Monday, August 30, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 76

Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow
Letter 76
Rec'd 112 & 113

Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well here it is another Monday and I'm sill here. But I did have a swell weekend. DiFranza & I went to visit Spokane. It's about 70 miles N.W. of here. We left at 4 o'clock. We took a bus & got in Spokane at 7 o'clock. We headed first to the U.S.O. to get a bite to eat. After we ate a band came in, so we stayed there. And boy that band was good. I think it's the best I heard since I'm in the army. And all the girls could dance here. There was was no question about that. The dance was over at 11 o'clock, little did we realize we didn't have a place to sleep. All the dormitories were filled up. We asked a sailor where we could get a place to stay. He said he didn't know, but if we couldn't get a place we could sleep with him. Well that's where we ended up. It was the funniest thing. The three of us in that bed. We couldn't toss & turn like we wanted to and I woke up about 10 times and the sailor said he fell out of bed once. We were so restless we got up at 8:30. We went to the service men's center and had coffee and cake for breakfast and we also took a shower and polished our shoes. Boy those service centers are swell. I guess we won't know what to do without them. We walked around a little and a car came up beside the curve and asked us if we would like to go to some church. He would take us to any church we wanted to go.
They operated through the U.S.O. It almost knocked me over. It was the first time I saw that before. But we didn't go because we had to catch a 12:30 bus back to Moscow and we still had to eat and we didn't know where the church would be. We got the bus and as we were coming back it started to rain. But it was still a nice trip. Boy and what nice scenery. Hill, hills & some more hills. But as we got closer to Spokane the hills got bigger and the pine trees got bigger. It was further up north. Also coming back on the bus we met a young nurse and we talked to her all the way back. She was nice. She came from Lewiston about 40 miles south of Moscow. We had a swell weekend. And DiFranza met a buddy of his from his home town at the U.S.O. at Spokane, and boy were they happy to see each other. Before DiFranza came into the army he used to color postcards and every time we go some place we run across cards that he colored before he came into the army. I'll enclose a card that he did and if you run across any cards with Tichnor Bros. on them you can bet that he did them. He comes from Boston, Mass.
Last night I received 6 letters in mail call. Two cards, one from Ann & one from Mom & Pop. Boy they were swell thanks. I received a letter from Ma, 2 from Anita, and a letter from Elfrieda.
I am so glad Boby is giving you such a swell time ma. And I'm glad you all are having a swell time. Boy did my heart sink when you told me about losing Grandma. I can just imagine how everybody felt especially Grandma. I just can't explain how I felt, wow!
I am so glad you were so surprised about the war bond. Every time I had a few extra dollars I sent Elfrieda it and she saved them for me. I sent her the rest so she could get it off her hands before she got married. She's a good kid. That is a swell present you sent Elfrieda. I just know she will like it an awful lot. She liked mine an awful lot too. As long as she is happy.
I wish you would send the pictures ma. You can wait with the paper. It will be forwarded if I'm shipped. They have a pretty good system here.
I am fine and I hope everybody is ok too. I'll close now and until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 75

Letter #75
Rec'd 112

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

If I stay here any longer I think I will stay her permanently. I have a funny suspicion that they may start a branch at this university. I guess I'll just have to wait & find out.
I got another hair cut today. I got a pretty good one this time. I had to go into town to get it.
I am picking up a lot math & chemistry & physics which I guess I will need.
We got a letter from Borella. He said it's pretty tough. You have to be on the ball all the time. Pants & shirts pressed at all times, shoes polished, etc. If you don't you get demerits. I guess I'll
[have] to keep on the beam.
I am so glad Barb & Ann had such a good time. The way our boys are going ma
[y]be I can look forward to it next year. Who knows.
I am glad you liked the picture of Anita. You could send it to me if you want. Aren't you going to send hankies or something like I said ma? Her address is Miss Anita Becker, 1114 N. Lawrence St., Tacoma (6), Washington.
When I was eating last nite a piece of my back tooth broke off. It's one of those teeth that the dentist at McChord filled. He was a bit rough. If it bothers me I will go to the dentist as soon as possible.
Last nite I had to press my pants & iron my shirt. (I washed it the night before, after study hall at night.) I
['m] getting to be pretty good at ironing.
I hope everybody is OK and in the best of health. Will close now.
Your Loving Solider Boy,

