Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 68

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/8/43
Letter No. 68
Rec'd 103, 104, 105

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I was so happy to receive two letters. It seems like I waited so long for them.
You say that Coney Island is getting full of negros [sic]. Isn't funny how different races keep moving from one section to another. I guess in another 10 years the Ridgewood section will have a different language, I mean nationality, in it. Isn't that right?
If I was back at McChord Field and I did get my furlough I would not be able to fly home as the army restricted that just in case of emergency. But we don't have to worry about that for awhile. I am sorry to say. But if I did get my furlough it would be 7 days & traveling time. I hope you didn't feel too disappointed that I didn't get my furlough. I guess you were disappointed but we'll just keep our fingers crossed that the college I get sent to is East?
You said that you will go to church to see Elfrieda get married if she considers you all as friends. Well I'm glad she did send the invitation because there is no hard feelings and never will be. I wish you would buy Elfrieda a wedding present and put a little money gift in for me. $5.00 I guess. What do you think ma. I think I should put something like that to show that there are no feelings. Isn't that right ma?
You guessed right when you guessed I didn't have any money. You see we were shipped from McChord on the 29 & the 31 was pay day. That means we were red lined & won't get paid till next month or ma
[y]be a partial payment on the 15 of August. Thanks ma. I will hold on the the money to see how I make out at the college.
Our trip from McChord was made at night so I didn't see many towns but I think I know the route. First we went north about 30 miles to Auburn to get a pullman car. Then we headed east passing thru Palmer, Roslyn, Cle Elum, Ellensburg, Beverly, Othello, Walden,
[?], Ritz, Cheney, Spokane. Then we headed southeast passing thru Rosalia, Oaksdale, Garfield, Palouse, Pullman & thru Moscow. I cam pretty sure that's the route. Moscow is right on the border of Washington & Idaho.
I still have my map. Boy I certainly traveled a lot. But I have one desire & that is to travel east.
You ask me what happened to Peggy. Nothing happened to Peggy. Peggy was just a good friend but I think, in fact I know, I like Anita a lot better even tho I know her for such a short time.
Anita is about 5'1" has brown hair, greenish blue gray eyes (I don't know what the color is you would call that). She is slim (probably only weighs as much as Boby). She has a perfect set of white teeth and cute. Do you think you can picture her. I'll see if she's got an extra picture & send it to you. Oh I forgot she's 18 years old.
Helen Riley still writes to me. And she always writes a nice letter too.
I think my eyes bothered me because I wasn't used to staring at books. They feel better now.
I feel fine especially getting to bed regular each night. It really does you a lot of good.
Friday we had the same routine in school.
Sat. we just had classes in the morning & Sat. afternoon we were able to go into town if we liked but we only went in the nite. Boy what a dull town. Anita said in one of her letters "I laughed a little when I looked on the map and found out that Moscow only had a population of 300 four thousand people." She said "It must be an awful come down, just N.Y. then Tacoma, & now Moscow. But there is the compensation of peace & quiet which will be helpful in studying." I think she's right. But still is an awful dull place on Sat. nite. THere are two small movie houses. Two dance halls & a carnival that moved out last night. We went to the show & saw "They came to blow up America." It was pretty good. Then we went to the dance and didn't stay there very long as the average age of the girls there were so young & most of them couldn't dance. Then we took a look at the carnival, we stayed there about 15 minutes. So all in all we had a fine time doing nothing. In a way I'm glad tho, as Anita says "a peaceful quiet town will help in studying." Right?
Today I'll write letters & study.
The weather here has been cool. I like it too, I can think good in cool weather.
How is Boby making out with her unit? And how is Bob & Ele making out with the piano? And how is Ann making out with her knitting? Let me know ma. I hope everybody is in the best of health. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Thank Ele for her clipping. I don't know what's happening to Brooklyn. It won't seem like Brooklyn without Camilli, will it?

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