Saturday, January 17, 2009

Dear Mom, Letter No. 1

Anthony J. Curcio 1-17-43 6:30 AM
4th Receiving Co. Letter #1
Camp Upton, NY

Dear Mom-

We reached Camp Upton about 4:15 PM. Then we got a check up & got grouped into companies. Then we ate (I'll tell you about it later). After that we got our toilet articles and was assigned a bed. After that we got two stiff examinations - I.Q. I hope I made out OK. We been on the go all day. And although this is early in the morning (we got up at 5:30) I feel it's the only chance I will get to write because we will get classified today and our clothing issued & a couple of inoculations. I hope you are alright ma and everybody else. And don't worry ma everything is alright. They aren't so bad here as they say. But I sure feel lonely even if it is only the first day. I'll probably get a chance to write a nice long letter tomorrow unless they ship us, but I don't think so. So until then don't worry, ma.

Your loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. They certainly keep us on the go, but I guess it is good for me.
P.S. They say you can't write back here because there are so many fellows going in and out it's hard to keep up with the mail.


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