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 74

Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho
Letter #74
Rec'd 110 & 111

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Monday and here we start another week. I guess we'll ship out this week. I hope.
Well this weekend was pretty good compared to last weekend. They had a camp U.S.O. show at the auditorium last nite. It was a crazy show, just as the name applied "Crazy Show." They certainly made us laugh. The master of ceremonies was the best. He was the craziest. We all liked it an awful lot.
On Sat. nite it also rained cats & dogs for the first time. But I didn't mind it. I am quite used to it after Tacoma.
Sunday morning we went to ten o'clock mass. This time I sat up in front so I could hear him. Last week I didn't hear a word he said.
Sunday afternoon I went to the show & saw Noel Coward's "
In Which We Serve." It was very good. It was an excellent production.
As soon as I get to a permanent college, I would like you to send me my slide rule, the book on logarithms, structural handbook and any books you think I can use. I believe they are all in the bottom drawer. I guess Boby can pick out the books ma, if she has the time. But don't send them until I get to my college.
Boy the scrapbook certainly is a good idea. After it's all over we can go over it and look at all the little odds & ends. That will be swell. I will include a pair of stripes in this envelope.
You said in your letter (110) how were you to address the envelope? I assume you meant Elfrieda? If so I guess you send it to Elfrieda's house and put Mr. & Mrs. Kopetz. Or to Elfrieda & Eddie. I guess you can ask Boby about that. Elfrieda's address:
93-32 123rd St.
Richmond Hill, NY
I am so glad the doctor said you're OK. I guess you are too healthy ma, that you are picking up so much weight. It is a good idea to keep in touch with him and as long as it is once every 2 months there is no set back and as it is once every two months. There is only one thing sure & that is -- you're all right.
I wish you would write to Joe again and tell him I passed etc.
The star on the envelope means Specialized Training and Reassignment Unit.
I am getting along pretty good with my studies and the quizzes they give are Ok and I passed all of them so I feel I'm doing Ok.
You can send the stamps if you wish ma, because they will be forwarded. Thank Grandma & give her a big kiss for me. The stamps certainly come in handy all the time.
I ran across a letter today which I don't believe I answered. I must have gotten it right before I left McChord. It's letter #102. You asked me about the watch I was wearing. It was a friend of mine. He just lent it to me & I gave it back to him when I left for this place.
I shall close now hoping Bob & Ann had a swell time & you are all in the best of health.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

From Bruno (Borella, Tony's Friend)

August 22, 1943
Dear Mr. & Mrs. Curcio,

I'm writing this letter to you folks because through your son Tony, I feel that I've known you for a long time now. Joe D'Angelo, Tony and myself have been constantly together ever since we left Jefferson Barracks last March. As you already know, Joe was sent to the Combat Engineers and for awhile "our gang" was broken up. However, the rest of us more or less were together although I too was transferred to another Battalion.
When the orders came through for this college program, I once again found myself with Tony. We were at the Univ. of Idaho together and we did expect to be sent to the same college but it was "just my luck" to be one of the "unhappy" eight fellows from our group to be sent back into the State of Washington. I certainly miss your son's company and I know that I'll never be able to find a better friend.
He has the intellect and ambition and someday I know that you are going to be very proud of him. I certainly am looking forward to the day when we will all be back from this war and being that I live at Coram, Long Island, I'll be seeing him and also you folks at some future day.

