Monday, June 21, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 55

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
1875 En. Avn. Bn. Co. H & S
McChord Field, Wash.

Date 6/21/43
Letter No. 55
Rec'd 86 & 87

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Here it is Mon. nite and it is raining again, and although it was raining here yesterday too, I was fortunate to have found a spot where it did sunshine. The Air Cadet I was telling you about (Bill Richards by name) and I, put in for 36 hr. passes. That's from 6 o'clock Sat. nite to 6 Mon. morning, but they only gave us 30 hr. passes, which was from 6 Sat. nite to 12 o'clock Sun. nite. Anyway, we got on a bus and took a trip to Seattle, which is about 40 miles from camp. We got there about 8:30 Sat. nite & the first place we hit was the U.S.O. to see where we could sleep. They gave us a ticket for 50 cents. That entitled us to sleep at the Armory in Seattle. It was turned into an Army & Navy dormitory.
From there we went to a dance (naturally) at the Y.W.C.A. From there was sent back to the dormitory to sleep. We got clean sheets & pillowcase & two blankets & a towel. It's really a very nice place. We got up at 10 o'clock, went to breakfast & then started to hunt for a church. By 11:30 we did find one, and a beautiful one at that (St. James Cathedral). It was about the size of St. Barbaras church. We got there late, because the mass started at 11 o'clock. After that we ate dinner.
In the afternoon we went to visit the University of Washington. It is quite alternative and made me wish I was going there. After that we went to a show & saw "Crash Dive." One excellent picture & very exciting. They we ate once more & came back to camp. We got in 11 o'clock last night.
Seattle is quite a nice city, something like N.Y. but not 1/10 as good. Anyway we had a nice time.
I certainly get to see some of the largest cities don't I? N.Y., St. Louis, Seattle. I wonder what it will be next.
At camp I am still surveying on the road job.
I believe by the 1st of the month we will start training again, you know, exercise etc. I think I need it as I am getting a little soft right now.
I am so glad you liked my picture ma. How does Grandma like it? I am sorry you did tell me that Grandma did like it very much. It just slipped my mind for a moment. I only got 3 made, one for you, one for Grandma, & one for Ele. I didn't take any pictures with the film as I found out that cameras are restricted on the post & I am afraid to take it off the post. I am awful sorry. But I may have a chance to take them sometime.
I shall close now. Hope you are all as well as I am, so until I write again, I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Those stickers on the envelope are cute. XXXXXXXX

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