternoon and you'll be surprised to hear that the sun is out full blast and I am lying on my blanket on the sand between the two barracks with my shorts on getting a sun tan.  Some news huh!
I went to the show last night and saw a revival picture "The Desperadoes" in technicolor.  It was very exciting.  Did you see it?
I don't think I ever said anything about this camp having German prisoners of war.  Well yesterday I saw the stockade where they keep them.  (I had to report there for guard duty; I had to check the passes of the fellows going to town).  They certainly lead an easy life over here.  I think most of them are happy to be here & there are some who still think Germany will win the war despite of all our victories.  Very few of them can speak our language.
I am glad you liked the pictures and booklet & holy pictures.  Yes it is unforgetable.
You ask me how the beer tasted.  Well it wasn't bad but I'm not much of a beer drinker in the first place and in the second place it's G.I. beer (3.2%).  Beer back home is 8 or 9% I think.  But it's not bad.  
Boy I bet Bob is happy that one of them is coming home anyway.  I bet Henry has plenty of stories to tell.  I'm just curious who is going to spend the most time with him, Bobby or Mr. Massa?  I don't think Henry will like his fathers plans.  Do you?
So Ele is finished for a while.  I am proud of her and also that she did such a good job that he promised her a job upon returning.  That is something.
I'm getting hot in this sun.  I feel fine.  I hope you all are too.  Give my love & best wishes to Grandma.  Until my next letter I remain

Your Loving Soldier Boy

P.S.  I still haven't had a chance to get air mail stamps so this is another free one.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 144

Aug. 23/44
Wed. Night

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Here it is Wed. already.  Boy time flies.  I can't say much in fact nothing of what we do but it's just more or less the same routine anyway so we'll let it go at that.  I can say will be leaving Camp Cooke (when I don't know) but I guess that's not much news anyway but it's pretty definite now.  Just don't say anything to anybody.  It just shouldn't be talked about.
I saw two good pictures this week one Sunday night & one tonight and both really were excellent and which I want you all to see.  Sunday I saw "Dragon Seed" with Katharine Hepburn and I don't like Katharine Hepburn too much but this picture was for her and nobody else and she certainly did play the part.   It was a perfect role for her.  I hope you can see it ma I know you'll like it and the story was taken from Pearl S. Buck.  I remember you telling me about the Chinese customs & ways from the books you read by her and the picture shows them up swell.  Maybe you can read this book?  Let me know.
The picture I saw tonight (we get off on Wed. nights) was "Janie."  And if you all want to laugh throughout the whole picture don't miss this one either.  Joyce Reynolds takes the lead & does an excellent job.  "Life" magazine of Aug. 21 has a preview of what it's like so you can get an idea of what it's like from the magazine.
The other day I was lying on my bunk and one of the fellows came in and left the door open and to tell you the truth the fog came into the barracks.  You could see it as it came through the door.  That's just to give you an idea of what the fog is like sometime.  You get used to it after awhile.
One of the boys (Brooklyn boy) gets a sheet from the Brooklyn Eagle sent to him with all the boys names on it and after he looks at it he gives it to me.  In this one I saw a Sgt. Major from 2031 Harmon St.  It's [?] familia.  Did you hear anything about him?
I received your 2009 & 210 letter & they were really swell.
Boy that was some storm in N.Y.  Gosh that must have been awful.  The weather outside of Lompoc Canyon (that's where we are) is swell.  It just is foggy.
I sure do hope Grandma is all right as you say maybe Gram needs to go out more like all used to.  Well it won't be long before you all be going out together again.  Right?
I hope Dad had a nice time on his vacation.  What did he do at Mastic Beach with Mr. Massa?  Go fishing?  Did he catch anything?
So Bob had a date with a guy from California.  Ask him if he wants to trade places.  He can have Calif. if he wants it.
Thanks for sending for the compacts.
I am glad you feel well ma.  I won't worry now ma.  As long as I have your word for it.
I receive a letter from Helen just about every other day & in her last letter she enclosed a picture of her sister's baby.  Ain't it cute.  Does it remind me of you ma?  Helen has 3 sisters & two brothers.  The picture was so cute I wanted you to see it.  You can send it back & I will send it back to her.  O.K.
I'll close now ma.  Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

P.S. #1 I'm all out of air mail stamps, but I do want to get this off tonight so I'll send it free.
P.S. #2  Please tell Gram I will write tomorrow & give Gram my love & kisses.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 143