Bruno Borella

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dear Mom, Pa, Ele Letter No. 73

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/20/43
Letter No. 73
Rec'd --

Dear Mom, Pa, Ele,

Before I start you'll have to excuse this sheet of paper. The last minute I found out that I ran out of this type of paper and this sheet isn't to
[o] clean. Ma[y]be you can get me some more?
Well it's Friday nite & I'm still here. Gosh I wish I ship out & get started on the course. I just found out today that after the first term we can get furloughs providing we pass. After that between terms we'll just get 7 days off. That will make me work all the harder. That's good news huh?
I received my daily letter today from Anita. I can almost count on it being here every nite. Gosh she's swell. How did you like her picture?
I got a swell letter from Ed tonight (my boss). He told me all about his job and it seems he's got a swell position, and he really likes it & he's making out swell.
While on that subject did I ask you to send me the pictures of the house that Ed designed? The one for Mr. Schultz from Mill Neck, Long Island? If not will you send them to me ma. I want to show Anita them. I sent the stuff back to you when I sent the stuff I showed to Helen Riley from St. Louis. Remember?
I got a card from Borella tonight also. He's at the State College of Washington & he feels pretty lonely being he was sent there and none of us was sent with him. He is a swell guy.
During calisthenics today we were lifting weights in the gym. I felt pretty good after that too. I never did that before.
I'm still studying and am refreshing pretty well.
I am so glad Grandma got her flat rented. I bet that's a relief off her mind. How is Grandma, ma?
And how is everything with you. Do you have to visit the doctor any more? Gosh I wish I could see you ma.
How big is Eleanor? I think I asked you that in my last letter.
I'll close now hoping this letter finds you all in the best of health.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
Love & Kisses,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele No. 72

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/18/43
Letter No. 72
Rec'd 108 & 109

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Wed. and right now there are about 1 million rumors (latrine rumors) floating around here as to where we are going to be shipped. One rumor was some of us were going to be shipped to the Washington State University just 9 miles from here. That was true alright but I wasn't on it but Borella was. They will go there tomorrow. The other rumor was that there was a shipment to go to Wheatland Illinois. But so far nothing came up. If I did get shipped to Washington State I could nave seen Anita. But I can't think about that anymore.
I received a letter from Anita last nite and in the letter she had a snapshot especially for you ma. She says "it will give your mother an idea of what I look like and I hope she won't be disappointed." She's so cute. I hope you like it ma.
It's too bad about Eddie's wife. I hope she will be alright. If they don't invite you to see the bride ma, I wouldn't bother with them anymore either. Gosh they're awful funny people. I'd like to know what they think about anyway.
You say Boby & Ele don't have their hearts in it when they practice on the piano. If they could only hear Anita play I think they would put more into it. She plays swell.
In the picture "They Came to Blow up America," they did get the story an idea from those Germans when they landed on L.I. I believe it's the same idea. They just carried it out a little more.
I don't have much time to read ma. And I believe once we get to a college we just aren't going to have any time.
The other day when I went out for calisthenics I got in a game of soccer (kicked a basketball around). And the next day my bones didn't feel so good. This so called army life makes you real soft. But I guess I'll get used to it.
The meals here are still swell. Today for dinner we had stew, corn, bread & butter, milk, cake, ice cream & fruit salad. That's a pretty good meal, don't you think so ma?
I hope Bob & Ann have a good time. I remember the last year we went. It rained on the day we left but it turned out to be a swell week.
I was just thinking ma. Maybe you could send Anita a couple of handkerchiefs or something & thank her for the picture. And you could write a short note telling her that you think she's a very nice girl from the picture & what I said about her etc. Anything you could say about her suits me ma, because I really like her ma, in fact more than any girl I ever did like. Let me know ma.
I will close now ma hoping you are all in the best of health & hoping I get some place east.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Maybe Boby can help you write something to Anita. O.K.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele No. 71

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/16/43
Letter No. 71
Rec'd ----

