Dear Helen,
I received your very darling card. It made me so happy that you wrote to me. Your so very thoughtful. And it's those little things that make the difference in this world.
About that glider accident at Lambert field. I didn't see it in the newspaper but just today I ran across it in "Life" magazine. I believe it was Aug. 16 issue. Boy that must have been awful to see.
That certainly is something to hear of a 43rd wedding anniversary. You don't hear that every day in the week. And when you do hear it, it makes you stop and think a little and just wonder. Boy that is something. "So your mother was married to one man all that time..."
What college I will be shipped to is hard to say. But by gosh how I wold love to got to see the University of St. Louis. That would be a treat. Believe me, and in more than one way.
I have been qualified for engineering. We had a series of tests & then we had to go before the board. It doesn't mean that I am a candidate for officers training but we can be recommended after the first 3 months. I'm not going to worry about officers candidate until I pass the course first. I don't want to count my chickens before their hatched. It's going to be plenty tough as we have to cover the same ground in one half of the time, and I'll have to do plenty of studying. And it is certainly what I want.
I'll tell you more in my next letter. I didn't expect to stay here this long so any day now we my ship out.
We took some pictures here & I shall enclose one. I hope you like it. So until my next letter (it will be longer) I remain
Sincerely as ever
P.S. Lights go out here at 10:30 and it is now about 10:29. Thanks again for writing. Even in a short letter from you means more than a 10 page letter from most of my friends. T

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