Friday, March 27, 2009

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele, Letter No. 35

Pvt. Anthony J. Curcio
4th A.F.R.D. - SQD. "L"
Hammer Field, Fresno, Calf.

Date 3-27-43
Letter No. 35
Rec'd 41 & 42

Dear Ma, Pa, Barb, Ann, Ele,

It's Sat. night & my name is on the shipping list so I probably will be shipped tomorrow or Monday. I hope it's a school & will write or send a telegram as soon as I arrive at my destination.
I wrote Wed. night so I shall continue from there on. On Thurs. I got a permanent detail for the duration I was here, which didn't last very long. I'm glad though now I shall be settled in a little while anyway. By the way, the two fellows that I am sticking with are on the same shipping list. That's good news because they are both classified as draftsmen. I think I told you that in my last letters.
Thurs. night I went to the library to look at some books to refresh my memory.
Fri. morning I took my test to see whether I go to college or not. Well to tell you the truth, it was a tough test. My friends also said it was tough. So we all say if we pass it, "We did pretty good guessing." I'll still be plenty satisfied if I go to ordinary drafting school. Because if we don't pass it, we know that we just didn't have enough knowledge for the college course. That's plenty good enough for me. Then we are all satisfied. Right?
Fri. night we got a pass (6 hrs) into Fresno, the Roma Wine City in the heart of San Joaquin Valley. I must say it's a very clean beautiful city. The landscaping is perfect. I will send postcards I picked up in town & they are just as you see them. So I guess you can imagine what a beautiful little city it is.
I went in for the only purpose of buying things. First of all to see whether I could get anything for your birthday. The only thing I got was postcards. All the stores close at 6 o'clock. So we walked around a little & then came back to the camp. I noticed a few odd things that struck me very modern & forth coming. They have a bell ring when the lights change on the street corner. In other words when it changes from red to green the bell rings & vice versa. And at each street corner the gutter slopes up to meet the sidewalk. So when you are walking along to sidewalk you can continue to the other corner without stepping down & up. Isn't that a neat little trick.
Today we didn't do much as our name is on shipping.
I did see the mirrors at J.B. They certainly are a smart idea. I am sending it back so you can keep it with the rest.
About my income tax paper. I did hear something about it back at J.B. but didn't pay much attention to it as I thought you would take care of it. After all I don't know how much I made or anything like that. If Mr. Massa says you can't fill it out for me, ask Boby to ask her boss about it. If you still can't fill it out for me, let me know & I will investigate the matter further at my next camp O.K. I will close now & if I get a chance to write again before I leave I will if not don't worry & will get in touch with you before I leave I will if not don't worry & will get in touch with you as soon as I set foot in my next camp.
Your Loving Soldier Boy,

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