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It's Sunday nite and I just came in from mail call. I got two letters from Boby which I enjoyed very much. I like the way she writes. You can tell by her letters how intelligent she is. I also got a letter from Anita & a card from her also. And guess what kind of a card it is. It just like the one you sent to me some time ago. This is the saying it had:
"Don't write nothing sad to the boys in the service." The magazine articles say:
"Don't tell them how sorry you feel for yourself ---
They've got worries enough anyway! ---
And so I won't tell you how lonesome I am,
How sad & dejected and blue ---
I won't even tell you I miss you real bad
But, just off the record, I do."
It has a girl sitting in an arm chair reading a magazine. Do you remember when you sent me that one? It made me feel so good when I got it. Whenever that happens like you & Anita picking out the same thing it makes me feel like we have something in common. It makes me feel so good.
Anita got my picture made & she said it turned out real swell. It's good to have someone like that to think about ma.
I went to town Sat. afternoon before the stores closed & bought Elfrieda a set of book ends and a card. It cost me 4.25. The lady put in a nice box & wrapped it up for me. So I didn't have to do anything to worry about. So you won't have to get anything ma. I sent it direct to her. I hope she likes it. This is the way it looks.
It looks pretty nice. I guess it will be all right, huh?
Last nite I went to the show again & saw "The Ox Bow Incident." It was alright but it was kind of slow. After that we went to one of the dances & stayed about a half hour & then cam back & went to sleep.
Today I went to church 10 o'clock mass. It was a nice church only the priest talked too low. As we were walking to the church a lady picked us up and took us right in front of the door. She told us about her son. He is also in the A.S.T.P. unit & is going to a college in California. It was pretty nice of her, don't you think so?
This afternoon I wrote some letters. Tonight after I finish this letter I'll write to Anita & Grandma & then study a little.
I will enclose another postcard showing Moscow in one shot. That's all there is there is no more.
You should find Spokane on the map. It's about the largest town in Washington besides Seattle & Tacoma. See if you can find it ok?
I guess Bob & Ann are up in the Catskills by now. I hope they have a nice time.
How is Pop making out? What
[?] is he got now? How is he feeling? How big is Eleanor getting? I was looking over some pictures & just started to think I bet she's bigger than I am now. I will close now & write soon again.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Friday, August 13, 2010

Dear Helen


Dear Helen,

I received your very darling card. It made me so happy that you wrote to me. Your so very thoughtful. And it's those little things that make the difference in this world.
About that glider accident at Lambert field. I didn't see it in the newspaper but just today I ran across it in "Life" magazine. I believe it was Aug. 16 issue. Boy that must have been awful to see.
That certainly is something to hear of a 43rd wedding anniversary. You don't hear that every day in the week. And when you do hear it, it makes you stop and think a little and just wonder. Boy that is something. "So your mother was married to one man all that time..."
What college I will be shipped to is hard to say. But by gosh how I wold love to got to see the University of St. Louis. That would be a treat. Believe me, and in more than one way.
I have been qualified for engineering. We had a series of tests & then we had to go before the board. It doesn't mean that I am a candidate for officers training but we can be recommended after the first 3 months. I'm not going to worry about officers candidate until I pass the course first. I don't want to count my chickens before their hatched. It's going to be plenty tough as we have to cover the same ground in one half of the time, and I'll have to do plenty of studying. And it is certainly what I want.
I'll tell you more in my next letter. I didn't expect to stay here this long so any day now we my ship out.
We took some pictures here & I shall enclose one. I hope you like it. So until my next letter (it will be longer) I remain
Sincerely as ever

P.S. Lights go out here at 10:30 and it is now about 10:29. Thanks again for writing. Even in a short letter from you means more than a 10 page letter from most of my friends. T

