U.S. Army
23 TNG. GRP.
SQD. "A"
Jefferson Barracks, Mo.
Date 3-11-43
Letter No. 29
Rec'd 38
Dear Mom, Pa, Barb, Ann & Ele,
How is everybody today? O.K. That's swell.
I'm still fine & I believe I'm still picking up weight. I wish I could weigh myself some place.
Well as I told you in the last letter I'm a casual and get details or something as we are waiting for shipment. They are shipping quite a few out everyday. But I'm still here. One fellow was shipped out today but was sent back because his temperature was 99.2. The won't take anybody over 98.
Yesterday all the details were filled up so we just drilled a bit& walked a bit and went back to our huts early. In the night right after chow I went to mass & received ashes on my head. Then I came back & wrote a letter to Ele (Elfreida).
Today my name was on detail so we went to a different part of the camp & was shoveling dirt. They were pouring concrete foundations for one of the buildings. I don't mind details. They aren't so bad here.
Tonight I'm going to bed early because I got K.P. I'm glad I got it tomorrow. Then there will be less chance that I get it on Sunday.
Today I got a letter from Mary, Frank & Roberta. It was a very nice letter. She says she's been married 5 years now & only saw the family a few times but the more she sees them the better she likes them. It was the nicest letter I received from Pop's side.
I also received two cards from Dot & Dave. She drops me a card or letter every now and then. I think it's very nice of them. Does anybody drop in once in awhile? I wish you would if anybody gets the time.
Maybe Ann's eyes are the cause for her headaches. I hope the eye glasses will cure it. Being she has a job now I think she will feel much better.
Today I also received the package Boby sent. It is very complete and I'm sure Helen Riley will enjoy it very much. And thanks Bob for your interesting letter.
Well I think that's all for tonight. I want to write a letter to Grandma & maybe have time to answer another letter before lights go out. So until my next letter I remain,
Your Loving Soldier Boy,
P.S. One fellow just walked in our hut (he came from N.Y. also) and told us he was shipping in the morning to a school in N.Y. How is that for a break. I wish I would get a break like that.
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