Aug. 18/1944

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I am able to write today as I am on guard duty & therefore have time between shifts.  I had it last night and managed to squeeze in a show.  The first in a few weeks now.  I saw "The Great Moment" with Joel McCrea & Betty Field.  It was pretty good.  They played a very good part.  
Tues. that just past (Aug 15) was the second anniversary of the 11 Armored Division and we had a field day for the occasion.  And we had a lot of fun.  Tues. afternoon they had all different kinds of events to be competed by the 6 companies and the one with the most points at the end would get 2 kegs of beer for supper & guess who won--sure thing we did.  Co. B.  Ain't that swell.  We won by one point over Co. A. the next highest Co. by 28-27.  I ran the 440 yd. run but didn't score.  I guess I just wasn't in shape.  No excuses have I to offer.  Other events were 880 yd run, 440 yd, & 880 yd relay, pie eating contest (boy was that fun to watch) & tug of war.  It really went over big.
At night the General for the occasion invited stars from Hollywood to put on a show at the sports arena and they certainly did an excellent job.  Jimmy Fidler was M.C. and he sounds just like he does on the radio.  Bonita Granville sang a few songs and did a swell job.  I think I would like to see her in pictures better though.  Charles Kemper stole the show with his crazy skits.  Ray Bolger danced the same no. he did in "Stage Door Canteen" and a lot more.  He's really a marvel.  Other stars were John Parrol, Edgar Kennedy, Rose King & Chuck York, Rex Barrett, Jimmy McLarnin (the fighter), 3 harp swings & Sheila Ryan.  It really was a swell show.  
I got a few medals for firing.  If I can get another set I will send them home.  I also made one of the top scores on firing the 75mm.  I got 663 out of 700.  Ain't that swell.  Only 20 made 700 out of the whole co & I got the next to the highest.  Pretty good huh!
I got a letter from Fio this morning.  He is in Southern Italy near the town of Sorrento.  He was home on furlough the same time I was and I didn't know.  So near & yet so far huh!
I did a dumb thing the other day.  I always get our home address mixed up with Helen's address because you both have the same name Helen so when I start addressing the letters my mind is sidetracked and I put Brooklyn N.Y. instead of St. Louis Mo. on Helen's letter and I got it this morning for correction.  Ain't that stupid.  I must be more careful.
It's too bad the flight jacket is too big.  I thought it would fit Ele.  Oh well.  Gosh was I surprised to hear Frank was on Guam.  I sure hope he's O.K.  Let me know when you hear from him again.
I am glad you are feeling fine ma and keep up the good work.  Also I am glad Grandma is feeling fine.  Give Grandma my best & love & kisses.
Let me know what's new.  Until my next letter I remain

Your Loving Soldier Boy

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 142

Aug. 14, 1944
Monday Night
Rec'd 207

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It seems like ages since I wrote but we have so much to do so we are kept busy and it doesn't seem like a long time until you get down to write.  I wouldn't put off writing for another day.  It is 11 P.M. but I don't feel tired so everything is O.K.
Well I got down to Santa Barbara on Sat.  We only had Sat. off and we had to report back to camp for reveille Sunday morning.  But I got up to see the mission and boy what a sight that is.  It's the most interesting place I've ever visited as well as being beautiful.  I sent a booklet and a few cards which will give you a pretty good idea of what it's like.  The priest took us through and showed us just about everything with an interesting talk about each.  What interested me the most was the size of the walls and foundations.  One of the columns of the towers was 20 ft. square.  Can you picture what a tremendous size that is?  And most of the walls varied from 3 to 6 feet in width.  Another interesting fact was that each design and painting had some meaning just like the skeleton heads reminded the Indians of death (I explained that on the postcards).  I sure wish you could all see it because it's something you wouldn't forget.  It should be because it was the beginning of civilization in the west which makes it that more interesting.
When I was at the U.S.O. one of the elderly women was sketching the boys pictures so I had mine done.  It wasn't bad at all.  I was going to have a photo taken for Helen as she is having one made for me, but I send her the sketch so I wouldn't have to get my photo made.  That was all right wasn't it ma?
I signed the slip for the bank and will enclose it in the letter.  Thanks ma.
Helen always writes me swell letters ma.  She is swell ma.  She liked the handkerchiefs so much ma.  She said she was going to send you a little note so you probably will receive it in a little while.  It would be nice if you would correspond with her ma because ma if it's anybody for me it will be her, so don't you think it would be a good idea to get to know her a little.  What do you say ma?  You could mention you like to correspond with her.  Let me know O.K. ma.
I got a kick out of Grandma wearing my shoes and Sandy getting a bit excited.  I guess he knows me pretty well huh.  Is he getting any bigger?
I got a swell letter from Ele.  I can tell from that one letter she is growing up pretty fast.  Maybe it's the job huh?  What do you think ma?
I am glad Grandma is feeling OK.  Did Grandma hear anything about the house yet?  Give Grandma my love & kisses & tell her I will write real soon.
I didn't hear from Joe or Frank yet.  As soon as you hear from Joe send me his address as I sent his letter home.  O.K.
You could order two of those compact cases.  I'll send Anita one for her birthday which is in Sept.  And the other you can save until Helen's birthday comes on Dec. 31.  The last day of the year.  An easy one to remember.  When you get them you can send me one & keep one.  Thanks ma.  I guess you could drop Tiny a short note once in a while.  I even find it difficult to write her as she does say very little.
In your next letter ma I want you to tell me all about yourself and don't forget.  Not just a few words saying you feel fine.  I want a full "play by play" description.  O.K.  Love & kisses to all.  Until then I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 141