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 70

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is Fri. afternoon during study period & I decided to write a letter instead.
At mail call at noon time I received a picture of Anita. She had one made for me in the same studio I had mine made for you. I think I told you. It's 5 x 7 and is colored in oils. Ma you should see that picture. It's beautiful. She also had it in a glass frame. And the way she had it wrapped. First it had two pieces of cardboard on either side. Then she put it in a handkerchief box. Then she wrapped it with tissue paper with a green ribbon on it, with a big boy in the middle. That was wrapped in paper around that was 4 pieces of cardboard & that was wrapped with paper. So you can see how nervous I was until I got it open. She's swell ma.
I also got a nice letter from Elfrieda. She told me about her plans. She is going to live in Morristown N.J. after a two week honeymoon. I hope she's happy.
I am so glad that you all are so happy I made the grade. Your letters cheer me up so much ma. I'll try my best to pass and make you all happy.
The education I had certainly will come in handy. Tech certainly had the stuff.
Send Aunt Margaret my best regards and hope she gets better real soon.
It msut be telepathy again. I believe in my last letter I told you I still write to Helen Riley. I just got a letter from her too. And I also told you about Joe. Isn't that funny the way that always works out.
I also received your cute card ma. And it had such a pretty saying. xxxxxx and a million more.
The weather here is still swell. I hope it's nice weather back there.
How is grandma? And how is the garden & how is Frank? Did Grandma rent the flat yet?
I hope you are all in the best of health & tell Bob & Ann to drop me a line & let me know how Jersey's Breeze Knoll is. Ok. So until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Love & Kisses xxxx

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 69

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/11/43
Letter No. 69
Rec'd 105

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

There isn't too much to tell about what I am doing because the routine is the same each day. We go to classes in the morning (I am making out OK so far) (we had two quizzes so far and I got 79 & 80). In the afternoon we have military correspondence & then calisthenics & close order drill followed by a swell shower. In the night we have the study class ( where I am now writing this letter).
Monday nite after I got out of study hall & washed a few pieces of clothes & my shirt & pants. And Tuesday nite I ironed the shirt and pants. They didn't come out bad for an amateur.
Today I got a letter from Anita. She writes me about every nite. She's right on the beam. I also received an invitation for Elfrieda's wedding. What she sent one to me for I don't know.
Boy ma, did you hear from Joe D'Angelo? I didn't hear from him in quite awhile and was just wondering what's what. I hate to write to him until he writes to me because Davidson, Borella & myself feel that if there was anybody who should go to college, it was him. And if I wrote & told him we all made it I imagine it would hurt him a little even though nothing could have been done about it. I wish you would write to him ma & explain to him why I didn't write.
I feel if he heard it from you he wouldn't feel so bad. He's such a swell fellow. Boy when they shipped him they certainly took a part of me.
I bought a banner for Eleanor so she can hang it in her room. I will send it soon. I hope she likes it.
I hope Bob & Sis have a grand time on their vacation. If it was like last year I'm sure they will.
Boy Ele is certainly stepping out. Boy I would love to see you all again. I just pray every night I get someplace east. If it's far enough east ma
[y]be some of you can come & see me? Ma[y]be huh? I'm praying.
I'll include some pictures I had made. One of the fellows took them at McChord Field (Difranza is his name, he is in one of the pictures). Some were also taken here. I wrote on the back describing them. I hope you like them.
The weather here is still swell. I'm in the best of health. Hope you all are also. So until my next letter I remain,
Your Loving Soldier Boy
Love & Kisses

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 68

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/8/43
Letter No. 68
Rec'd 103, 104, 105

