Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 7

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio 1-25-43
4th Receiving Co. Barrack Z Letter No. 7
Camp Upton, NY Rec'd 3

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

I received your letter along with one from Ele, I was so glad to get the mail, I just couldn't wait to open it. (I got them last night).
Mon. morning we got another shot in the arm. We will get them every week now. Your arm gets a bit stiff after awhile but I'm getting used to it & it doesn't bother me any more.
Boy that's certainly a thrill getting my name on the plaque. I'll feel proud to see it on my furlough.
Last night I went to bed about 7:30, I was a bit tired.
We didn't get anymore K.P. yet. I think once you serve it here you don't get it anymore.
I don't fell so bad ma. Last night I didn't sleep very good but I generally do. I dreamed I got a pass. So sometimes dreams come true ma.
As for Albert listening to radio. Ma you can listen to Australia can't you? Just put on short wave. I believe it's listed on our radio. They probably have the same thing there. Just vise versa. We have on our radio Australia, they have on their radio U.S.
Just now ma it's 2:50 and we are being called out. We have to get dressed in our O.D.'s with our field jackets on & our leggings on. Boy what a laugh, half of fellas couldn't get their leggings on right. I got mine on backwards. But it was all right. Boy ma I don't look so bad. It feels pretty good all dressed up. We had to go out & we were given drill for about 1 hr. Boy it was swell. It put a little spirit back in you. It's not regular drill but they do it every time one of the generals come around. That's the best thing that happened to me since I came here. I think I'll make out pretty good when I get to a permanent camp.
I didn't get any mail today. I guess it will come in tomorrow.
Today I saluted a captain & a lieutenant. It wasn't so good but when I get more complete instructions I guess it will be very impressive.
I think I will wash to right before I go to bed, I mean clothes.
Well I think that's all for now ma. I would have finished this afternoon but the drill came through & I'm glad it did, because it was interesting. Well so long for awhile. I hope you feel OK ma, & I hope everybody is OK to
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

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