Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene
Date 10/12/43
Letter No. 92
Rec'd 126, 129, 130
Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
Gosh it's getting hard to write letters. We study 2 1/2 hrs. a night now instead of only two and have Sunday night off. And chow is at 5:30 instead of six and we have to fall out at 6:45 for study hall.
Friday night the university put on an assembly for the students. So first we went to study & then we went to assembly. They had the dance band and they put on a couple of skits and the Major & the president of the University said a few words. It was pretty good. On Sat. afternoon between 4 & 6 the sorority houses were open for all the service men. They called it open house. So Hemenway and myself went to the Alpha Tau Omega (A.T.O.) and [it was a] very nice house. Well we were the first ones there and did we feel silly. There must have [been] about 30 girls in there. We felt very much relieved when some other soldiers came in. We danced and talked. So guess who I met? The president of the house. She's a junior at the University. They call her Tiny because she is so small. She's only 4'11 3/4". She's one of those intellects. She's only 19 and is majoring in music. I think she's about the most intelligent girls I ever talked to. I took her to the show Sunday afternoon and saw "Five Graves to Cairo" & "Henry Aldrich Gets Glamour." I saw the one first but it was good to see it over again. It certainly swell out here on the campus ma. It's so different from an army camp and everybody treats me swell here.
I made out in everything except History. I try harder this quarter.
I wanted to send the money home but there is no way I can do it on the campus and when I get into town the post office is closed. Do you want me to wire it home?
Did I tell you I got the box with the slide rule & etc? Well I did and everything is O.K. The cards are swell too. Thank Ann for me.
I certainly would like to see the baby. I bet she certainly is getting beautiful.
You can send the shaving kit. In fact I was thinking of asking you to send it.
You could send some of my favorite tobacco. It will be a swell change.
Thanks for the swell card also. And thank Grandma for her card and stamps. They always come at the right time. I had one left. Give Grandma a kiss for every stamp ma.
Also thank Boby for her letter. It's swell to hear from her. So until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. I started 3 different times before I finished this letter. But I wanted to make it a little long.
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