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

I was so happy to receive two letters. It seems like I waited so long for them.
You say that Coney Island is getting full of negros [sic]. Isn't funny how different races keep moving from one section to another. I guess in another 10 years the Ridgewood section will have a different language, I mean nationality, in it. Isn't that right?
If I was back at McChord Field and I did get my furlough I would not be able to fly home as the army restricted that just in case of emergency. But we don't have to worry about that for awhile. I am sorry to say. But if I did get my furlough it would be 7 days & traveling time. I hope you didn't feel too disappointed that I didn't get my furlough. I guess you were disappointed but we'll just keep our fingers crossed that the college I get sent to is East?
You said that you will go to church to see Elfrieda get married if she considers you all as friends. Well I'm glad she did send the invitation because there is no hard feelings and never will be. I wish you would buy Elfrieda a wedding present and put a little money gift in for me. $5.00 I guess. What do you think ma. I think I should put something like that to show that there are no feelings. Isn't that right ma?
You guessed right when you guessed I didn't have any money. You see we were shipped from McChord on the 29 & the 31 was pay day. That means we were red lined & won't get paid till next month or ma
[y]be a partial payment on the 15 of August. Thanks ma. I will hold on the the money to see how I make out at the college.
Our trip from McChord was made at night so I didn't see many towns but I think I know the route. First we went north about 30 miles to Auburn to get a pullman car. Then we headed east passing thru Palmer, Roslyn, Cle Elum, Ellensburg, Beverly, Othello, Walden,
[?], Ritz, Cheney, Spokane. Then we headed southeast passing thru Rosalia, Oaksdale, Garfield, Palouse, Pullman & thru Moscow. I cam pretty sure that's the route. Moscow is right on the border of Washington & Idaho.
I still have my map. Boy I certainly traveled a lot. But I have one desire & that is to travel east.
You ask me what happened to Peggy. Nothing happened to Peggy. Peggy was just a good friend but I think, in fact I know, I like Anita a lot better even tho I know her for such a short time.
Anita is about 5'1" has brown hair, greenish blue gray eyes (I don't know what the color is you would call that). She is slim (probably only weighs as much as Boby). She has a perfect set of white teeth and cute. Do you think you can picture her. I'll see if she's got an extra picture & send it to you. Oh I forgot she's 18 years old.
Helen Riley still writes to me. And she always writes a nice letter too.
I think my eyes bothered me because I wasn't used to staring at books. They feel better now.
I feel fine especially getting to bed regular each night. It really does you a lot of good.
Friday we had the same routine in school.
Sat. we just had classes in the morning & Sat. afternoon we were able to go into town if we liked but we only went in the nite. Boy what a dull town. Anita said in one of her letters "I laughed a little when I looked on the map and found out that Moscow only had a population of 300 four thousand people." She said "It must be an awful come down, just N.Y. then Tacoma, & now Moscow. But there is the compensation of peace & quiet which will be helpful in studying." I think she's right. But still is an awful dull place on Sat. nite. THere are two small movie houses. Two dance halls & a carnival that moved out last night. We went to the show & saw "They came to blow up America." It was pretty good. Then we went to the dance and didn't stay there very long as the average age of the girls there were so young & most of them couldn't dance. Then we took a look at the carnival, we stayed there about 15 minutes. So all in all we had a fine time doing nothing. In a way I'm glad tho, as Anita says "a peaceful quiet town will help in studying." Right?
Today I'll write letters & study.
The weather here has been cool. I like it too, I can think good in cool weather.
How is Boby making out with her unit? And how is Bob & Ele making out with the piano? And how is Ann making out with her knitting? Let me know ma. I hope everybody is in the best of health. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. Thank Ele for her clipping. I don't know what's happening to Brooklyn. It won't seem like Brooklyn without Camilli, will it?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 67

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/5/43
Letter No. 67
Rec'd ----

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

It is now about 9:30 PM Thursday nite and I want to get a letter off before lights out at 10:30.
Today we started our refresher course and just now my head is going round & round. I'll have to do plenty of studying & I do mean studying. Our first class this morning was a study period, next we went to physics, then math & then chemistry. Being that this is a refresher course they just start from the beginning & shoot thru the book and then plenty of work to do trying to keep up with them. After those periods we had chow & then back to a class called military correspondence. After that we have calisthenics & close order drill for two hours. That brings us up to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Then we take a shower, rush into town for a few min. to pick up some pictures (we had duplicates made) then we rush back to chow. After that we go to a study hall from 7:30 to 9 o'clock where we do our homework. I just got out of study hall now & that brings me up to where I started this letter. I am sorry if it's written in a hurry, because I want to get as much written as possible tonite.
Yesterday we had
[it] pretty easy because we were waiting to be assigned to classes & didn't have anything to do so I washed some clothes & ironed my shirt & then did some studying.
Last nite we had a little rain storm & it thundered. It started just as I went to bed about 10:30. It was the first time it rained since I'm here.
Boy it's swell to sleep here. It's nice & cool at nite & a nice cool breeze blows thru the room & you just fall asleep. I think it's the most comfortable I slept in the army.
I don't know whether I told you or not but I got a letter from Sonny & he is making out as an aviation cadet. He passed all his tests. He is at Helena, Ark. He sends his best regards.
I also received two letters from Anita Becker, the girls I started to tell you about in the other letter. Ma she seems like an awful swell girl. She's getting her picture made for me & she is getting my picture made from the studio I got the pictures made for you. She makes me feel swell. I really miss her. It's too bad I couldn't see her a little more. Well that's the way things go & I guess the war won't last forever, especially the way our boys are cleaning up on the other side.
I am in the best of health hope you are all in the best of health. And Ma how are you feeling? I hope I receive a letter from you tomorrow. I am just dying to get some word from home. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 66

