Monday, October 4, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 91

Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" A.S.T.U. 3920
U. of O. Eugene, Ore.

Date 10/4/43
Letter No. 91
Rec'd 128

Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Here it starts another week and it was a bit hard to get started being Anita was down but I'm back in the groove again. We had a swell time. She got in town about 1 o'clock Sat. afternoon and got a room at the hotel. She called up the orderly room, and then as soon as I got back from class I went down. (That is after I got paid - that was the first time in three months so as soon as I get a chance I will send the money home.) They had a dance at the University gymnasium. And we had a swell time. We did the lindy and as we were doing it one of the men of the paper took our picture. I hope they print it. I showed her around the campus Sunday and in the afternoon we say "So Proudly We Hail." And boy was it good. An excellent picture. She had to catch the 6:43 train back so I just about saw her off as I had to be back at the dormitory at 7:15. We had a swell time. I hated to see her go.
I caught a honey of a cold too. I must have caught it at the dance. I did get a bit sweated up.
Well I said my speech on Sat. and made OK believe it or not. It really surprised me.
I subscribed to the yearbook. It comes out in May. Last year it got the nations award. They are going to have a part for the A.S.T.U. so I thought it would be nice to have.
The weather is starting to get a bit rainy. That's what it's going to be all winter. Just like Washington weather.
I hope everybody is in the best of health & I hope pop is O.K.
I'll close now remaining
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. I am sorry if I miss writing you some things ma. They just slip my mind sometimes. And ma, you know I always love to receive letters from you.

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