Aug. 6, 1944
Sunday Night
Rec'd #206

Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well here is the end of another week but this time it wasn't to prosperous as far as good times is concerned, but there is no reason why I should go out every weekend anyway.  Sat. night I (last night) went into Lompoc (that's a small town about 10 miles from camp) just to get out of camp I guess.  One of the boys and myself (he's a Brooklyn boy also) went to confession in a cute little church in Lompoc.  Then we bowled a game and then spent a few hrs at a dance.  It wasn't very exciting but we did pass the time away.  I sent you a little booklet from the U.S.O. about the town which will be good for your scrapbook.
Today we had to go out on the range all day.  So I missed mass.  I'll have to wait until next week to go to communion.  The capt. promised us off all day next Sat. because we went out today.  That ain't so bad, is it?
I received the four hankies and mom they're swell.  You say you hope I like them enough to send them to her, it never occurred to me for one split second not to send them to her.  How could she help but like them.  I sent them to her but she didn't get them as yet.  I also send Dad a carton of cigarettes for his birthday.
I hope Grandma can sell the house.  It gives her too many worries.  Right ma?  Give Grandma my love and tell her I will write real soon.
My writing isn't so good as I have a little bandage on my pinky and it makes it a bit uncomfortable when writing.  It's just a little sore.
I'm glad everybody remarks about your locks ma that's an excellent sign that you're picking up weight and getting along fine.  I certainly can tell that from the picture you sent me.  It's a honey.
What's new with everybody & everything?  Did Ann hear from Frank yet?  Did Bob hear from Al again? etc.  
I'll write soon again until then I remain

Your Loving Solider Boy

P.S.  I hope Sandy is getting to be a better boy.  How was he since you last wrote?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 140

Aug. 1, 1944
 Tues. night
Rec'd 205

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I wanted to write last night but we had some work to do so I had to put it off until tonight.  Sat. the battalion had a convoy of G.I. trucks going to Santa Monica (about 18 miles from Los Angeles, right on the coast like Long Beach).  So I went along as we didn't need any money for transportation & no money needed to a place to sleep as they provided for it.  They took us to a place called the U.S. Army Recreational Camp.  They had tents there like we had a J.B. and a big restaurant & dance hall right in the heart of Santa Monica.  It was really swell.  They had a dance there and I had a nice time.  Sunday after 12 o'clock mass (we went to Hollywood to go to mass) we went to Earl Carrol's Theater & Night Club.  They had dancing from 2 - 5 in the afternoon on the stage.  They didn't have any show.  It's really a swell place.
We had an inspection yesterday and we were told to get rid of all our excess stuff so I put it in the valise and sent it home yesterday.  I got a field jacket in there which was excess and Ele can wear it.  It just has to be cleaned a little.  I think she will like it.  Let me know.  I have shirts in there also which you just can put away.  I also got a 11 armored book in there which they were selling here.  It's since the div. was started.  I thought you would like to have it.  Also cards I got in L.A. and the last minute I got the banner & cards from Helen so I put this in on top.
I wanted to go to see the mission at Santa Barbara but we had to go back with the convoy so it would have been too much traveling so I ope we can go next week.  That is one of the missions in the string from San Diego to San Francisco that was built by Junipero Serra about 200 years ago.  One of the cards I sent home has them all listed.
I'll enclose a money order in this letter for $30.  Maybe I'll be able to send more later.  Take out what I owe you and anything that you need at any time.
Boy ma you look swell on that picture.  I can see by the picture that you are improving tremendously without a doubt.  And that hairdo is super.  It makes me so happy ma.
Yes, Grandma should go to the doctor.  I hope you do persuade her.  Let me know.  Give Grandma my love & kisses and tell Grams I'll try to write tomorrow.
Aunt Anna writes me that Grandma went with her to a concert & also over to N.Y. to buy a dress.  It sounds very unusual.  Doesn't it ma?
I got a swell letter from Bob and I'll try to answer it as soon as possible.
I got cigarettes for Pop's birthday and will try to get them off as soon as possible also.
I still hear from Helen about every other day.  I'll enclose a picture you can look at and send back or keep it if you like.  O.K.  Helen is on the right her sister Mary on left.  [below]

I'll write real soon again.  Until then take good care of yourself or should I say keep up the good work.  Until then
Your Loving Soldier Boy