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U. of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Dear 8/3/43
Letter No. 66
Rec'd ----

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Well everybody I'm in. I passed my tests and today I had an interview & went before the board of 3 officers & I'm accepted. Isn't that swell. They will have classes here for refresher courses in math, physics & chemistry. We will attend these classes until we are called for shipment to a permanent college. I'm praying it's someplace east of the Mississippi. Then after the first 3 months I can get a week off and get home without any trouble. The course I am in is basic Engineering. If I make the first 3 months I go on to the second three months, etc.
One of the boys had some film left in his camera & we took a couple more pictures today. If they turn out OK I will send them on. How did you like the others I sent?
Gosh there isn't much to say because there isn't anything to do around the campus during the week. But as soon as we start our refresher course here, (which can last from 3 days on) we will also have some exercise in the afternoon. I think I will like that.
We have to leave the study hall in a few months so I shall close & try to write tomorrow.
So until then I hope you all are in the best of health. So until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

P.S. I am a buck Private again. But don't feel too bad. There is a master sgt. with us who is now a buck private also. After the course is over & we make the grade we will automatically get stripes. It's a good deal what do you say?
P.S. Borella & Davidson also made it. We will probably stick together for a long time yet.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele Letter No. 65

P.F.C. Anthony J. Curcio
Co. "A" STAR Unit 3902
U of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho

Date 8/2/43
Letter No. 65
Rec'd ---

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,

Boy being at this place portray the army life. We don't have revellie in the morning. Just get up & make your bed before 8 o'clock. But I got up for breakfast.
Sat. we took tests all day. First we were given a psychology test which wasn't to[o] easy. After that we were given an algebra test and last a geometry test. Boy they made my head twirl. I don't think they were to[o] hard. The thing is I didn't have anything like that in such a long time. But they say they are pretty lenient.
Sunday morning Davidson, Borella & I took pictures. I will include them in this letter. I think they came out OK. What do you say?
I also have some postcards which I will send.
Sunday afternoon, Davidson & I went to play a little golf on the University golf course. Davidson was trying to teach me. I got a couple of good wallops that made me feel pretty good. But I think I will need a lot of practice.
Sunday nite I studied some more with one of the boys. We are restricted to the campus grounds all week. The only time we are allowed off is 1 hr. from 5:30 to 6:30 at night incase we want to pick up a few odds & ends & Sat nite & Sunday afternoon we can get off the University grounds. Sunday nite we have to stay in and study. Every nite except Sat. & Sunday we have to come to the Study Hall (where I am now) from 7:30 to 9 o'clock. Then we go back to the barracks & lights out at 10:30.
Today we were supposed to be interviewed to see how we made out etc. But they weren't ready for us so we have to go back tomorrow. Boy I hate to wait in suspense.
I hope I receive some mail tomorrow. I didn't receive any since I'm here.
How is everything home? Is everybody OK?
I will close now because I want to write on the postcards & pictures. Until my next letter I remain
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

On the back of the picture above, it says, This came the best. Borella is in the middle. Davidson is at the end. You can get a slight glimpse of the hills in the background. Taken on the campus grounds. 8/1/43