Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 10

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio 1-29-43
Flight "F" 360th Tech. Sch. Sqd. Letter No. 10
Jefferson Barracks, MO

Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

Well here I am reporting from Jefferson Barracks, I'm in the air corps, that's official now. But I do feel a little lonely way out here, about a 1,000 miles from New York.
As soon as we came in to the camp we had to march and keep in order. Hats on all times, O.D.'s on at all
[times] unless specified, buttons buttoned at all times, your flight cap 1" over your right eye, shoes always shined, etc. They have a system here at least. You don't have to wait very long for chow. And here the chow is good. You really can look forward to eating. But of course it still doesn't compare to home. When we got up for breakfast this morning at 5:30 we had oatmeal, potatoes, sausages, 2 bottles of milk, 2 slices of bread & butter, 1 cup of coffee, 1 cupcake, 1 tangerine. For dinner we had 2 pork chops, mashed potatoes, lima beans, bread & butter, coffee, (plenty of sugar on the table, how is the rationing at home?), I piece of cherry pie, ice cream, & tangerine. What ever you can't get [at] home we have here.
Yesterday afternoon after I wrote the letter #9, we had to go to get our teeth examined. Of course we don't know if anything is wrong. What sort of an exam it was we don't know. In the night after chow we went to wash our clothes in the latrine. Boy what a job, especially when you don't have any hot water. But they usually do have hot water, something must have gone wrong. Boy now I know what ma has to go through when ma washes the clothes. It's no joke. It's something more kids home should do. Wash & take care of your own clothes.
Well this morning when I got up I was pretty tired, but once you wake up it's OK. We were taken on to the drill field & taught different things & taking order. How to salute & different things we should take heed to. Boy he was a nice drill sargent, you couldn't help but give him good results. We also had calisthenics. We drilled from 8 to 11:30. Boy I was tired after that. But I'm getting used to it. The sarge told us that we get 7 days of processing today being the 3rd. After that we get 18 days of drill & etc. called basic training. During the 7 day processing we will get tests & interviews, so that we can be classified and placed in the air corps. I hope I can be sent to school.
Ma after chow we were given time out to get hair cuts. Well you know what that means Ma. All off. But ma I don't look so bad. In fact it looks pretty good. It was really a measure anyway. I'll enclose some so you can see how much they cut off. It costs me 35 cents. After I got my haircut I came right down to the day club. Which is a little barrack where you can write letters & play games, etc. There are 6 fellows in my hut, which I told you all in the last letter & they are pretty nice fellows. One is a married man and he is also a very nice man.
Say ma, I just recalled you had to report the 27 for the examination. It was perfect results, wasn't it? Let me know right away. Send me the dope on calling up Barb at the office & if I get a chance during the day I'll call up. If you could send a shoe polishing kit it would be swell. Well I guess that's all for
[now]. From your loving soldier boy reporting from the air corps.

I would send airmail but I can't get stamps as yet.
I will also include the scapular I left out of the other one. Please show it to Grandma. I put the stamp on I got from one of the fellows. I thought it was a bit heavy and I didn't want them to return it.

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